Rum was a little surprised to be recognized by Los at a glance. After all, it was the first time he looked like this. Even Debbie didn't recognize him and was shocked by her.

"Mayor, how did you recognize me?" Rum was a little curious, but more happy and excited.

Because this means that his existence has a certain meaning and use to the mayor, otherwise the mayor would not recognize him so happily.

His childhood experience made Rum a very realistic person. Although he received a lot of care, he never expected the mayor to have any special care or other feelings for him.

He just hopes that the mayor can regard himself as a useful tool.

After all, for children like them, proving that they have the value of existence is far more direct than receiving compassion and care.

Ross smiled and said, "You are our little hero from Arkham!"

Rum was very happy and excited when he heard that. He knocked on his chest hard and said, "I will definitely not let you down!"

Morsi said with approval on his face: "Rum is brave and has a very strong heart. He has a strong desire to explore and change, and he also has enough courage."

"He took the initiative to conduct experiments on him. This process can be said to be very painful. I originally planned to let him feel some pain before replacing him, but I didn't expect that this little giant really persisted."

Now only twelve years old, Rum seems to have matured a lot. He clenched his fists and said: "I want to contribute my own strength to this city, instead of continuing to hide behind Uncle Jike and the others."

"Good ambition."

Ross came over and touched Rum's head, and said seriously: "Your ideal is destined to be realized!"

After giving enough encouragement to the three people, Morsi continued to introduce his results.

"According to the observations in the past two days, the mutated Rum requires about two and a half times more energy than before. After the transformation, the skin tissue all over his body will transform into a structural tissue close to metal. The hardness of this tissue is different from that of normal The hardness of steel is the same.”

"But since this is just an experiment, only the entire body structure is modified, and there is no obvious improvement in endurance and strength."

Ross nodded, turned to Rum and asked, "How do you feel?"

Rum pondered for a moment and made a detailed summary and then said: "There is no uncomfortable feeling after the transformation, but it consumes a lot of energy. The entire transformation is like I am running normally. I am not tired at first, but will Getting tired."

"The muscles with the strength of steel do not have any blockage. The characteristics of the fusion blood give the softness of the living body to steel. After the transformation, my body does not feel any other hardness."

"According to my senses, the deepening of the fusion, and the strengthening of my own control, I can control my body to make local transformations and adjustments in the future, which will make me more flexible."

"Finally, I discovered that after my body successfully mutated, I seemed to be able to faintly absorb an energy that I couldn't understand from the blood wine. This energy could gradually strengthen my body, but the amplitude was very small and it took a long time. accumulation.”

Upon hearing this, Wayne immediately said: "This is the effect of fusion blood. Fusion blood can perfectly fuse the dominant genes in the blood of various creatures. That is to say, when our people successfully mutate through fusion blood, , you can make yourself stronger by continuously ingesting the blood of other creatures.”

When Los heard this, he was suddenly shocked: "Yes! This is it! This is it!"

This is what Los has always wanted, the true foundation and beginning of blood therapy!

Morsi naturally knew Los's plan, and added: "However, it should be noted that the human body has limits. Even if our bodies mutate, they can only move forward on a very narrow road. , so even if we take in a large amount of blood, we can only take in at most two types of blood that match our own mutation direction. "

"Once more is taken in different directions, in the future, the human body will collapse and become an unconscious ball of flesh."

Ross looked at Rum's current form and said happily: "Very good! Very good! This is the system I have always wanted. This is the path for us Arkham residents to evolve in the future!"

From the beginning, Los Angeles wanted to create an extraordinary system centered on blood.

Although he has set a hundred-level system for this world, due to the lack of supplementary settings, the extraordinary system of the entire world is very vague.

How to upgrade effectively? No one knows.

How many routes does Chaofan have? Nobody knows.

How many ways are there to gain extraordinary power? This is even more unclear.

In the past two days, through the Green Covenant and the Eye of Insight, combined with the current situation in various cults, it has not been long since the extraordinary power of this world has just awakened.

All forces are groping forward, and no one has a universal system.

Green Covenant means that after signing a so-called covenant, you can obtain knowledge from the covenant. After obtaining the knowledge, you can continue to upgrade through sufficient exercise and actual combat.

Eye of Insight is simpler and cruder, and the way for everyone to upgrade is to rely on rewards.

These rewards include potions that directly improve physical fitness, various books on developing the human body's potential, and even so-called special bloodlines and superpowers, which can be given directly to them through a special existence they call "the source".

As for the military, they directly used alien technology to transform soldiers into tools, with almost no possibility of subsequent improvement.

As for the major cult organizations, they all gained special inhuman powers by worshiping ancient gods and evil gods.

At the same time, these organizations knew that various bloods in this world had special powers, but no one knew how to use this power.

And it is not just blood that has power. Eyes, brain marrow, and internal organs can give humans special powers, so no one noticed the special nature of blood.

Before today, even Los did not have a clear direction and goal for the future development of this blood therapy system.

But after hearing what Rum and Mursi said, he suddenly realized that the fusion blood was the cornerstone of all blood therapy and the beginning of his creation of the blood era!

Thinking of this, Los suddenly said with some emotion: "Murthy, Wayne, Rum, you have created a new era."

"Because of your discovery, the entire Arkham has already led the world and entered an extraordinary era ahead of time!"

Hearing Los's bold words, the three people suddenly heard the emotion, and they beat their chests and said loudly: "We are willing to follow you forever!"

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