Hearing this, Xina fell into deep thought. She had indeed not considered this aspect.

Father Hurst said on the side: "My Lord naturally does not want His servants to be in danger, because my Lord's mercy is everywhere."

"You can instantly seriously injure two level 20 ghouls and almost kill them. Such strength has at least level 30 power. And Xina, you are now level 21. It is very dangerous to go down."

Xina clenched her fists, and after thinking for half a minute, she exhaled and said: "I know, but before that, I still think we should confirm the truth first."

Kulven nodded: "Leave it to the two of us, you wait here."

After speaking, Kulven and Father Hurst entered the church through the window.

After entering the church, they could see that the bodies of the two tomb robbers were torn to pieces. The fragments of the two bodies added up to more than a hundred pieces. They were thrown on the ground in a mess, and there was blood everywhere on the ground and walls.

Conte, who was standing outside the window, said, "Those kids were scared because they were lying on the window and saw this scene."

Kulven looked around and asked, "Can the suppressed monster come out from below? Judging from the scene of Roll, if it chases out, Roll and Puxi can't escape at all, but from now on, it seems that it can come out."

Father Hurst took out a 30-centimeter-long silver-gray cross from his arms, and threw it casually, and a dagger appeared.

"Go in and take a look." Father Hurst said, moving forward cautiously.

This is a clergyman with level 30, but he never believed in any gods before, because he thought those guys couldn't even show miracles, and they were just a group of liars.

Hurst, who was born in a clergy family, was born with special talents and cognitive biases. What ordinary people think is beautiful, he thinks is ugly, and tragic emotions are regarded as the most beautiful existence by him.

Therefore, he has been good at drawing strength from the pain and tragedy of others since he was six years old.

Kurven clenched his fists and carefully protected Father Hester behind him.

After accepting the transformation of Los's blood of the ancient gods, he already had the power close to level 25. Later, through continuous training and taking the blood of the guilty, he has now reached level 28.

He is now struggling with what kind of blood to take in to strengthen his ability in a specific direction.

In silence, the two people have come to the space below along the stairs.

But just as they approached, the two people felt that there were waves of strange ripples in the space in front of them.

Then countless strange bone spurs and sharp teeth appeared on these ripples.


Accompanied by a harsh friction sound of folding pages, it seemed that a door was opened.

Kurven, who was strengthened by the blood of the ancient gods, felt an indescribable danger at this moment.

In an instant, he grabbed Father Hester, and the two suddenly jumped up.

Father Hester also vaguely felt the problem at this time, and the long sword in his hand swung forward suddenly, and a strange wave passed over.


The next moment, his signature wave attack did not cause any damage, but the ripples penetrated his sword and bit his palm directly.

The next second, blood splattered, and one of Father Hurst's arms was cut off from countless angles by a strange force, and his beloved weapon remained below forever.


As he landed, Kulven held Father Hurst.

The two turned around and ran without saying a word!

At this time, the people waiting outside the door just saw the two people running out with extremely solemn faces.

Without waiting for everyone to ask questions, everyone saw that the blood on Father Hurst's right wrist was flowing, and the palm on it had disappeared.

"This!" Seeing this, Xina's eyes shrank for a while, and then there was a fear.

Father Hurst, who was level 30, was not his opponent. If he went down, he might be killed instantly, and he might not even be able to react.

"Father! Your hand!" Conte reminded hurriedly.

Father Hurst's heart moved, and the muscles at his wrist tightened quickly, squeezing the blood vessels directly to stop the bleeding.

"It's okay. Quickly seal this window again and completely block the entire mountain top. No one can get close." Father Hester said and gave an order.

Sina responded and said, "I'll go inform the master now."

Kulven said to Father Hester, "I'll take you to the sanatorium."


At the same time, in the apartment of the Witch's House.

Minisha was still struggling at this time. Her belief in the great Lord of the Gate was unquestionable, but the god-like deity that Los showed that day also completely shocked her heart.

Now the hearts of all the members of the entire Forbidden Gate began to shake constantly, and they even had no intention of working and praying. Everyone was thinking about their own problems in their hearts, and they were often absent-minded.

Minisha originally wanted to teach these guys who were not firm in their beliefs a lesson.

But at this moment, she found that her heart was also shaking constantly.

At this moment, an old woman in black suddenly appeared in her room.

"Grandma!?" Seeing this old woman, Minisha was shocked.

The old woman raised her head slightly. Under the black hood was a head of gray hair and an old face.

"Long time no see, Minisha." This old woman is Minisha's teacher, the leader of the previous generation of the Forbidden Gate: Xiakai Mason, a terrifying witch who survived two fires at the stake.

Seeing Mason, her mentor, Minisha didn't have much enthusiasm, but asked relatively calmly: "Why are you here?"

"If I don't come again, the entire forbidden door will be destroyed in your hands." Mason's hoarse voice was full of dissatisfaction and coldness.

Minisha said calmly: "This is my forbidden door now and has nothing to do with you."

"It's irrelevant? Huh!" Mason's body was accompanied by a gust of black wind, and he appeared behind Minisha in an instant. He said lightly: "The messenger of the Lord of the Gate has woken up, and it is hungry."

Hearing this, Minisha's expression suddenly changed: "Is it... going to start again?"

"Do you have any questions?" Mason asked in a low voice.

Minisha tilted her head slightly, clenched her fists and said, "Since you have left the forbidden door and joined that organization, please stop interfering in our internal affairs."

Mason's eyes turned cold after hearing this: "After several years of not seeing each other, your wings seem to have hardened. Everything you have is given to you by me, and I can naturally take it all back!"

After saying that, he reached out and grabbed Minisha's neck.

Minisha dodged instantly and responded with a ball of terrifying flames: "Mason, I've had enough of your control!"

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