Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 176 The first customer (experimental subject)

At this time, Borg's whole body was soaked with sweat, as if he had just been fished out of the water. The hair that had been combed and arranged before was now messily attached to his scalp, looking very embarrassed.

Los said: "As for the Innsmouth issue, I still need to deal with it here for at least three hours. I will leave here at seven o'clock in the evening."

After saying that, Los jumped directly from the ten-meter-high deck and landed on the pier easily.

"Master, are you okay?" After Los left, the old captain hurriedly helped Berg up and asked with concern.

Borg shook his head slightly, then clenched his fists and said with blazing eyes: "This pain is nothing compared to our opportunities."

As he spoke, Borg turned to look at the completely sunk Harpoon, and said firmly: "The me in the past has followed this ship and completely sunk to the bottom of the sea. The one standing here now is the brand new Borg. ·Sulke is the future master of the Sulke family!”

The old captain asked in a low voice: "Have you made up your mind to cooperate with Arkham?"

Borg showed some crazy smile: "After what happened just now, I know that there is no difference between working with Los Arkham and making a deal with the devil."

"But I don't care about this! For me, I would rather become a victim of the devil than succumb to their majesty and spend my life looking at other people's faces!"

"I want my light to illuminate others, just like a shooting star in the sky. Even if it is only for a moment, it will be more dazzling than the mortals who look up at the shooting star!"

Seeing the madness and fighting spirit displayed by Berg at this time, the old captain's eyes flashed with relief, and then he said: "Master, if you have decided, then go ahead and do it with confidence. I will always follow you."


In the time that followed, Innsmouth returned to calm.

Kos and the twelve mermaids had already gone up the river to Arkham, while Los stayed behind to direct the Danny Gang to load the diluted blood of the ancient gods in the underground space into trucks and transport it back to Arkham.

Due to the special nature of the blood of the ancient gods, it took three hours to install this item, and it was barely finished at 7:30 in the evening.

At this time, Borg came with a middle-aged man carrying a suitcase.

"This one doesn't look like a bodyguard," Los said with a smile.

Borg, who had regained his composure at this time, nodded: "This is my personal butler."

"You don't even have bodyguards? Aren't you afraid that I'll kidnap you?" Los asked.

Borg said frankly: "If you really wanted to kidnap me, I wouldn't be able to still stand here."

After experiencing the shock of Kos, Borg finally understood how terrifying the gap in power between the two sides was.

His men are already so terrifying, let alone the mayor!

As long as you reach a solid cooperation with Arkham and have such back-up and backing, your actions in the future will be much smoother.

Even if the matter is revealed and a war begins to seize power, I will not be afraid at all.

After hearing this, Ross said approvingly: "It's a very wise decision."

At this time, Charles came over and said, "Master, loading the car has been completed."

"Let's go home!" Lose waved his hand.

On the way, Borg and Los were sitting in the back, and Char was driving in front.

"Mayor Arkham, what I'm a little curious about now is, to what extent do you have the special technology you have now?"

If he thought Lose was deceiving him before, now he completely believed Lose's previous words.

People develop fears of many things they cannot understand.

But when people believe in these incomprehensible things, it will turn into the most fanatical following.

Los said calmly: "In one day, not only can you cure all the diseases in your body, but if you are willing, you can also accept physical evolution and master the path to transcendence."

"The road to transcendence!!" Borg heard this, his eyes began to flash with excitement.

"Dear Mayor of Arkham... to what extent can this kind of extraordinary... reach?" Borg asked in a low voice.

Ross smiled and asked, "It depends on what price you are willing to pay."

"If you can give me the power to easily defeat my brother, I can agree to all your requests and support the development of Arkham." Borg said hotly.

After hearing this, Los did not directly agree, but asked: "What level is your brother now?"

Boge thought for a moment and said, "A year ago, I occasionally heard that my eldest brother was now at Level 21 and my second brother was at Level 19."

After hearing this, Ross pondered and said, "This is a bit difficult. You are injured now, and your overall strength is only level six. This increase to level fifteen... is a bit unrealistic."

Hearing this, Borg was not too disappointed. After all, he just asked tentatively and did not have high hopes.

He was very aware of the terrifying gap between these fifteen levels, and he was even more aware of the huge price his elder brother had paid to obtain that power.

But just when Borg was about to ask about other things, he heard Ross change the subject and say, "Although it's a little difficult, it's not impossible."

! ! ! !

Hearing this, Borg was immediately shocked: "Really!?"

Ross nodded with a smile: "This will consume more resources, and you will also have to experience some pain."

"I don't mind the pain. As long as I can become stronger, I can endure it." Borg still remembers that his elder brother lay in bed for ten days after the transformation!

Los asked back: "What's the price? You have to know that this fantastic supernatural power cannot be measured by ordinary money."

Borg clenched his fist and said: "If you can really meet my expectations, I can take out all the resources in my hands. No matter what the situation, I will always stand with you!"

Los heard it and snapped his fingers, saying with satisfaction: "I see your sincerity, Mr. Sulk, in the future, you will be grateful for your wise decision today!"

At this moment, Los looked at Borg more and more pleasing to the eye.

This is the first precious experimental subject in the new blood therapy.

This experimental subject not only voluntarily accepts the transformation, but is even willing to provide a lot of resources.

Such an experimental subject is really hard to find even with a lantern!

So, in order to express his appreciation for Borg, and as the first customer who made a name for the blood therapy, Los decided to pay a little more attention and provide this customer and future loyal subordinates with sufficient value-added services.

Then, Ross introduced with a smile: "I wonder what kind of supernatural power Mr. Sulk likes?"

"Is it to have supernatural power? Or amazing self-healing ability, or cool transformation, or complete an evolution and become a legendary creature?"

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