Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 181 The Priest's Pleasure

After a busy day, Los returned home and soaked in the bathtub comfortably.

Sitting opposite the misty water vapor was Lilith.

The warm water temperature made her smooth skin white and pink, very attractive.

At this time, the black hair turned into human hands, massaging Los's whole body.

"It seems that this incident has attracted the attention of many rats." Los leaned on the edge and said comfortably.

Lilith nodded: "Now we have investigated the extraordinary organizations including Life Creator, Blackwater Detective, Black Goat Egg, and the intelligence departments of the three empires."

"There are also many ordinary forces, most of which are some gangs and mercenary organizations. These people are sneaking into Arkham in batches at this time, which has indeed caused considerable problems for the city's security."

Los said casually: "These are all small things, and my police and enthusiastic citizens can handle them. What I am more worried about now is the oppression of various forces on the surface."

"The Empire Province is now under pressure from the Queen, and there are no other problems at present, but among the people, there are many rumors that are not very good for us." Lilith said.

Los: "This is only one aspect. On the other hand, there are also the nobles and chaebols of the empire. Apart from anything else, Marquis Frode, who has close cooperation with the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, seems ready to cause us some trouble."

"In addition, the White Oak Rating Agency has set our market level as "not recommended for investment" because of the problems of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce. This has many negative effects on the expansion of the city."

Lilith asked tentatively: "Then I send someone to kill them all?"

After hearing this, Los laughed and stretched out his hand to hold Lilith in his arms and said: "Although killing can solve many problems, in terms of finance and business, killing really can't solve the problem. We can't kill all the rich people in the world."

"What we need to do now is to increase their confidence in us. This requires not only our own policies and reputation, but also the lobbying of professionals."

Hearing this, Lilith's eyes suddenly lit up and said: "Master, I roughly know what to do."

"That's good, let's go to bed."


The next morning, Borg, with dark circles under his eyes, looked at the rising sun, and his heart was still somewhat uncontrollable excitement.

He didn't sleep last night. Although it was quiet and safe here, he couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about what he would become in the future.

And after becoming that, how could he take back those things that belonged to him.

There was a knock on the door, and the voice seemed to laugh out loud. A magnetic voice came: "Mr. Sulphur, let's have breakfast together! After dinner, I will be responsible for sending Mr. Sulphur to Arkham Sanatorium."

Borg hurriedly turned around and opened the door, just in time to see the mature and tall Father Hester looking at him with a smile.

"Excuse me." Borg said very politely.

He talked with Father Hester for a long time last night, and it can be said that they hit it off at first sight.

Father Hester seemed to understand his situation and his inner thoughts very well, which made his lonely heart resonate strongly.

At the same time, Father Hester did not let him let go of hatred and influence others with love like those hypocritical clergymen.

Instead, he gave him real advice on how to face his father, how to disguise himself to deceive his eldest brother, and then how to seize power directly at the critical moment.

Borg was very lucky to meet this considerate priest.

He listened to his complaints for two hours selflessly and patiently, and then spent another hour helping him plan for the future.

"Thank you very much for listening and giving me advice last night." At the table, Borg thanked him seriously.

Father Hurst said with an extremely happy smile on his face: "People favored by the mayor have a special past. It is my duty to help them solve their inner problems."

Seeing this joy and pleasure from the heart, Borg felt more and more the greatness of this priest, as well as the strength and foresight of the mayor of Arkham.

After breakfast, Father Hurst drove Borg to Arkham Sanatorium himself, and then handed him over to Dr. Murthy in person, watching Borg disappear in the corridor with a smile on his face.

"Father, your mouth is already grinning to your ears." A deep voice sounded.

Hurst turned his head and saw Kurvin in a white coat walking over with a smile on his face.

At this time, Hester's smile, which was like a devil's successful plot, became more and more presumptuous, and he said: "Being able to lead a lost child to the journey and let him face his true self, this always gives me great pleasure and happiness."

"Then what? Under your guidance, what kind of tragedy will he have in the future?" Kurven knew this devil in the skin of a priest very well.

Father Hester smiled and said: "In the future, he will kill his two brothers and put his father under house arrest. In order to prevent the inheritance right from falling into someone else's hands, he plans to marry his own sister."

Hearing this, Kurven said: "It's really a road full of blood and darkness."

Father Hester smiled and said: "This is all his own choice. I just released his true self."

While the two were talking, Xina came over and said: "It seems that there is a special problem in the French High Region. I am short of manpower. Come and help me."


The two of them readily agreed and left Arkham Sanatorium.

In the underground space, Borg, who had been cleaned, lay quietly on the operating table in a blue patient gown.

There were about a dozen needles beside him, and in the containers at the top of these needles, there were milky white liquids and dark red liquids.

These liquids seemed to have their own lives, and seemed to be constantly wriggling inside, which looked very strange.

Wayne, who was accompanying the bed, smiled and said, "Relax, there will be no danger."

The medical room is separated from here by a door.

With the help of Debbie, Murthy carefully dissolved the drop of black blood in the fusion blood, and then divided the fusion blood into ten parts and diluted them in ten syringes respectively.

Debbie looked at the dark blood in fascination: "This is amazing."

Murthy also said in amazement: "Our current technology is really too different from the young master. The young master can completely process this drop of ancestral blood through the flesh and make it relatively compatible with human genes. This is simply a dream ability."

The drop of ancestral blood yesterday naturally cannot be directly injected. Los processed it in his body overnight and handed it to Murthy this morning.

"The mayor is so great!"

Debbie clenched her fists and completed one of her daily tasks with a red face, praising the mayor.

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