Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 167 Diluted Blood of the Ancient God

Seeing such a scene, both Danny and Char knew very well that they could not make the decision in the face of such a scene.

Just by looking at it, they knew that these things were not something that the two of them could handle.

As a result, the two people quickly notified the correspondent who came with them and reported to Los through the radio.

Ross, who was in the city hall, was worried about one thing at this time, and that was the lack of people!

The previous Arkham was very primitive and backward. The city hall had many functions. Everyone dealt with several aspects of things at the same time. Therefore, there were almost no professional talents. Everyone had two knives, and the work efficiency was extremely low.

For a long time in the future, he plans to carry out infrastructure construction in Arkham, build roads and bridges, and renovate the east and river areas, all of which require a large number of talents and manpower.

At the same time, adequate supervision is also needed in terms of attracting investment, and more talents are needed in terms of preferential policies, taxation, government finance, etc.

Los now discovered that the entire Arkham did not even have independent civil affairs agencies, census agencies and marriage registries.

As for the rest of the Ministry of Finance, there is even less department to deal with investment promotion!

In today's Arkham, what Los lacks is not execution ability. Nowadays, the entire citizenry has such a fanatical admiration for Los. Even if Los suddenly declares himself independent and becomes the emperor, no one will question or object.

What he lacks now is professionals with very strong business capabilities.

Therefore, he is now preparing to set up a separate personnel department, which will be responsible for the unified management of all positions and employees throughout the city government and the recruitment of talents from all over the country.

"This personnel department is very important. It is almost related to the development of Arkham for a long time to come. It is the top priority of my future plans. Lilith, I can only leave this matter to you." Lose looked serious. said.

Lilith looked down at the plan written by Los, and nodded confidently and seriously: "Don't worry, Master, I won't let you down."

Lilith is actually very suitable for human resources work. Her special abilities and related experiences give her spiritual insight into people's hearts.

Even in the aspect of looking at people, Los is not as good as Lilith, and she has to do this.

Ross continued: "At this stage, your personnel department has extremely high authority. It is up to you to identify employees in relevant departments, compare the relevant salaries and benefits of other city governments in the empire, and formulate a recruitment plan that has the final advantage and can control costs. Daryl and the various regional committees are fully cooperating with you in this matter."

"Okay, I'll deal with it now." Lilith seemed to already know about this matter.

Ross asked curiously: "What? Do you have a target?"

Lilith chuckled: "Although my wisdom is not as good as one ten millionth of my master's, I still like to observe human beings. There are some very interesting people I have kept in my mind these days."

"Well, I'll leave this matter to you!"

Lilith then left with a strange smile on her lips.

Just after Lilith left, Daryl hurried over with a piece of paper and said: "Mayor, there is news from Danny."

Ross lowered his head and looked at the brief content above. After seeing the words "suspected blood of special creatures", he stood up and said: "Get the car ready, I want to go to Innsmouth."



An hour later, Ross arrived in the car at Innsmouth, which was in ruins.

Today, all the buildings in Innsmouth have been flattened, and there are huge ravines everywhere. The ground near the coast has completely collapsed, and seawater has poured in, reducing the entire city's area by about one-tenth.

Turning around and getting out of the car, Los heard a harsh crunching sound just as he landed.

Looking down, he saw that an old man's forearm bone had been broken by Los.

"Over the years, I don't know how many people have died completely in fear." Loss sighed and walked towards the east side of the city.

The entire city has been abandoned, cars cannot drive in, and this section of the road can only be walked.

As he strolled forward, Los looked around to both sides. The ruins were mixed with dark red blood, and the whole city was filled with a fishy smell.

Ross knew that in a few years, if it was not cleaned up in time, this stench would turn into putrid stench, and then this place would become the source of countless bacteria and plagues.

"Mayor!" As they passed by, two soldiers who were cleaning up the rubble suddenly saluted with respect.

Ross smiled and nodded, continued to move forward, and soon saw Char and Danny waiting outside.

"Master!" The two came over in a hurry.

Ross nodded and said, "Let's go and have a look below."

Then the three people came to the underground space again along the stairs.

As soon as he came down, Los's eyes were attracted by the egg-shaped objects in the surrounding pool.

Of course, what really attracted him was not the egg, but the bit of dark green liquid in it that was about the size of an adult's index finger.

"Come here, this trip is not in vain!" Ross looked happy and satisfied when he saw this thing.

Danny asked curiously: "Master, what is this?"

Los said: "These are diluted blood of ancient gods. Judging from this state, they are rewards from the Dagon Secret Cult to their believers."

"Diluted blood of the ancient gods!?" Upon hearing this, the two of them were shocked.

Ross came to the edge of the pool, picked up an egg-shaped object, reached out and pinched the drop of dark green liquid inside and put it into his mouth.

In an instant, a breath of madness and chaos burst out from the blood, rushing directly to Lose's head along the mouth.

Unfortunately, what it faced was not an ordinary human being.

This thought didn't even break through the barrier of Ross's oral mucosa before it was instantly decomposed without a trace by the saliva in Ross's mouth.

Then Ross Barba chimed and said: "Although the taste is not good, the purity is pretty good. The dilution ratio should be about 50:1."

"If it's 50:1, can ordinary people use these things directly?" Char asked curiously.

Los shook his head and said: "Of course it won't work. No matter how diluted it is, the existence represented by this blood is not something ordinary people can bear. If ordinary people take it rashly, they will only become a mass of unconscious meat that only knows how to devour madly." ”

Hearing this, Charley felt a chill in his heart, and then said with a wry smile: "This is different from the situation in fantasy novels."

Los said bluntly: "The heroes who gained invincibility by taking dragon's blood, if in reality, they might be directly burned to death by the dragon's blood, or it would have no effect, and finally the nutrients in it would be absorbed by them. It ended up being shit.”

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