Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 178 Borg's Amazing Journey

After a brief self-introduction and pleasantries, the mayor of Arkham left the Arkham Sanatorium directly, leaving Borg completely in charge of Morsi.

Morsi has a rich life experience, and he naturally knows how important this third son of the Ruik family is to his young master.

Morsi smiled and said to Borg: "Mr. Sik, it is definitely not in line with the rules to let you stay in Arkham Sanatorium. I will send you to the Serious Bar in the North District first. It is the best here. Bar, and on the third floor it’s also the best and safest hotel here.”

Everything about his future was in the hands of this doctor. Naturally, Boger did not dare to rely on him. He said very politely: "You're welcome. You don't have to worry too much about me. It's the same wherever I live."

Morsi smiled and said: "You don't care, but we can't care. Guests can do as they please, and you can just relax. When you leave Arkham two days later, I believe you will have already Got a new lease on life.”

Upon hearing this, Borg's heart suddenly pounded and he immediately said, "Thank you so much to Dr. Morsi."

Then, Morsi turned to Wien and said, "I'll leave everything here to you for now. I'll be back in a moment."

"Okay!" Wayne nodded, turned around and followed Danny to get busy.

Morsi then left Arkham and walked south along Peabody Avenue with Berg and his personal butler.

It's not too far from the decent bar, so the group didn't take a car.

"Sorry, Arkham has just experienced a battle, and the number of cars is a bit tight." Morsi said.

Borg shook his head and said, "It's okay. I just need to walk around to stretch my body."

"I have been wandering at sea for a month, and now walking on land is a kind of enjoyment."

Morsi laughed after hearing this: "It is true that although human body functions are fairly adaptable, they will still feel uncomfortable for a long time."

After hearing this, Borg was moved in his heart and asked tentatively: "Can ordinary surgery completely offset this discomfort?"

Morsi did not shirk the blame as Borg imagined, but said very happily: "Generally, after reaching level 18, you can effectively control this discomfort. However, if you want to completely control the transformation of this state, you need to Level 30 or above.”

After hearing this, Boger thought to himself, "He is indeed a professional."

At this time, the two of them were at the junction of Peabody Avenue and Curwen Street. They then turned west. Morsi pointed to the old single-family villa on the side and said, "This is the young master's home."

After hearing this, Borg turned his head and looked, his heart full of surprise and said, "Is this here? The mayor of Arkham lives really simply."

This villa is not luxurious at all, it is not large in area, it looks very old, and its location is not good. Not to mention it is on the edge of the city, and it is even adjacent to a mental hospital.

Morsi smiled and said: "Young Master doesn't care about external things."

After hearing this, Borg smiled and said: "With Master Arkham's level, you really don't need to care about these mundane things."

Continuing to follow Ke Wenjie to the west, suddenly a black shadow flashed across and rushed towards Borg.

Borg was immediately frightened. Before he could recover, two cold rays of light flashed through. The black figure froze, and then fell to the ground.

At this time, Borg lowered his head and took a closer look. He was a man wearing black clothes and holding a sharp knife.

"Oh my God! What is he doing?" Borg was frightened when he saw this.

I will become a superhuman person tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but I can't afford to be suddenly attacked by these madmen now.

Morsi said casually: "This should be someone from the outside who came to our town to cause destruction."

While talking, a young doctor walked out of the plastic surgery hospital nearby.

"Doctor Morsi?" Sindvar was a little surprised when he saw Morsi.

Although he and Dr. Morsi were neighbors across the street, they had not had much interaction before due to some special reasons.

Now, Morsi spends almost all his time in Arkham Sanitarium and rarely comes out.

Morsi smiled: "It turns out to be Dr. Sindvall."

"What's going on with this guy?"

"The mercenary who ran in from outside wanted to inquire about the situation in the nursing home. He happened to be passing by me and was stopped by me. In desperation, he was preparing to bring someone to accompany him."

Sindvall said, casually dragging the man up by his collar, as if he was carrying a dead chicken and preparing to return to his home.

"This is..." Sindvall noticed that there was an outsider present and turned to look at Morsi.

Morsi smiled and said: "This is a guest brought by the young master. He will also be one of our own in the future. You don't have to worry."

Sindvall nodded understandingly, then dragged the body back home.

Borg on the side felt incredible when he saw this.

Growing up in the upper class society in the capital, he saw only rules and order. He would easily be arrested by the police if he hit someone on the street, let alone killing someone.

But now in this place, the death of a person is like the death of an insect. He is dragged directly into the house by the murderer, and there is no need to cover up the blood stains on the ground! ?

Watching Sindvall dragging the body back home, Berg asked tentatively: "Morsi, that person..."

Morsi smiled slightly: "Don't worry, Dr. Sindvall has no habit of cannibalism. Let's go!"

Borg didn't ask any questions and followed Morsi quietly.

As he continued to move forward, Borg could faintly hear some people screaming along the way. Some of the voices were filled with despair, and some were filled with fear.

Along with the screams came the sound of gunfire.

He even saw a group of fully armed gangsters confronting ten Arkham policemen at a street corner.

Borg, who thought it was a fierce battle, saw the policemen rushing forward in the next second despite the hail of bullets.

A terrifying thing happened.

The policemen let the bullets hit them at this time, without any intention of dodging.

The bullets that hit them were like hitting steel plates, only penetrating their clothes, and then the bullets fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The gangsters hiding behind various bunkers saw this scene, and their eyes were about to pop out.

Just when they were terrified, the policemen rushed directly to the edge of the bunker, and were shot in the head by the policemen under the terrified gaze of the gangsters.

The whole battle, which should have been very intense, ended in two minutes and turned into a one-sided massacre.

Twelve of the fifteen bandits died, and the remaining three went completely crazy in intense fear and despair.

Borg followed Morsi for a hundred meters before he came to his senses and muttered to himself: "Where is this place!?"

Morsi smiled and said: "Of course it is Arkham, where the people are simple and honest."

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