Chapter 172 Mona Lisa Sulk

Hearing the name of the ocean pioneer, a lot of information quickly appeared in Los' mind.

Three hundred years ago, human navigation technology gradually matured, and people shifted their attention from land to the mysterious and vast ocean.

At that time, the Sulk family was one of the many ocean pioneers at that time.

At the beginning, the entire Sulk family was just an unknown small speculator, engaged in the business of reselling goods on the sea.

What changed all this was the third decade after the beginning of the great voyage.

A genius appeared in the Sulk family, named Mona Lisa Sulk.

This fierce man was born in the Sulk family in the year when the great voyage began. He has a very outstanding talent for modern science such as machinery since he was a child.

When she was thirty years old, she successfully improved the clock, greatly improved the accuracy of the clock at that time, and added the calendar function to the large ship-borne clock.

This technology is revolutionary. You know, those ocean-going ships often don't see land for half a year or even a year, and they don't know the flow of time, which can easily make the crew fall into a kind of confused madness.

And this technology can at least give the crew hope every day, and allow the captain to calculate time at all times and make relevant plans.

If the first technology is the icing on the cake, then the second one can be said to have changed the navigation process of the entire empire.

That is the improvement of the compass.

The original compass is very backward and inaccurate. With the continuous navigation, it is often disturbed by the magnetic field of different regions, causing failure or pointing to the wrong direction.

The compass improved by Mona Lisa Sulk not only has a clear improvement in accuracy, but also has a very strong anti-interference ability. For the first time, a more refined scale was added to the compass, dividing the original east, west, north and south into sixty intervals.

In the following decades, the Sulk family swept the entire navigation era with these two technologies. Even later, the empire stipulated that all ships that wanted to go to sea needed to be equipped with these two things and equipment, otherwise they were prohibited from going to sea.

Relying on the support of the empire, the Sulk family turned to open a shipyard. Mona Lisa Sulk showed her amazing talent at this time. The old wooden sailing ship was constantly improved under her imaginative design, and a huge evolution could be completed in almost two years.

After ten years, the first steel ship of the Rosas Empire went to sea.

Unfortunately, perhaps because of God's jealousy of talents, Mona Lisa Sulk died of overwork at the age of 42. Since then, the navigation technology of the entire empire has degenerated from high-speed rail speed to green-skinned train speed.

From then on, Mona Lisa Sulk was not only written into the history textbooks of the school, but also seen in all aspects. Her good habits in her youth became a model to guide young people, and bad habits became the precepts of all children.

Los knew the greatness of Mona Lisa Sulk from the textbooks since elementary school, and this name has been with him until he graduated from college.

In this era, the popularity of Mona Lisa Sulk is equivalent to the combination of Newton, Galileo, Darwin and other big guys.

Los put these memories behind his head for the time being and said with a smile: "What a group of big shots."

Char said seriously: "Master, the Sulk family still controls the largest marine transportation, hunting and many other businesses in the empire. Legend has it that they are also closely connected with the Imperial Navy. If you want to do it, don't leave any loopholes."

Los smiled at the approaching ships and said: "I understand that Arkham will also vigorously develop the shipbuilding industry in the future. If we break up with them, this plan will be aborted."

Seeing the four large ships approaching, the mermaids in the shallow sea began to become anxious.

Cos turned his head and looked at Los.

"Leave it to me." Los said, and asked Danny to quickly call Captain Oyok over.

"You should know the flag language, right? Let them dock according to the order of the Imperial Army." Los said.

Although Oyok didn't know what Los meant, he was still very clear about the order from the Queen.

So the signalman quickly arrived and began to command.

At the same time, on the whaling ship

"Master Borg, the army on the coast asked us to dock at the port." An old captain in his fifties said respectfully in the captain's room.

Next to him was a blond young man in his twenties.

The young man was tall and thin, with a slightly long face, a mustache, and a decent suit.

But at this time, he seemed a little casual sitting there, without a coat, the collar of his white shirt was unbuttoned, and he only wore a brown plaid vest outside.

Hearing this, the young man nodded slightly: "Do as they say."

"Master, do we really want to dock? We are here just to check the situation this time?" The old captain asked cautiously.

The problem in Innsmouth has completely erupted, and they naturally learned the news through the radio at sea.

They were nearby and happened to find a group of extremely rare mermaids, so they came here by the way.

The young man stood up and tied his collar and said, "Remember, we are businessmen outside. The first rule of being a businessman is to obey the command of the army at all times. Otherwise, you will not only die, but also become a traitor, and your family will not even get your inheritance."

The old captain sighed, "The young master is right."

Then he began to give orders.

After watching the four ships go to the port very obediently, Los was very satisfied.

"You wait here, Danny and Captain Oyok will go with me." Los said and walked towards the port of Innsmouth.

Innsmouth has been razed to the ground, and the port has naturally been affected. Although the shore is in a mess, the port near the sea is still intact.

Four whaling ships over 100 meters long gradually docked and anchored.

Afterwards, under the gaze of Los and others, a passage extended from the deck, and then a large number of fully armed guards walked down first.

Afterwards, the tall and thin young man walked down accompanied by the old captain.

Danny whispered, "Master, this is Borg Sulk, the third son of the Sulk family, and the fourth heir."

"Fourth in line, doesn't that mean there's no chance of succession?" Los raised his eyebrows.

The voice was neither loud nor soft, but Borg happened to hear it.

Borg's eyes flashed with dissatisfaction, but he still walked over with a smile on his face and asked Captain Oyok, "Captain, did we do something wrong? Let us dock now?"

Oyok said lightly, "Innsmouth is now under martial law. You entered the waters of Innsmouth without authorization, which is considered to be entering our blockade restricted area!"

Expected to reply three more on the 28th

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