Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 173 Specializing in infertility treatment

After hearing what Oyoke said, Borg looked vaguely at the position where Oyok was standing at this time. It was not in the middle position. It looked more like an entourage accompanying the young man who looked a little melancholy.

Borg smiled slightly and said: "It seems that we have been offended. Why don't you come in first and sit down? I think there should be no room for adjustment in this, right?"

Oyoke turned his head slightly and looked at Los.

After seeing Ross agree, he nodded in agreement.

Then the three people followed Borg and came to the boat along the steps.

While walking, Ross glanced at Borg twice and already had a clear idea of ​​the next conversation.

Passing through the corridor, the group came to a very neat and classically decorated cabin.

The decoration style of the entire cabin is still the simple gray and white style of Queen Mary's period three hundred years ago.

Ross's eyes lit up when he saw this kind of decoration, because this kind of decoration is very similar to the modern and simple style on the other side of the earth, but it has slightly added some more textured and contemporary ornaments and furniture.

Borg in front noticed the young man's eyes keenly and was suddenly surprised.

He could sense his appreciation for this departure from the prevailing style.

"Please sit down!" Borg greeted the three of them warmly.

Ross sat alone on the main sofa directly opposite Borg, while Oyoke and Danny sat on the secondary sofas on both sides.

Borg suddenly became a little curious about this young man.

At this time, Oyoke introduced: "This is the mayor of Arkham City, Los Arkham. Now the mayor of Arkham, under the order of the Queen, is temporarily in charge of handling the aftermath of Innsmouth."

Hearing this, Berg felt a little disappointed in his heart. He originally thought that this was a young talent from a big family that he didn't know, but he didn't expect that he was the mayor of that backward and deficient town.

Coupled with Ross's rude words just now, his favorable impression of Ross dropped rapidly.

Ross chuckled lightly and said, "A wealthy elite like Mr. Sik should not have the habit of judging people by their appearance, right?"

This was the second time that Borg heard Los speak. His tone was neither condescending nor condescending, and he replied lukewarmly: "Of course not. I will not underestimate anyone sitting across from me."

"Oh!? Really?" Ross's eyes flashed for a while.

"Mr. Sucker, do you know what is the biggest characteristic of many losers?" Los asked.

Borg: "Please give me some advice from the Mayor of Arkham."

Ross replied casually: "I have no self-awareness."

"Why?" Borg's eyes gradually became sharper. He knew that Los would definitely not say this for no reason.

Ross looked into his eyes, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips: "Just like now, when you don't know the other person's details at all, you tell such a low-quality lie."

"This allows the other party to see your childishness and innocence."

After hearing this, Borg's face quickly darkened, his fists slowly clenched, and he asked in a deep voice: "Are you here to cause trouble today?"

When these words came out, the guards on both sides gradually put their hands behind their backs and prepared for battle.

Ross saw Borg leaning on the sofa in a relaxed posture and said: "You didn't attack directly. It seems that you still have some sense. You are not the kind of playboy who has fun every day."

Borg was not stupid. Listening to Lose's tone at this moment, he knew that this young mayor was definitely not here to show off his power to him.

Breathing out a breath, Berg asked: "It seems that Mr. Mayor's visit this time was not an impromptu visit."

Ross nodded slightly, looked around at the people on both sides and said, "It seems a little inconvenient for these people to hear what I'm going to say next."

"They are all my confidants." Borg replied calmly.

Ross raised his eyebrows: "Then do they know the reason why Mr. Sik has not married yet?"

Upon hearing this, Borg's expression suddenly changed.

Ross said: "Captain Oyoke, I have some suspicions that there are some irregular cargoes on this ship. I would like you to check it out. I also hope that Mr. Sik will cooperate."

Borg pondered for a moment, nodded slightly, turned his head to signal, and then three guards led Oyok and Danny out. Loss was the only two people left in the living room.

"What do you want to express?" Borg asked after everyone left.

Ross took a sip of the coffee, nodded and said, "It tastes really good, Elizabeth will definitely like it."

Then he said unhurriedly: "When did you find out that you were infertile?"

Hearing this, Borg was shocked, and then clenched his fists: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Los reminded: "As a human being, you must be self-aware."

Borg was silent for five seconds and asked in a low voice: "Where did you get the news? Did my elder brother leak it? Or was it that damn woman!?"

When Los heard this, his heart moved slightly, and then he pointed at Borg and said, "It's you."

Borg was stunned: "Me!?"

Los said calmly: "You should be an alchemist, right?"

Borg was shocked: "Impossible! How did you know about this!?"

Only two people in the world know that he is an alchemist, and the other person who knows is already dead!

How could this stranger, who had never met him before, know him so thoroughly! ?

Ross continued: "Headache, memory loss, insomnia, dreaminess, neurasthenia, how many of these symptoms do you have?"

Borg was shocked, and then whispered: "Both."

Ross curled his lips in his mind and said: "Typical lead and mercury poisoning, there is still a small amount of sulfide remaining in the body. The fact that you are not dead now is just because you are in good health."

Ross, who had fully taken the initiative at this time, said calmly: "You want to obtain the inheritance of the family through extraordinary power. However, what you didn't expect is that after years of study, not only did you not obtain extraordinary power, but you also suffered injuries. And infertility, right?”

At this time, Borg's inner defense had completely collapsed under Loss's continuous impact. He nodded and clenched his fists: "I am not willing to accept it. In terms of knowledge and talent, I don't have to be the second best, but just With their help, they are a few years older than me and have access to so many opportunities, so many resources, and even..."

"He even gained the favor of the military. After special training and transformation, he became a superhuman." Lose said it on his behalf.

Berg suddenly raised his head and looked at Los: "You are definitely not just an ordinary mayor, otherwise you wouldn't know so much! Who are you!?"

"I'm certainly not an ordinary mayor."

Los said with a devilish smile on his lips and said, "You may not know that we at Arkham have a special technology that specializes in treating infertility like yours."

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