Reforming Lilith's body consumed a huge amount of Los' energy.

Yes, it was transformation, not healing.

Lilith, as the penultimate boss in the original setting, was a loyal follower of the crazy headless mayor and one of his mistresses.

In the setting, she had a childhood that could be called hell. Her parents were brainwashed by a cult when she was ten years old and became cultists.

When she was twelve years old, her parents, who had already fallen into madness, had their uterus removed. Because of her beauty, all her classmates at the time were jealous and conspired to attack her.

After that heavy blow, those children did not suffer any punishment. Because of this incident, Lilith's mind mutated and twisted, and then awakened that special talent.

At the age of fourteen, she killed all the attackers and all the cult members in that town. She left there and came to Arkham.

The essence of her core setting is not bad. All her killings were only aimed at those cult members and gang members. She even opened a free school at the time to help those students who could not go to school because of poverty.

Originally, her spirit was constantly struggling between calmness and madness, and then the arrival of the crazy headless mayor led her to the endless abyss.

And this time, Los came again, but he came half a year earlier than the setting, and the direction he guided her was completely different.

Her future loyalty can be comparable to Carrington, and she is one of the most dependent subordinates of the headless mayor, so Los spent more power on her.

After all, she is the key to his control of the entire city.

Of course, on the other hand, Lilith has too many physical problems.

Not to mention her legs that have completely atrophied and necrotic, in order to maintain her appearance, she overdrew a lot of vitality through her special mental power, and her body has countless chronic diseases.

If she hadn't met Los, she would not have lived for more than a year.

But in the same way, she has a stronger control ability and a higher evolutionary limit because her spirit has mutated.

More than 300 tentacles and thousands of tentacles are working at the same time, and a total of nearly 50 milliliters of ancient god blood are injected to meet Lilith's current situation.

Then there was a transformation time that lasted for more than four hours.

When all this was over, Los suddenly felt that he had been drained.

Not only the extra blood of the ancient gods, but also the biological energy in his body.

You know, he is now just a half-baked ancient god, where can he have so much blood of the ancient gods?

He estimated that he would not be able to directly give blood to others in the next three months.

In stark contrast to Los being drained, Lilith was radiant and reborn in unprecedented satisfaction.

She felt that she was more comfortable and happy than ever before, she felt her unprecedentedly powerful legs, and she felt that her dying vitality was infinitely full, so that she could not feel the edge.

The age of humans has lost its meaning to her, and she felt that she has returned to the most perfect era of her youth.

No! Compared with her current self, her youngest and most perfect era is just a pile of shit.

Taking a deep breath, Lilith stood up again after thirty-two years.

As she said, those legs are indeed her pride.

Her legs are very slender, which is the golden ratio in the eyes of artists.

She stood up, her height was 1.76 meters, and her white legs were slender but not abrupt or slender.

Her skin had faded from paleness and became ruddy and white.

Her eyes in particular actually emitted a faint red light, like two gems reflecting the sun.

It can be said that Lilith was completely reborn at this time.

Lilith, who stood up again, was filled with indescribable joy, and then her body floated and danced, dancing the ballet she had always dreamed of.

Her white toes jumped on the ground like a dragonfly skimming the water, showing her perfect body to the fullest.

Lilith has now been upgraded from the original level 18 to level 48, which is a very terrifying level.

After breaking through level 40, the structure of the body has evolved, and it will produce very unique talents.

From then on, every time you break through level 10, the body will complete the first evolution.

Los standing aside admired the graceful angelic figure and nodded with satisfaction: "This is worthy of my Los Arkham collection."

It should be the dream of every man to keep such a perfect woman in his golden house.

Of course, he knew very well that Lilith was indeed delicate, but she was indeed a complete sickly delicate one.

Although it was Los's collection, it was not a beautiful work of art, but a crazy venomous snake.

After a hearty dance, Lilith, who had calmed down, took a deep breath and felt her strong body now.

"Dear Los, my great and perfect master, your collection has been reborn." Lilith was not shy about calling it a collection at this time.

During the transformation just now, she knew very well how terrifying the power in those bloods was. This was the dream existence she had always dreamed of, the existence she had always longed to pursue.

Los reached out and stroked Lilith's smooth cheek and smiled with satisfaction: "You are not only my collection, but also my capable subordinate and the most trusted woman."

Hearing this, Lilith felt very satisfied and happy, and lowered her head slightly, like a beautiful cat with squinting eyes.

The transformation just now can be said to be very thorough. The blood of the ancient gods also transformed Lilith's very crazy and unstable mind.

Los repaired her split mind and removed most of the acquired distortions and madness, making her mind more stable now, more like an anti-hero who is both good and evil.

This is completely opposite to the original design.

So, the boss named "Crazy Goddess" in the future has disappeared, and now there is an anti-hero who obeys Los.

"Hell here is over, let's go, leave here." Los turned around and said.

After listening, Lilith looked around the dungeon where she had lived for ten years, and a little emotion appeared on her face.

"Los, my master, there is something under this sanatorium. I can occasionally feel a will radiating upwards from below." Lilith suddenly remembered and said.

Los nodded: "I know this, but don't worry about it for now. They are not a threat to us at this stage."


Lilith said, turned and walked to the desk, took out two hairbands, tied up her black hair that extended all the way to her calves, and then took off the old gray robe in front of Los.

"My master, is your collection beautiful?" Lilith asked softly.

Los was stunned for a second in the face of such stimulation, then coughed and commented: "As my most perfect collection, you are of course the most beautiful."

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