Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 207 Los is overwhelmed by reality

After the general planning is finalized, the next step is construction and related plans.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and then Daryl walked in and asked, "Mayor, Conte and others have returned to the police station."

Ross put his head on and nodded, then pointed to the drawing and asked, "If I want to complete all these transformations, how much will it cost?"

Daryl walked over curiously and looked down. His eyes gradually swept across the map, his eyes gradually widened, and even his breathing became rapid.

Just through this map and the annotations on it, Daryl could clearly imagine what Arkham would look like in the future, as well as the beautiful scene.

Fifteen minutes later, after Daryl read all the content several times, he made a serious estimate and said: "Mayor, if all of this is realized, it will require at least 80 million Rosa coins, and that's just The basic costs of materials and labor, related monopoly technologies and special talents are not included.”

"Eighty million..." Lose touched his chin.

This number can be said to be a truly astronomical figure in this era.

This number is equivalent to the entire wealth of the four Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, and is equivalent to the tax revenue of the entire Arkham for forty years.

"The renovation of the slums costs about one million. It is really a big project!" Ross sighed.

Daryl said seriously: "It's not just about money, it's also about time and manpower."

As he spoke, he pointed to the drawing and said: "Look here, the five ten-story high-rise buildings you built in the business district cannot be built by ordinary engineering teams. There are only two people in the world who are capable of building such buildings." Companies, Darwin Group and Imperial Civil Engineering Company, and the price is almost 20 million for one building.”

Los's eyes widened: "Let them grab it!"

Daryl continued: "There is also this shipyard. Today's shipbuilding technology is all controlled by the Thiok family. Even if you get the support of Borg Thiok, it will cost about 30 million just to build it, of which We still need to find relevant professional workers.”

"There are also these two docks. Since they are the largest docks in the southeast of the entire empire, they must be able to accommodate Storm-class ocean-going ships, not only for unloading, but also for daily maintenance and related repair work."

"Let's not talk about the high-level talents who can repair Storm-class ships. The length of Storm-class ocean-going ships alone is 250 meters, and the draft is only 20 meters. How deep and how big do you think this river is needed? "Dockyard?"

After hearing this, Ross looked confused and felt a headache at the same time. He had only thought about the design before, but he had not thought of the relevant details involved.

Daryl continued: "There is also the reservoir on the north side that is integrated with the dam. This is an eighty-meter-high wall. This is simply not something that can be accomplished with current technology. If something goes wrong, the wall will If it collapses, the whole of Arkham will be destroyed.”

"There is also a flood discharge method here. Although the floodwaters are diverted to the Bolton River, which cannot be farmed, about five kilometers of mountainous terrain need to be dug in the middle!"

Ross suddenly remembered that the current industrial level was not even comparable to that of the First World War on the other side of the earth. These projects were very difficult for the entire empire, let alone Arkham.

Thinking of this, Ross's newly ignited ambition suddenly calmed down and he sighed: "I know, let's put these issues aside for now, first re-divide the nine regions and names, and start looking for the locations of these new departments. ”


Reporter Daryl said: "Mayor, the renovation work in the East District has begun, but there is a shortage of relevant professionals. We only have one construction team with relevant qualifications in Arkham. They are currently responsible for the renovation of slum streets. There is really no other construction team. We have manpower to handle things in the East District and the River District... and the Port District.”

Ross nodded: "I understand, you deal with it first, and leave the rest to me."

Daryl immediately opened the door and left.

Ross raised his head and looked out the window: "I suddenly discovered that what I really need to face is not the enemies who want to kill me, but these invisible problems."

"In terms of money, we can only attract investment. For these people... killing people doesn't work." Lose sighed inwardly.

Ross knew that after this period of continuous killings, various organizations' temptations towards Arkham would subside for a while.

During this time, his focus was not on those superhumans, but on these ordinary people who had a lot of resources.

"Capitalists, related business guilds, warlords, and provincial governments, I have already met the tragic fate of my future." Ross sighed inwardly.

Although he has a lot of technology, these technologies cannot be made public yet, and these things may not work for everyone.

Even the character of some people is uncertain. Loss does not want to give out his power and then others use his power to turn against him.

That would be so ironic.

Meanwhile, the Arkham Flower Club.

At this time, Minisha, who was wearing a translucent pink gauze skirt, fully highlighted her seductiveness and charm.

But Minisha felt something was not right at this time, and asked with a frown: "Is this what you want to teach me!?"

Lilith looked at Minisha with a satisfied look and said, "What else? I am amplifying your advantages, which can greatly stimulate the master's sexual interest in you."

Minissa was a little angry: "What do you think of me!? Let me tell you! Although I, Minissa, am grateful for the help of Mayor Arkham, it does not mean that I will abandon all my honor and pride and become his plaything!"

"I have my own power! I have my own abilities! I can rely on these to gain Mayor Arkham's appreciation, not these unsightly things!"

Lilith smiled with an experienced face and said in a mature voice of an older sister: "What you said are just methods and channels, but these are things that have the same goal. No matter which method you use, one day in the future, you will eventually lie beside the master to serve."

"I am teaching you the ultimate skills. As for how to gain the master's appreciation, if you don't even know this, then you are really a beautiful brainless vase."

Hearing this, Minissa was immediately angry, and the majestic chest kept shaking. She wanted to take action, but she couldn't beat this hateful woman.

"I don't need you to teach me these things! I can do it myself!" Minissa said and changed into her own clothes directly.

Lilith seemed very happy, then she stopped smiling and said, "Okay, that's enough joking. What I'm going to teach you now is how to use your body and abilities more accurately."

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