Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 22 The willing ones take the bait

After the two left, Carrington and Lilith, who had returned to normal, quietly appeared.

"Master, do you want to kill them both?" Carrington asked tentatively.

Ross smiled and said, "Although killing can solve many problems, it does not apply here."

"Our goal is to control, not to kill them all."

Lilith looked at the two people outside the window: "After ten years, these little guys have grown a lot."

Ross smiled and said, "You too."

Then he said to Carrington: "You are still too busy with the housework alone."

Carrington did not deny: "Although it is not a big burden for me, the efficiency of one person is indeed a little lower."

"Then I will find you a few maids! Beautiful maids are also pleasing to the eye." Ross made a quick decision.

Lilith said: "I know two places where they sell human beings. I wonder if the location has changed in the past ten years."

Los smiled and said: "Go and see. No one in this city should be able to threaten your safety now."

Lilith looked at the bright sunshine outside the window and was eager to try: "My master, can I go?"

"Go ahead. I'll leave this to you. I have other things to deal with."

"But before that, you need to have your own room and your own clothes."

After that, Carrington prepared a room for Lilith and took her out to buy clothes.

Los returned to his study and began to shift his attention to blood therapy.

Carrington, Lilith, Kurvin, Daryl, these four people are enough for him to easily regain control of the central area.

And now, he needs to further study blood therapy.

The way of using these four blood therapy can be said to be very rough. It is directly infused with the blood of the ancient gods. Although it is effective, it is too primitive.

In the future, when blood therapy is popularized, no one can use the blood of the ancient gods.

So he needs his ancient god blood as the core to further analyze the power of blood, and after mastering the detailed classification, he will develop other blood for blood therapy.

For example, bear blood, tiger blood, eagle blood, etc.

With his current knowledge, he can easily guide the evolution of human form.

"Emm... blood alone is not enough, I also need some tools and materials."

Related culture products, microscopes, sterile containers, and various nutrient solutions are what Los needs now.

"With my current connections, it seems a bit unrealistic to get these things."

"I wonder when Dr. Murthy will come to see me?" Los leaned back in his chair and said casually.

Heinrich Murthy, his neighbor who lives next door to him at No. 157 Coven Street, is a doctor with a very good reputation in Arkham.

His medical skills are very superb, but he does not have a relevant business license or a clinic. If you want him to see a doctor, you need to be introduced by doctors in other clinics, and the fee is very high.

Of course, he is now also a part-time doctor at the Arkham Sanatorium.

No one knows why he came to Arkham, a chaotic place. Although he is very good at surgery, he is very interested in human mental problems.

He agreed to work as a part-time doctor in Arkham Sanatorium because he wanted to use the new mental healing method he developed in the sanatorium.

He is not a cultist, but just a medical scientist who is eager for knowledge.

Murthy has a good relationship with Daryl. He has diagnosed Tracy several times before, and with his help, Tracy's blindness was delayed by three months.

He is so eager to cure Tracy, on the one hand, he wants to control Daryl, and on the other hand, he wants to attract the attention of Dr. Murthy relatively naturally.

Because Dr. Murthy is the key to his future promotion of blood therapy.

At the same time, Dr. Murthy is on his way to Daryl's home.

Dr. Murthy is a middle-aged man with a height of 1.8 meters and a thin body.

He is not good-looking, with messy golden hair on his head, a long face, deep green eyes, high eyebrows and high nose bridge, obvious edges and corners on his face, and rough skin with the frost of his military service.

If Daryl is like an orangutan, Dr. Murthy is like a long-faced monkey.

The first thought of many people when they see the two people at the same time is: "No wonder these two people can become good friends."

This morning, he received a call from Daryl, inviting him to his home to celebrate.

When he heard the reason for the celebration, he felt incredible, and he couldn't wait to verify it.

Walking to 305 of Daryl's house, he heard the laughter inside through the door.

Of course, after walking in, seeing the energetic, vigorous and youthful Tracy, Murthy suddenly felt incredible.

After shock and surprise, Murthy did not show too much abnormality. After the family celebrated happily, Murthy and Daryl sat in Daryl's study.

"Daryl, what's going on? I know Tracy's condition very well. With the current medical level, it is completely incurable." Murthy said seriously.

Daryl looked at his best friend in Arkham and said truthfully: "It was the mayor who cured Tracy's illness."

"Mayor? Mayor George?" Murthy thought instinctively.

Darryl shook his head and said, "No, it was Mayor Los. He used a special method that I can't understand. He only took half an hour to heal Tracy's eyes and even made Tracy's body very healthy."

Hearing this, Murthy murmured in shock, "How is this possible? Half an hour? This is simply a fantasy. Human technology cannot reach this level."

Darryl sighed, "I'm not an expert in this area, so I don't know. He said something I can't understand."


Then Daryl roughly told him about blood therapy, energy, structure, thinking and vision.

Murthy's whole spirit suffered a huge shock after listening to it, and murmured, "Is this what I'm looking for?"

At 8:30 in the evening, Murthy said goodbye to Daryl and returned home.

His house is next to Los. Looking at the study room with the lights on at this time, Murthy hesitated several times and didn't go in directly.

After all, he still had doubts about this kind of thing.

Just after returning home, Murthy welcomed a guest, who was the young man who visited Los this afternoon.

"Mr. Paul, why are you here?" Morsi looked at the young man and asked with some surprise.

The young man named Paul smiled and said, "Come to see an old friend, isn't it okay?"

After hearing this, Morsi said calmly, "I have a rather strange personality and don't have many friends."

Paul also knew the personality of this lonely doctor, and said directly, "Loss went to Arkham Sanatorium today and took a patient away. I hope you can help me check the details of this female patient."

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