Lilith originally planned to put on her previous clothes, but unfortunately, her body that had undergone secondary growth could no longer fit into them.

It doesn't matter whether it's a top that tightens the chest or pants that are comparable to cropped pants.

In the end, she had no choice but to put on her black cotton pajamas and follow Los in the elevator to leave.

"I need to use your ability now to help me control the entire Arkham Sanatorium." Ross said.

With the task coming so soon, Lilith was naturally eager to try it: "This is easy. Do you need any other requirements? For example, let these people worship you as their savior, their only true god!?"

Los shook his head lightly and said, "I have no interest in that kind of religion. All I long for is order and equality. Just be loyal to us and don't make those excessive psychological hints."

Lilith looked at Los' profile and smiled: "My master, your heart is softer and more delicate than I imagined."

Ross smiled and asked: "Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

"It's naturally a bad thing for the weak, but for you, it may be a good thing."

Lilith said, with some memories in her blood-red eyes: "Because many people will be intoxicated by the powerful power and eventually forget who they are."

"That's probably the saddest thing." Ross sighed.

During the conversation, the elevator had reached the storage room on the third floor.

At this time, Kurwin was waiting here. When he saw Los bringing Lilith out, his eyes suddenly widened and he was full of shock.

But then thinking of his own hands, Kurwin quickly regained his composure: "Master, you are right. Those four people suddenly went crazy for some reason and are now tied to the bed by us."

Ross nodded and said: "Introduction, this is Kurvin, one of my loyal subordinates. In the future, he will help me manage the entire Arkham Sanatorium."

"This is Lilith, don't be nervous, she has been reborn and is different from before."

After hearing this, Kurwin relaxed slightly and said to Lilith, "Hello."

He has known the name of this witch for a long time, and he was even involved in the original transfer here.

Lilith looked at Kurvin's recovered hand and said with a smile: "Since you have Los's blood, you must be aware and loyal enough."

"I don't need your reminder on this point." Kurwin was very confident in his will.

Here Ross said: "After you deal with the staff, hand over the control to Kurvin. I don't want them to know that I have complete control of this place yet."

"After all, I'm still waiting for them to send me some more talent."

Lilith nodded casually: "Give me ten minutes."

After saying that, the whole person walked out of the door directly.

After Lilith left, Kelvin asked tentatively: " she okay?"

Ross smiled and said, "No problem."

"Now I have a very important task for you." Lose suddenly said seriously.

Kurwin was immediately excited: "Please tell me!"

"Prepare the food, all the food, for about forty people, I'm hungry!"

Kurwin was stunned for a moment, and then immediately took Ross to the canteen.

While Los went to the cafeteria to eat, Lilith strolled barefoot in the corridor on the third floor.

All kinds of weird roars and screams continued to come, but they became very beautiful music in her ears.

"It's so refreshing!" Lilith thought to herself, feeling that her spirit had been diffused again.

Then she suddenly realized that she seemed to have broken some boundaries and awakened to something special.

After a moment of awareness, she turned her head slightly to look, and was shocked to find that her black hair that reached her calves was squirming on its own as if it were alive.

Of course this was not squirming on her own, but under the control of her will.

"Is this the special ability that the master's blood gives me?" Countless jet-black hairs were like countless spiritual snakes, constantly fluttering in the air.

They combine with each other, sometimes becoming a powerful fist, sometimes becoming a ferocious mouth, and sometimes even becoming a sharp sword.

They can even be extended continuously under Lilith's control.


A heavy gunshot suddenly sounded.

Lilith turned her head slightly and found that her hair formed a palm and easily caught the bullet.

Not far away, a heavily armed security guard's eyes gradually widened, a look of incredible horror on his face.

Lilith smiled slightly, exerted a little force on her legs, and with a burst of strength, she jumped over a distance of twenty meters and came to the front of the security guard.

" could you come out!" This security guard is the spy here for the Hand of Chaos, so he naturally knows what Lilith looks like.

Her jet-black hair was like countless steel wires pulling on his struggling body. Lilith made a mature, elegant, and intellectual voice: "My child, what makes you so afraid? Don't be afraid, mom is here..."

There was an indescribable magic in these words. After a brief moment of sluggishness, the security guard said obediently: "Great Holy Mother, the Hand of Chaos told me that as soon as I find you leaving the dungeon, I will kill you directly."

"I actually attacked the great Virgin. I committed an unforgivable sin!" As he said this, the security guard was about to commit suicide by shooting himself.

Lilith, who had never cared about this move before, stopped it for the first time: "My child, there are many roads to redemption. Now I will give you a better road to redemption. Come on, go and save everyone else." Bring it to me."

The security guard immediately burst into tears of gratitude and said, "Thank you! Thank you, our great Holy Mother."

Then, he ran away quickly.

Within a few minutes, his associates here were called over.

And then...and then nothing more.

Lilith used her unique magic power to control all the staff and problematic patients in the entire sanatorium in less than an hour.

If these people had been there before, they would have been mentally broken by Lilith's demonic nature. She had killed people like this before.

But she is completely different now than before.

Because of the blood of the ancient gods, she can control her abilities more freely. Although she can only control ordinary people at the moment, this is enough.

She did not corrupt the spirit and will of these people, she merely planted a spiritual hint that would not have any adverse effects, making them think that they were loyal subordinates of the great mayor, Los Arkham.

In the cafeteria.

Under the shocked gaze of Kurvin, Ross burped slightly after eating the food for forty people by himself.

"The food is good. Keep it up like this. Three meals a day is very important." Lose wiped his mouth and said.

Kurwin nodded as if he were in a dream: "Yes!"

At this time, the sound of Lilith's bare feet hitting the floor came.

Behind her were a total of thirty-four people, all of whom were spies belonging to various organizations.

When Kurwin saw this scene, he sighed: "I didn't know there were so many people."

Now there are only forty-six normal patients and medical staff in the sanatorium.

There are thirty-four people here. It can be said that there are moles per person, and everyone is a kid.

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