Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 204 The Queen's Demon-Suppressing Tower

Returning to the Arkham Sanatorium with the angled monster, Los was a little worried.

The normal name of the angled monster should be the angle hound, a special creature living in the space dimension, hybridized by the Tindalos hound and an unknown creature.

Although the strange knowledge in his head has the breeding skills of the Tindalos hound, this thing is like a naughty dog, and you still need to spend some energy on it, otherwise it will pee and poop randomly and cause trouble for you.

Los didn't know any sealing techniques. Under normal conditions, the angle hound could not be imprisoned.

The reason why it was imprisoned by the Church of Light before was because it was still in its infancy, and now it is in its juvenile state, just when it is naughty.

"Due to the problem of space dimension, this thing is difficult to kill, unless I use the ancient god state, but it's a pity to kill it directly."

"It has many special abilities, and its blood may have other uses in the future. If you think about it comprehensively, it can be regarded as meeting the conditions of the containment."

"The expansion of the sanatorium is imminent." Thinking of this, Los was a little worried.

The guilty person before had occupied the dungeon belonging to Lilith, and the most difficult thing for the angle hound was that it could not be locked up under normal circumstances.

At this time, the angle hound, whose neck was pinched by Los, did not dare to struggle at all. It was not because it was afraid of Los himself, but because it was afraid of a certain existence in his body.

Los felt something in his heart at this time, raised his palm, and a silver-gray key appeared in his hand.

The moment the key appeared, Los could clearly feel that the angle hound's whole body was trembling violently, as if it saw something that made it feel extremely scared.

"The silver key condenses part of Yog-Sothoth's breath and power. This key now has no other functions except opening any door and giving others the ability to know about the door."

"It can indeed suppress the angle hound, but... it's too much of a loss to do so."

"I now need talents in this area to develop special materials for expansion. This material can lock them up tightly according to the characteristics of different containments."

When he thought of this, Los began to worry again, people! Although his staff has expanded a lot compared to the beginning, he is still seriously short of manpower.

While Los was thinking, Kulvin knocked on the door and came in: "Master, Miss Clark is here and said she has something to see you."

Los nodded and said: "Let her come here directly."

Kulvin looked down at the weird monster on the ground, but did not raise any objections: "Okay."

Two minutes later, Elizabeth, who had just come in, was frightened by the angle monster. She had never seen such a weird monster before.

Los, who had recovered his human form, smiled and said: "Long time no see, dear Elizabeth, do you want to drink coffee?"

Hearing this, Elizabeth's delicately made-up face suddenly turned green, and she immediately said firmly: "No! I am here to deliver the message on behalf of the queen, and I will leave after I finish speaking!"

Los sighed: "That's a pity, I recently found a very delicious coffee."

"Don't mention coffee to me again!" Elizabeth whispered.

Los laughed, and every time he teased Elizabeth like this, he felt very interesting.

"Okay, let's talk business." Los restrained his smile.

Elizabeth glanced at the Angle Hound and said, "The Queen's schedule has been set. She will arrive at the Arkham North Railway Station at 10 am five days later. You need to prepare the relevant welcoming ceremony."

Los sighed and said, "Is it not okay not to welcome her?"

"What!?" Elizabeth was immediately furious.

Los stepped on the Angle Monster and said, "I'm very busy now. There are countless forces constantly testing and infiltrating Arkham. You see, I'm still dealing with this difficult monster. This morning we were attacked by two level 40 strong men, and 22 of my excellent policemen died."

"Just now, we had difficulty dealing with this group of dangerous guys."

Elizabeth was shocked when she heard this. Has Arkham now become the target of attack by level 40 advanced superhumans! ?

More than 20 of those monster policemen died?

It seems that the two level 40 existences have been solved?

My God, is that peaceful Arkham finally going to cease to exist! ?

What about the safety of the Queen? We are too weak now!

Elizabeth, who was full of inner drama, was thinking about it for a while, and then she said in a much softer tone: "But when the queen comes, she still needs to be welcomed. This is a necessary ceremony."

Ross smiled and said: "How about this, let your people dress up as our people to greet them. You are familiar with each other, and we don't need to spare too many people."

"Of course, the senior executives of Arkham will go that day."

Elizabeth frowned slightly when she heard this, always feeling that Ross's plan was a little wrong, but now there seemed to be no better way.

"Let me think about it." Elizabeth said.

Ross smiled happily: "What a considerate and considerate woman."

Elizabeth's face turned cold after hearing this: "I don't think this is a compliment."

Loss: "Don't worry about these details. I'll leave the matter of welcoming the Queen to you. I'll let Daryl cooperate with your actions."

Without waiting for Elizabeth to react, Loss continued: "Anything else? I'm very busy here."

Elizabeth continued: "The Queen is very satisfied with you now. She thinks that the sincerity of the price we offered you before was not enough."

Loss clapped his hands happily after hearing this and said: "You are worthy of being Her Majesty! You are really a wise, sharp and intelligent person. I believe that after I meet you, I will like Her Majesty very much."

Elizabeth snorted coldly: "Don't talk nonsense. There is no man in the world who doesn't like Her Majesty."

"Her Majesty said that there are four dungeon mazes under Arkham. Although the ancient gods cannot get out of the maze, the leakage of power will definitely cause mutations, resulting in the emergence of some special monsters."

Loss nodded and said with anticipation on his face: "I look forward to meeting Her Majesty more and more."

He didn't expect that this mysterious Her Majesty knew so much.

Elizabeth said: "She recommended that you build a place to imprison these monsters, and the queen named it the Demon Locking Tower."

"Demon Locking Tower!?" Hearing this name, Los was stunned, and his heart beat suddenly.

Because... this is not the name of this world.

After all, there is no "demon" in this world.

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