After leaving City Hall, Ross and Lilith drove to Arkham Sanitarium.

Today's Arkham Sanitarium has not changed much except for the floor renovation. After all, expansion is not a trivial matter.

Ross planned to use this place as Arkham's extraordinary containment center. The building's material, foundation, and specifications could not use normal plans.

Walking into the lobby, the sanatorium, which used to be peaceful, deserted, and even lonely and strange, has now become very lively and busy.

It's not that there are more patients here, but that their business has become very busy now.

With Arkham Sanatorium as the core theme, Los established two independent departments here.

One is the traditional Arkham Sanatorium, which is mainly responsible for the admission and treatment of patients, with Kulvern in charge.

The other is the Blood Therapy Research Institute, which was founded under the leadership of Dr. Morsi.

Nowadays, due to space constraints, the entire institute can only rely on the underground space of the sanatorium.

But Lowes has already begun looking for a new site for the institute.

The new site was directly opposite the sanatorium, behind the homes of Los and Doctors Morsi.

It was a row of very old apartments that had not been occupied for several years and were surrounded by tall poplar trees.

The owner of this apartment died two years ago, and for some reason it became the property of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce.

With the collapse of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, this place naturally became a government asset.

Ross is planning to build a large enough research institute here, and it can be connected to the underground space of the sanatorium through underground fortifications, which will be very convenient for subsequent collaborative research.

Because Morsi's place was so busy, the free medical staff at the nursing home also went there to help.

If you are too professional, you can clean the relevant instruments. As a medical professional with professional knowledge, there is still no problem.

The two people walked along the room on the first floor and then directly came to the huge space underground.

At this time, most of the previously empty underground space was filled with various instruments. At this time, with the help of a group of medical staff, fat inhibitors were being produced in batches.

In the laboratory inside, bursts of exclamations continued to come out.

Ross walked in curiously, and happened to see a middle-aged man with thick chest hair and glasses squeezing someone's hand and shouting happily.

When he was excited, Morsi immediately noticed Los's arrival, and then he hurriedly grabbed the middle-aged man and said, "Master!"

The middle-aged man recovered from his happiness. The moment he heard Morsi's voice, he knew the identity of this young man.

"Lick Wayne, meet the young master!" The middle-aged man was very polite.

Here Morsi introduced: "Master, this is my good friend, Wayne. He is an expert specializing in genetic mutation. Because of his talent, he was once captured by the Life Creator Organization to work and then stole His results turned him into an experimental subject, and he has been hiding in the underground world since he escaped. "

"He has a nickname in our circle, called Midnight Madman. There is a powerful guy hidden in his body, giving him a powerful combat power of level 25."

Lilith looked at Wayne and smiled slightly: "I can clearly feel the madness and bloodthirsty in his heart."

After seeing Lilith, Wayne felt that his other self seemed to be suffering from some fatal attraction, and he was about to rush out out of control.

Ross narrowed his eyes slightly, and an oppressive aura came out.

Wayne immediately felt his face turn pale, and his crazy self actually felt a deep fear, like a frightened little animal that had calmed down, hiding in the deepest part of his heart.

Wayne's eyes suddenly brightened when he saw it, and only then did he completely confirm the authenticity of what Morsi said.

Ross smiled slightly: "It will be honest for a long time. I am safe here. Next, I need your wisdom and talent."

Wayne immediately bowed with great gratitude and said, "I am willing to serve you."

"Okay, let's talk about your results!" Lose walked over with a smile.

Morsi's eyes suddenly lit up and he immediately started talking nonstop.

"Master, the bodies of those genetic warriors you gave us are very crucial. We have verified many of our conjectures and plans in their bodies. Come and see this!"

Morsi said, guiding Los to an operating table.

At this time, a very thin young man was lying on the operating table.

This young man had many weird scars on his body, and his entire left arm was severed.

Judging from his pale body, he was already dead.

"We have discovered through experiments that fusion blood can not only fuse different substances, but through the reverse reaction we have formed, it can even restore and separate cells that have been fused and mutated."

Wayne took the words and said excitedly: "Master, the man you see now was once covered with weird scales. He was a genetic warrior formed by the imperial military through the genetic fusion with a crocodile. Now, we have restored the crocodile gene in his body and turned his body back into an ordinary person!”

Lilith, who didn't know much about this thing, asked: "Is there anything magical about this?"

"Of course!" Wayne shouted excitedly.

"All mutations and fusions are one-way streets. Once you pass through, you can't go back. But it's different with fusion blood. We can turn this road into a two-way street!"

"You know, the road of mutation and evolution is full of uncertainty and danger. The success rate of each experiment is less than one thousandth. Once the sample is completely lost after mutation, a lot of time will be lost, and even the only experimental opportunity will be lost."

"But now it's different. With fusion blood, we can have unlimited opportunities and possibilities! We can even select the best solutions in continuous experiments and continuously improve genetic evolution!"

Los clapped his hands and said, "Very good! Very good! This discovery is very critical! Its existence ensures that our blood therapy has the possibility of continuous optimization and adjustment in the future!"

Then, Murthy said excitedly: "Master, this is just a basic discovery. We have preliminarily completed the first step of the fusion experiment based on fusion blood."

"What experiment?" Los asked curiously.

Murthy clapped his hands, and then a young man with muscles like steel walked out from the side.

"Rum!?" Los recognized him at a glance.

Rum was stunned after hearing this, and then the steel on his body quickly retreated, turning into the familiar appearance of a young man.

Murthy said excitedly: "Since they are reversible, we can control our own form at any time, and we don't need to become a monster forever!"

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