After a brief explanation, Los turned around and looked at the quantities around him and said, "There are still about seventy drops, which is enough for Morsi and the others to experiment for a while."

After just tasting it, Los discovered that the blood of the ancient god here did not come from Cthulhu, but from another ancient god.

Another point is that he is sure that the ancient god has not come to this world, because the blood of these ancient gods is extracted from human bodies through special methods.

"Through special faith, let the power of the ancient gods grow in your body. It takes all the nutrients of a human being to condense such a drop of diluted blood of the ancient gods."

Yes, the blood of the ancient gods here has been in a diluted state since its appearance.

After all, this ancient god's blood is not any other chemical agent. It can be diluted by just adding some water.

The only people who can dilute the blood of the ancient gods are ancient gods, or half-step ancient gods like Los.

Ross reminded: "Be careful when transporting and don't destroy these eggs. The blood of these ancient gods is very unstable. Once they are directly exposed to the air, it is a trivial matter to cause the people around them to go crazy. The real danger is that they aggregate with each other." rise up and form special monsters."

Danny nodded immediately after hearing this: "Understood!"

After dealing with the matters here, Los turned his head and set his sights on the central altar of this space.

"The Dagon Secret Cult actually worships two gods at the same time?" Loss looked at the two thrones in the middle, and finally his eyes fell on the fountain in the middle.

"It's not that two gods are worshiped at the same time, but one is worshiped and the other is suppressed!?" Loss could tell at a glance that the fountain was the center of the entire altar, and the viscous substance flowing in the fountain belonged to Cthulhu, a statue in the true sense. The blood of the Old Ones.

Through observation, Los discovered that the altar was completely hollow, with a large number of blood vessel-like circuits in the middle, in which the thick blood continuously circulated.

And the special force they formed completely blocked and suppressed the entire ground here.

"In other words, there is also a dungeon maze beneath Innsmouth where the ancient gods are sealed!?" Ross's eyes suddenly lit up when he thought of this.

"That's right. This can explain why they have the blood of other ancient gods."

Afterwards, Lose used all his knowledge to look around the altar in detail.

"The altar was built later, about a thousand years ago."

"The altar is connected to the entire ground. If you want to enter it, you must first master the flow of the blood of the old god."

Thinking of this, Los jumped up and came directly to the altar.

The entire fountain is not big. The lines below seem to be composed of countless shells. There is no excess blood stored in the lower pool.

The blood flowing out from under the top statue penetrated and started a new cycle the moment it fell.

Standing next to the fountain, just standing there, Ross felt a deep malice and madness. Even the existence of this blood was a blasphemy to the entire world and the source of all filth and evil.

Lose stretched out his palm and directly caught a lump of sticky blood.

The moment this blood came into contact with Los's skin, it started to boil crazily like hot oil dripping into water.

Then the blood combined with each other and turned into an indescribable weird thing full of weird tentacles and tentacles. While this thing penetrated and devoured Loss's body tissue, it began to spread along the blood vessels to Ross's heart and brain.

At this moment, Los felt that his spirit was being dragged into the dark sea.

At the lower end of the ocean where no one can reach, there is an extremely magnificent and huge temple.

In the middle of this temple, an indescribably huge and terrifying being is sitting there. The terrifying wings that can cover the sky, each one is like a tentacle as huge as a mountain range, and the arm is like an Optimus Pillar, just sitting there. There, one feels despair and begins to wonder why one has reason and why one sees everything in front of him.

In a daze, Los saw the arm on the left side of the behemoth slowly stretching towards him, and then an indescribable voice sounded in his ears.

At this moment, Ross's spirit was severely damaged. Countless chaos and filth filled his mind, making him unable to think normally.

In reality, it seemed that all the dark green blood had stopped circulating and was now gathering towards Los as if it had its own consciousness.

A large amount of blood seeped down Ross's arm, constantly devouring Ross's normal body.

At this moment, the entire left side of Los's body turned dark green, and at the same time, strange scales began to grow, and began to swell and deform, gradually leaving the human form.

At this critical moment, the head on Los's body suddenly grew a pair of wings, which flapped and flew away from his neck into the air.

The moment his head left his body, Los's soulless eyes instantly regained all their divine light, and then the blood that was about to devour his body quickly retreated from his body like time went backwards.

"Now that you're here, don't leave!" Ross sneered at this moment, stretched out his hand, and grabbed this large ball of keyboard glue-like stuff in his hand.

This dark green liquid seemed to have lost all its power at this time, and it just wanted to leave Loss' control as soon as possible.

At this time, Los waved his hand casually, and a key with a dim light suddenly appeared in his hand.

Then he took out the key and twisted it hard against the mass, as if opening a door.

For a moment, the dark green thing was surrounded by countless light spots, and then disappeared in the next second, and no one knew where it went.

Los put away the silver key and said, "Fortunately, I left a back door, so that my head can take off at the critical moment, otherwise I would have been hit this time."

The blood of Cthulhu here is not the real blood of the old gods, but a special liquid that carries part of the power of the old gods.

Just now, Los's mind was completely occupied by Cthulhu and came to the edge of madness, so Los's head fell off directly.

The infinitely extendable mind immediately carried all the horrors given by Cthulhu, and also gained a lot of knowledge about the ocean and Cthulhu.

Faced with this situation, the sealed Old Ones had no way to deal with it, and could only watch Los escape from His control.

After carefully calculating his current situation, Los unexpectedly discovered that after obtaining some knowledge from Cthulhu, he actually increased his level by five.

"Let me see, I got some strange knowledge again."

"The Breeding Techniques of Deep Divers", "The Techniques of Dreaming in Eternal Sleep", "How to Make Humans Think They Are the God of Creation"

"What the hell is this?"

I have something to do these two days, so I will start with two chapters

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