Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 21 A visit from Rhodes Chamber of Commerce

After taking the entire sanatorium back, Los did not stay here any longer, because he still had a lot of things to do.

When he was about to leave, another attending doctor here: Dr. Ashley respectfully reminded: "Master, if you want to take Miss Lilith away, you'd better make some preparations."

"There are many secret guards from other gangs near the sanatorium, such as the Danny Gang to which I belong. They will send at least two secret guards nearby every day, keeping an eye on the situation in the sanatorium, while also secretly keeping an eye on Innsmouth Station and your home."

Hearing this, Lilith whispered: "Danny has made a lot of progress in the past ten years, and he can actually reach out here."

The boss of the Danny Gang, Danny O'Banion, is the leader of the Danny Gang that controls the commercial district. He is a strong man who looks cheerful and enthusiastic, but secretly very cruel.

Although his power is not small, it is in the commercial district after all. This is the central area, the territory of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce.

"There are secret guards of the Danny Gang around?" The speaker is another attending doctor, Dr. Boqi.

The two looked at each other, and Los clearly saw a hint of embarrassment and understanding in their eyes, as if saying: "Oh! So you are also a traitor!"

Dr. Bochi is a spy of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce. The two have a good relationship. They usually chat and think that only their identities are special.

"Uh... Not only from the Danny Gang, I am from the Redemption Society."

"I am from the Clark family."

"I am from Miskatonic University."


These guys confessed to each other, but found that no matter whether it was the erratic mental illness, the arrogant security personnel, or the busy medical staff, none of them had a clean background.

However, these people have one thing in common, they are all peripheral members of these organizations, do not know any core content, are only responsible for monitoring the situation here, and their families are controlled by the major gangs.

Kurvin looked at the briefing meeting in front of him in a daze, feeling that he was too naive before.

After confessing to each other, they all became Los's loyal subordinates naturally.

After handing over the remaining handover information to Kurwin, Los took Lilith to find the clothes of a tall female medical staff.

When putting on the clothes, Lilith covered her body with her very eye-catching hair, as if she was wearing a black and shiny tights.

And the hair part only showed about 30 cm long double ponytails.

After changing into ordinary clothes, Lilith also slightly adjusted her appearance and became relatively ordinary.

"Not bad!" Seeing this, Los nodded with satisfaction.

Now Lilith is his trump card, and he can't let others know that she has left the sanatorium.

After the two people left the sanatorium, the secret guards around quickly notified their leaders that Los left with a tall woman.

So, in less than half an hour, Arkham Sanatorium suddenly ushered in a group of more than 20 relatives and friends who visited the patient. The most important thing is that they didn't know each other!

In the sanatorium, Kurwin had arranged everything.

The relevant personnel also gave a perfect answer that reassured these people: a female patient who is proficient in mathematics.

Even the medical records have been prepared.

These people's focus is on Lilith. After confirming that there is no problem with this witch, they feel relieved.

After all, in their eyes, this young man who has risen to power by blood is not threatening at all.

Lilith followed Los back home, and as soon as she entered the house, she saw the butler Carrington guarding the door.

"Master, Mr. Reis Tariq, the municipal commissioner of the central district, is here to visit you."

Hearing this, Los's mouth corners slightly raised. He knew that the Hand of Chaos had discovered that something was wrong and was ready to come and test it.

"Well, I know, this is Vivian, the accountant who is proficient in mathematics that I just invited back. She will live here in the future and help us deal with those messy financial accounts."

"This is Carrington, my personal butler."

Los said a random name.

Carrington could naturally feel the familiar feeling from Lilith, and knew that she had also accepted the blood of the young master.

"Hello, Ms. Vivian, I will arrange accommodation for you."

Lilith smiled and nodded: "Thank you, kind housekeeper."

Ross took off his coat and walked into the living room in a white shirt. He found a middle-aged man with a big beard and a rough look sitting on the sofa with a young man in his thirties.

This rough-looking bearded man is the former sheriff and current municipal council member, Reis Tariq.

"Mr. Mayor!" Seeing Loss coming, the two stood up and greeted him with a smile.

Loss smiled and said: "You're welcome, Reiss, sit down and talk."

Then the three of them exchanged a few pleasantries, and Reiss got straight to the point and said: "Mayor, have you heard about a very bad and serious case recently?"

"Oh? What case?" Loss was a little surprised.

Reiss squinted and said: "A kind priest named Heim was brutally killed and his head was cut off. He suffered inhuman torture before his death, which aroused the anger of the people in the central area, so they hope that the mayor can do justice for them and find the murderer as soon as possible."

"This is really a sad thing. I have heard about the kindness of Father Heim. His death is a huge loss to Arkham." Los said with a sad face.

The young man next to him suddenly asked: "Mayor, who do you think is the murderer?"

This question was asked very suddenly and abruptly, but it has a special power that makes people want to tell the truth instinctively after hearing it.

Los turned his head and looked at the young man, smiling slightly: "You should ask the police about this."

"We asked the police, and they said that Heim had contact with you before his death." The young man said with his eyes gradually sharpening.

Los leaned back slightly and leaned on the sofa: "You can eat anything, but you can't say anything."

"However, if you are eager to know who the murderer is, your mayor will not refuse. Of course, you need to pay a certain price."

The young man's eyes sparkled: "Oh? What kind of price?"

Los smiled and said: "Give me the control of the central area, and all the people in your Rhodes Chamber of Commerce will get out, how about it?"


The two people stood up suddenly and looked at Los with gloomy faces.

"Mayor, you are provoking us." Reis said in a deep and powerful voice.

Los looked up at the two people, gradually stopped smiling and said: "This is not a provocation, but a suggestion that will be useful to you."

"Otherwise, in the future, if some people die, both sides will be embarrassed, which will not be good."

The young man laughed angrily and said: "Mayor, your idea is very dangerous."

Los stood up and said: "Is it dangerous? Why don't I feel it?"

The young man whispered: "Then I will try my best to let the mayor feel it."

After that, he turned around and left with Reis.

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