While Borg was waiting for his rebirth, at 540 Church Street, Frank Mountain District, Beverly Church.

This ancient church was a classical church built by missionaries from across the ocean at the beginning of the last century. It is located on the top of the French Mountain, in the northeast of the entire French Mountain District.

The church once served a god named the King of Light. According to legend, it is the embodiment of light. It is composed of countless luminous bodies and is full of majesty that humans cannot understand.

A century ago, under the preaching of that devout believer, some believers were indeed gained, but they were only a very small group in the complex faith of Arkham.

Later, forty years ago, because the priest of this church suddenly went crazy, causing the disappearance of at least twenty believers, the priest was then burned at the stake, and the entire church was completely sealed.

The surface of the three-story church is covered with gray-black brick walls, and a large number of wild flowers and weeds grow in the cracks of the brick walls, representing the desolation here.

The doors and windows of the church were all fixed with wooden boards. From the wooden boards that had mushrooms growing on them, it could be seen that they had been exposed to wind and sun for at least thirty or forty years.

This ancient and gloomy church is said to have many ominous things. Because it is located on the top of the mountain and in a remote area, it has almost been forgotten by the people here.

But last night, something very serious happened here.

Two strangers sneaked in here, knocked on the wooden boards of the west window, and sneaked in, seemingly looking for some valuable antiques.

Then in the middle of the night, there was a sudden scream here, and then there was no movement.

The residents around didn't care when they heard it, after all, it was normal to hear some screams in Arkham.

But the next morning, the children who habitually went up the mountain to play were greatly frightened.

When the children's parents went over, they were immediately frightened by the scene at that time.

Instinctively, they wanted to find the witches of the Witch House, the protectors of the French Mountains.

But after witnessing the gods coming down to earth that day, after a brief thought, they reported the matter to the police.

Xina and several others got off the car and looked up at the very gentle slope of the mountain.

60% of the area of ​​the entire French Mountain area is built on the gentle slope of the French Mountain.

"Ms. Xina, Mr. Kurven, Father Hurst." At this time, the police had surrounded the entire church, but no one dared to approach.

It was Officer Conte who came here to respond.

Xina, who took the lead, nodded slightly and asked, "What's the situation?"

Conte led the three people up the mountain and said, "It's not good. Two police officers went in to explore, but were attacked by monsters. Officer Puxi had one arm bitten off, and Officer Roll had his entire lower body bitten off."

Hearing this, the three people's faces suddenly changed.

You know, this is not an ordinary policeman, but a zombie with a strength of level 20!

Hearing this, the three people immediately quickened their pace.

For this incident, the police station first deployed five policemen, and then directly reinforced 20 because of the attack, and reported to the city government at the same time.

After reaching the top of the mountain, the three people saw two policemen on stretchers.

The two policemen have returned to their ghoul forms.

Among them, Pu Xi's injuries were relatively minor, with only one arm missing.

But Roll's entire lower body was gone, and his intestines were all spilling out. If it weren't for the ghouls, he would have died long ago.

Kurwen quickly came to Roll and whispered, "How do you feel?"

Roll was in good condition at this time, and replied calmly, "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine."

Kurwen looked down at the wound on Roll's waist, but found that the wound was full of irregular shapes, and it seemed that it was not bitten off, but torn off alive by some force.

"What kind of monster is it?" Kurwen asked in a low voice.

Roll thought for a while and said, "We don't know either, but there is a passage leading to the underground on the inside of the church. There seems to be a door at the end of the passage. We were attacked just as we approached."

At this time, the medical team that came with Kurwen had come up, and after a simple bandage of the two people, they were quickly carried away after the two people turned back to human form.

"Where are the bodies of the two tomb robbers?" Xina asked.

Conte said, "They are all in the church."

Father Hurst looked at the church and suddenly said, "It's the angle of the nighthawk."

"The angle of the nighthawk?" Several people were stunned.

Father Hurst explained, "This is an architectural style in theology, which means that the edge of the church wall will present a special angle."

He pointed to the corner where the east and south walls of the church meet. At this time, everyone realized that the wall was not vertical, but tilted outward.

"What is this structure?" It was the first time that Kurven saw this style of wall.

Father Hurst whispered, "In mythology, there is a god called the Master of Angles. Legend has it that it exists at any angle, and can even travel through the angles of space and modify history in the angle of time."

"And the nighthawk represents guarding and suppression. Generally, this style represents the suppression of things related to angles."

Hearing this, Xina's heart moved: "You mean, this church... imprisoned a special monster? Or existence?"

Father Hurst nodded: "According to the legend, it is true."

And Kurven on the side suddenly said: "I just carefully checked the wounds of the two people. The wounds are at a very strange angle. There is no regularity in these angles. What's more strange is that these angles present a strange three-dimensional and complex feeling."

"The most important thing is that at first glance, it seems that their bodies are torn apart by some force, but if you look closely, you will find that the flesh and blood vessels at those angles are unimaginably neat, as if... they were formed by countless sharp blades cutting from all angles at the same time."

Xina clenched her fist and said: "Go and take a look first!"

"This is very dangerous. We should notify the young master as soon as possible." Kurven said.

Xina said seriously: "The master is very busy and has many things to deal with. Our existence is to solve some simple things and help the master share his worries."

Kulven also replied seriously: "Xina, I know you want to respond to the young master's expectations and thus realize your own value, but you must also know that you should not touch things beyond your ability. You and I are the young master's property. Our death and injury are equivalent to damaging the young master's property."

"For us, fighting hard is not loyalty, but a manifestation of disloyalty."

Two chapters today

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