Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 179 Blood Exchange Transaction

After handing Borg over to Dr. Murthy, Los did not go home to rest, because he did not have the blood of a high-level vampire.

After Los returned home, he drove his car directly to the commercial district to meet Miss Jenny Apostolm, the most popular hairdresser in the town.

After Los drove away, two people slowly walked out of the dark shadows.

Both of them were wearing dark clothes, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

"What should we do?" asked the fat man.

"Follow him. He must be a very important person who is still out so late, or even his mistress. In this way, when we have a chance to control his mistress, we can get the information we want."

"What I don't understand is how this guy with a bad face became the mayor and married such a beautiful wife who is like a goddess." The fat man's tone was full of jealousy and dissatisfaction.

"Of course, it depends on his father's power! Otherwise, how could he become the mayor at such a young age?" The tall young man ran two steps quickly, got in the car and chased after him secretly.

"The client is a count, right? Why is he interested in such a small mayor?" the fat man asked in confusion.

The tall young man said: "The client is not interested in him, but how he can solve the problem of Rhodes Chamber of Commerce."

"Because of the collapse of Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, most of the client's business has stopped. In less than a month, it has lost more than three million Rosa coins. Other customers are very dissatisfied."

The man next to him smiled: "But since we have invited our Blackwater detectives, all the problems will be solved."

The tall young man nodded confidently and said with a smile: "It is his honor to invite our two level 12 superhuman detectives."


At nine o'clock in the evening, the barber shop of the beautiful and stubborn Miss Jenny was about to close.

Miss Jenny looked to be 27 or 28 years old this year. She had golden shawl hair, dark blue eyes, fair skin and tall figure. She looked like a standard urban beauty.

Just after putting away the sign, Jenny saw a luxury car parked in front of her door, but she did not show too much joy.

Because he knew that the owner of the car was not a customer, nor was it food, but a terrifying existence that she could not afford to offend.

So she quickly closed the door without saying anything.

But at this moment, a big hand directly grabbed the door handle, and then a handsome face with a faint smile appeared in front of her: "Dear Jenny, after all, we are old acquaintances who have had close contact. Closing the door so quickly will affect our relationship!"

As a high-level vampire, Jenny had disguised herself as Danny's mistress some time ago, preparing to get rid of this damn lustful fat pig through this method.

Because of an occasional haircut, Danny at that time discovered Jenny's beauty and kept harassing her. After being rejected many times for confessing his love, he also harassed Jenny's business and life through his gang.

This made her extremely annoyed. She was a person who longed for a peaceful life and was not disturbed.

And Danny, who didn't know the height of the world, touched her reverse scale.

Unfortunately, after she had been tracking for many days and making all kinds of calculations, she met Los on the night of the action.

After a fierce battle, she left quickly out of caution, thinking she could escape the clutches of this guy.

It was not until a few days later, after a mixed-blood vampire from the Eye of Insight broke into her home and was eaten by her, that Los's subordinates skillfully came to look for her. She realized that the reason why her actions were so smooth over the years was because Los had been acquiescing to her actions.

Not disturbing her was also a gesture of goodwill from the city government.

This feeling of being watched all the time was very annoying for an immortal like her, but just as she was about to leave quietly and change places, she witnessed the artificial ancient god and the true form of Los.

As an ancient immortal who has lived for more than a thousand years, many things and knowledge are engraved in instinct and genes.

She knew better than anyone how terrifying that was.

Then she recalled the attacks and blockades she had suffered over the years, and she suddenly realized that it was a very good choice for her to continue living here.

Because she knew that the future Arkham would be a paradise where countless extraordinary people and monsters gathered.

This place might be monitored by Los, but at least it was very safe.

Moreover, being monitored by a god seems to be a very normal thing.

Jenny knew very well that she would have to face Los sooner or later. These two days, she was struggling with how to face this god walking in the world in the future.

Unexpectedly, this day came so soon.

After hearing Los' words, Jenny was silent for a while, but still let go of the door handle to let Los in.

Los walked in with a smile on his face like a gangster who had just succeeded, and closed the door with his backhand.

Jenny led Los to the second floor, poured him a cup of tea, and sat quietly opposite Los.

At this time, she was much more honest than the last time they met.

Los naturally saw her thoughts and said first: "Don't worry, you can still live quietly here. As long as you don't kill ordinary residents casually, I can even allow you to eat."

After listening, Jenny looked up at Los: "What's the price?"

"Really become a member of Arkham, become an enthusiastic citizen who can protect Arkham, just like last time." Los said with a smile.

Jenny was silent for a few seconds and nodded and said: "This seems to be a fair deal."

Los waved his hand: "Don't worry, I don't intend to be a dictatorial emperor, nor do I intend to control you. The city I desire is diversified. As long as it is within the rules of the game I set, I don't care about some details."

Jenny looked at Los's casual look at this time, and her inner vigilance and tension gradually relaxed.

"Mayor, this time you come here, it shouldn't just be about these things?"

Los nodded: "I came here to borrow blood this time."

"Borrow blood?" Jenny was stunned.

Los said directly: "I need a drop of your ancestor blood."

Hearing this, Jenny's face changed immediately: "Mayor, you should know what this thing means to us high-level vampires."

The ancestor blood is the source and root of high-level vampires, and its importance is equivalent to the blood of the ancient gods in Los' body.

Los nodded: "I know, but don't worry, I'm not here to rob you this time."

"In exchange, I can give you a drop of partially diluted blood of the ancient god."

As he spoke, Los raised his finger and wiped it on his tongue, and then a drop of dark green viscous liquid floated on Los' fingertips as if it was weightless.

Recovery Chapter 3

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