Elizabeth said proudly: "Her Majesty the Queen possesses infinite knowledge and wisdom. You can't even understand the meaning of the three words "Demon Locking Tower", or even the meaning of "demon"."

Ross coughed: "Yes, yes, you are right, I really don't know what this monster means."

After hearing this, Elizabeth hummed in satisfaction and felt a little proud. After many confrontations, she finally felt that she had the upper hand.

Elizabeth continued: "What Her Majesty the Queen means is that those mutant creatures can be imprisoned in this monster locking tower. This will not only maintain the safety of Arkham, but also gain the special power of these monsters."

Ross smiled and said, "What a coincidence, I thought so too."

"You are so shameless." Elizabeth said disdainfully.

In her eyes, Ross's act of embellishing her own face as an afterthought was simply an insult to Her Majesty the Queen.

Los laughed and asked: "Her Majesty the Queen should also know that ordinary craftsmanship and materials cannot stop these monsters. I am also worried about this matter now."

Elizabeth said proudly: "This is the sincerity brought by Her Majesty the Queen. Her great Majesty the Queen has very outstanding achievements in architecture and materials science. Her Majesty now has a special material in her hands, as well as a complete Demon Locking Tower. "

"Her Majesty the Queen said that as long as this tower is completed, it can seal away most monsters that ordinary people cannot understand."

Hearing this, Ross's eyes suddenly lit up: "Is there still such an operation?"

Elizabeth sneered: "Let me tell you, although your wisdom is not low, it can be said that it is not worth mentioning in front of Her Majesty the Great Queen."

Ross naturally didn't care about this kind of derogation, which was like a child's comparison, and said with a smile: "I know, I know, after all, she is Her Majesty the Queen. How can I, a little mayor, compare with Her Majesty the Queen."

Elizabeth was very satisfied when she heard this: "You still have some self-awareness. If you agree, I will reply to the Queen now."


Ross nodded cheerfully, and then added: "You also tell Her Majesty the Queen that I am very interested in in-depth cooperation with her. I have many things in my hands that will be of interest to her. If possible, the Queen will come here this time. If you can bring some more related special technologies, I can give you a sufficient price.”

Elizabeth said favorably: "I will tell you."

After bidding farewell to Elizabeth, Ross breathed a sigh of relief and then began to think about it.

"This queen... seems unusual! The Demon Locking Tower... isn't this thing from the world of cultivation?"

I remember the first time Ross heard this name, he was watching the TV series "Legend of Sword and Fairy 1" when he was a teenager.

The male and female protagonists in it have also become the gods and goddesses of Los Angeles.

"Could it be that... Her Majesty the Queen is also a time traveler? I don't know if she is a fellow traveler. After all, although my world has the concept of the Demon Locking Tower, it does not really exist."

It was no surprise to Los that there were other time travellers.

Up to now, this world has ancient gods, alien gods, alien civilizations, and even existences similar to players such as the Eye of Insight.

It is quite normal for a few time travelers to come out.

"If there are other time-travelers, you should be more careful. Now it seems that this queen must have other golden fingers. It would be dangerous to start a war rashly."

After a brief analysis, Ross looked at Angle Hound.

Ross directly took out the silver key, inserted it into the Angle Hound's mouth, and gave the order: "Be more honest recently and don't move casually."

Woo woo woo...

A strange sound came from the angle hound's mouth, expressing submission.

Ross nodded and stuffed him into the door.

Angle hounds don't have much intelligence, they are more instinctive, and even their memory is only about ten days.

Lose warns it once, and it can only be honest for ten days at most.

But for Los Angeles now, ten days is enough.

After temporarily finishing the angle hound matter, just when Los was about to return to the city hall, he saw Kos walking in the lobby on the first floor.

"Mr. Mayor." Cos walked over directly.

Ross nodded: "How are the arrangements for the mermaid?"

Kos: "We have temporarily allowed them to live in the river, but this is not a long-term solution. Although the Miskatonic River is very wide, its current is relatively fast and is not suitable for long-term living. Can you help them solve it?" "

Los asked: "Can they become humans?"

Kos shook his head: "Not yet. The strongest among them is only level 22. If you want to have the ability to transform humans, you need at least level 30."

"And even if you become a human, you can't leave the water for a long time."

Ross nodded and asked again: "I remember that in the legend, mermaids can secrete a special body fluid in the water. This body fluid has the effect of slowing down aging?"

This is why mermaids are so expensive on the black market.

This may be the earliest record of humans drinking bath water.

Coss said with a smile: "Mermaid esters do have the effect of slowing down aging for humans. For them, these things are like oil on the human face, used to moisturize the scales."

"How many mermaids are there now?"

"Twenty-six in total," Coase said.

Ross nodded and said directly: "We have a plan."

When Kos heard this, his eyes, which had not fluctuated for thousands of years, flashed a light: "You say."

Loss said: "Do you know the reservoir on the north side?"

Kos nodded: "Yes, I heard that you want to expand it."

Loss nodded: "I plan to build a dam and reservoir there."

"The Miskatonic River is prone to flooding during the rainy season, which greatly affects the crops downstream. I plan to build a dam to manage the water flow. This will not only greatly solve Arkham's water problem, but also ensure the farmland downstream."

Kos naturally understood a little after hearing this, and asked: "Do you want to put them in the dam?"

Loss Si smiled and said, "I plan to let them become employees there to manage the entire dam, so that they don't have to leave the water and have value in existence."

"The mermaid ester in their bodies directly enters the Arkham water supply system, which is also a good choice for the citizens of Arkham."

Cos heard this and nodded with satisfaction: "This is really a good idea, but... they can't..."

Los smiled: "Don't you still have me? Although I can't improve their combat capabilities, I can still let them have the ability to transform into human form in advance."

Hearing this, Kos was very happy, and a rare happy smile appeared on his stiff and gloomy face.

"Thank you for your help, thank you."

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