Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 175: Only after being beaten will he behave himself

"Your people?" The moment he heard this, Borg felt that the excuse Lose was looking for was a bit funny.

Ross naturally saw what Borg was thinking: "Don't try any dangerous ideas, otherwise the consequences will be very serious."

Hearing what Los said, Berg felt very unhappy. He always felt that this little mayor was too mysterious in front of him.

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door of the living room.

Borg frowned slightly and said, "Come in!"

Then, the old captain opened the door and came in and said: "Master, Captain Harry went on a private trip to capture the mermaid!"

Hearing this, Borg frowned slightly: "Who gave the order?"

"Captain Harry said it was the Navy's order and he has obtained the Navy's arrest permit."

Borg suddenly showed obvious dissatisfaction on his face.

Navy order?

He knew very well that the navy's orders were his elder brother's orders.

These three ships are all his property, and the captains are naturally his subordinates.

But recently, their situation has become increasingly bad, and these captains have other thoughts.

And this Captain Harry is the most active one among them.

This time, Haiborg planned to replace him, but after some calculations, he found that he could no longer find a good enough replacement!

At this time, Ross on the side smiled and said: "It seems that some people can't sit still and are ready to find a new way out for themselves."

Hearing Ross's words, Borg suddenly felt something in his heart. He looked at Ross and asked, "Mayor Arkham, you have also seen that I am somewhat helpless about this matter. I wonder how your subordinates should handle it?"

Ross walked out of the cabin and said, "I'm really sorry. I'm afraid your ship is gone."


As soon as the words fell, the three people suddenly heard a deafening explosion.

Boger's expression suddenly changed, and he and the old captain hurriedly ran along the corridor to the deck.

At this time, many crew members of the other three ships heard the sound and ran out with shocked faces.

Looking in the direction of the explosion, you can see the whaling ship that left the port without permission at this time. The entire hull of the Harpoon was burning with raging fire. It seemed that the power room and all the fuel had exploded and burned.

From a distance of more than 100 meters, one could clearly see the crewmen with their whole bodies burning struggling, crying and jumping into the sea.

Click! Click! Click!

At this time, the 100-meter-long ship made a series of harsh sounds.

Then, under everyone's gaze, it was neatly divided into two parts from the middle.

It was like being cut directly in the middle by a huge, extremely sharp machete.


Countless desperate screams rang out as the huge ship sank rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, on the bow of the ship that had not yet sunk, a tall and thin young man wearing very ordinary clothes and covered with tattoos stood there quietly, admiring the sinking of the ship. It seemed that this shocking thing was out of his hand.

At this time, the mermaids who had been trapped in the shallow sea seemed to hear some orders and swam towards the silent ship.

Then, they opened their fangs and stretched out their sharp claws.

In an instant, the crew members who were still rejoicing in their survival were dragged directly into the sea by the monster in the ocean.

There was no scream, and in the silence, the water around the ship was quickly turned red.

Everyone on the remaining three ships was completely frightened when they saw this. What happened in the five minutes before and after.

What kind of terrifying power can directly cut off such a huge ship!

Borg squeezed the railing with both hands, his body trembling a little.

At this time, his face was pale, and his wide eyes were full of fear.

The old captain seemed to have experienced a lot of strong winds. Although his body was shaking a little, he was overall calm.

He turned his head slightly and looked at Los, who had a calm face, but did not speak.

Ross's long voice at this time brought Borg back to reality from the frightening nightmare.

"I don't know, is this a very serious consequence for you?"

Borg's dilated pupils returned to focus. At this time, he was filled with panic and bleeding inside.

This ship is his private property. The cost of building this whaling ship is one million Rosa coins. More importantly, the other equipment and talents on it are not measurable by money.

But no matter how much blood he shed, no matter how angry he was, he was quickly overwhelmed by fear.

He couldn't imagine what kind of power could cut off such a large ship in an instant!

Although he knew some superhumans, he knew very well that even thousands of superhumans of that level could not possess such terrifying destructive power.

Borg's eyes turned red, and he turned to look at Los.

But before he could say anything, the old captain suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a heavy crash sounded, and then Borg felt the entire deck of the ship shake.

He turned his head instantly and was extremely horrified to find that the tall and thin figure who was a hundred meters away a second ago fell from the sky and came directly behind him.

Before he could recover, the pale palms pinched his neck and lifted him up.

At this moment, for the first time in his life, Borg felt that he was so close to death, and for the first time he felt the despair and despair of being completely overwhelmed by fear.

The pale skin, deep eye sockets, strange eyes, and tall and thin body, combined with the black clothes, the terrifying power, are like the god of death coming from hell to the world, making people completely lose all the courage to resist just by facing him.

"Mayor of Arkham!" Borg was scared, but the old captain was not.

At the moment when Kos fell, the old captain first stopped the guards from attacking, and then turned to Los for help with a sincere face.

Los said to Kos: "Put him down, this attack was not his intention."

Hearing this, he threw Borg on the ground and turned to ask: "Mayor, what should they do?"

"You take them to swim along the Miskatonic River to Arkham." Los said.

Kos was silent for a few seconds after listening, nodded and said: "Okay!"

Then, he suddenly jumped and disappeared.

At this time, Borg, who was sitting on the deck powerlessly, looked at the pair of deep footprints on the steel deck. His whole mind was still in a state of dissociation, and his brain was even more confused.

Ross turned his head to look at the old captain and said: "I hope you can help your young master keep this matter secret. I think you don't want this matter to be leaked, right?"

The old captain nodded calmly: "I believe that in the future, the young master and you will be able to achieve a perfect cooperation."

Los smiled slightly: "I think so too."

"Mayor of Arkham, I hope to go to Arkham with you today."

At this time, Borg's weak voice sounded.

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