Hearing Lose's demonic whisper, Borg's eyes suddenly flashed with disbelief, and he asked in a low voice: "Are you sure? There is no possibility of curing this disease in this era."

Ross smiled confidently after hearing this: "Don't talk about this little infertility, even if your lifeblood is cut off, Arkham can make you grow a new one!"

Upon hearing this, Borg naturally didn't believe it. He sneered and said, "Although you have keen insight, don't really think of me as a fool."

Ross replied: "I know, this is indeed a bit unbelievable for ordinary people like you, but you can come over and try it when you have time."

"After all, this will not cause you any loss or danger. What if it is cured? It will be a brand new rebirth for you."

Hearing this, Borg swallowed.

You know, in this era, the most taboo and least popular disease for children of big families like theirs is infertility.

Big families value reproduction very much. Infertility means you cannot reproduce, and you will not be able to provide outstanding talents to the family.

At the same time, the contempt and discrimination brought about by this disease are not something that a young master from a big family like him can bear.

After all, infertility at this stage is more scandalous than impotence and premature ejaculation.

In the past few years, Boger has been driven crazy by this disease. He dare not get married, or even have sex casually, for fear of others discovering his disease.

Because of this disease, he almost lost all the right to speak in the family. He could not stand up straight in front of his brother. This kind of torture and pain was completely unimaginable to others.

Borg was silent for five minutes. He slowly raised his head and asked: "This is not enough to attract me. Can you now show some... special abilities that can convince me?"

Hearing this, Ross did not refuse, because Arkham's future shipbuilding business would still need the help of this young man.

And from the beginning, he saw more possibilities in this young man.

Then, Ross said, "Can you give me the gun behind you?"

Upon hearing this, Borg froze, and then readily handed over a pistol.

Taking over this pure metal weapon, Lose held the gun body with both hands and twisted and squeezed it easily.

Suddenly, the pistol was like a piece of waste paper and was easily crushed into an iron ball by Los.

Seeing this scene, Borg's eyes suddenly widened, filled with disbelief and shock. He took back the iron ball while muttering. The texture and weight of it told him that this was not an illusion or the so-called hypnosis. , but actually exists.

It was at this time that Ross's alluring whisper came again.

"There are many such people in Arkham. Now we can not only cure infertility, but even regenerate lost limbs."

Hearing this, Borg suddenly raised his head, swallowed hard, and asked, "What do you want?"

Although Borg didn't believe everything Los said at this time, he at least believed that this man still had some special means.

Ross leaned on the sofa and said: "Arkham has been through a lot of things recently, and many businesses are in a state of exhaustion. As the mayor, I naturally have to find some methods for the development of the city."

"We are preparing to build a shipyard, expand the port, and take over some of Innsmouth's business. Naturally, we need the support and help of the Thiok family in this process."

After hearing this, Borg asked in disbelief: "That's all?"

"Of course it's more than that. I also hope that you and I can establish long-term cooperation in the future. Arkham will dominate maritime transportation along the entire northeastern coast in the future."

After hearing this, Borg gradually calmed down, and then said: "I can help you with shipbuilding and port construction, and I can get you relevant authorizations."

“But the business aspect is not enough with my current energy.”

Ross smiled and said: "Although you can't do it now, it doesn't mean you can't do it in the future. In the near future, your body will become very healthy, and you can even gain some special powers if you are willing."

"When you prove that your male ability has been restored, your family status will naturally gradually recover. This is your opportunity."

When Berg heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly: "You want to help me get the inheritance rights of the family?"

Ross asked back: "Why not? We have an old saying in Arkham, help people to the end, and help God to heaven. Since our friendship is strong enough and we have common interests, why not continue to help each other for a long time?"

After hearing this silence for a few seconds, Borg immediately asked: "Do you know what my eldest brother and second brother represent behind me?"

"It's nothing more than a military faction." Los said casually.

Borg noticed the question keenly: "Are you from the Queen's faction?"

Ross stood up and looked out the window: "Strictly speaking, I don't belong to the Queen's faction, but the Queen now hopes that I can help her kill the military faction, and I happen to have a plan in this regard."

"You are really crazy. You have no idea how terrifying the power of those military people is," Borg said.

Los smiled: "They have their methods, and I have my trump card. If you are really willing to let your two brothers become the heirs, and you will live in their shadow forever, you don't have to cooperate with a lunatic like me. "

Borg laughed when he heard this, but his laugh was a little hideous at this time: "I would rather die in madness than live like a dog forever."

"Los Arkham, I admire your courage and current ability. I will go to Arkham tomorrow. If you can really fulfill everything you said today, I am willing to go crazy with you to the end."

Years of inferiority and pressure have caused a huge distortion in his heart.

And now, he needs an outlet.

Los heard this and laughed happily, stretched out his hand and said: "Congratulations, the future heir of the Sulk family, you made an extremely correct decision today."

Borg also stretched out his hand and held Los's palm and said: "Mayor Arkham, I hope we can go to the end together on this crazy road."

So, the two people reached an agreement very happily.

"You need to release the group of mermaids later. The blood of mermaids will not provide men with any special abilities, nor can it cure your disease." Los said.

Borg did not agree directly: "You may not know that the price of a mermaid here on the black market is about 200,000 Rosa coins."

Los waved his hand and said in a domineering tone: "I don't care about money. They are my people and now accept Arkham's protection."

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