Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 208 The man who made Los' heart beat

In the office, Los looked down at the current financial situation of the Arkham government.

There are still 17 million Rosa coins on the books, all of which were obtained by eliminating the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce.

One million of them were used to renovate the slums, and the other two million were used to expand and rebuild the police system, as well as the salaries of government employees and related city benefits.

"This amount of money is not enough!"

Los turned around and looked at his family's savings, and there were still 4 million Rosa coins.

"I didn't expect that I was also a rich man." Los smiled.

In this day and age, owning 4 million Rosa coins is definitely considered a rich man in the empire, at least ranked in the top 100 in the entire empire.

"Huh? The hospitalization fee this month is much less." Los suddenly found that the hospitalization fee of Arkham Sanatorium this month was a little bit wrong.

So Los called Kurven directly to inquire.

"Master, I was just about to report this to you."

Kulven on the phone immediately explained: "We just received a call from the Charlemagne family. They said they wanted to take No. 03122 back."

"No. 03122... David Charlemagne?" Los had some impression of this person.

The last time they met, the once strong man had turned into a little girl who looked very weak.

There are at least thirty personalities in his body, and every time he becomes a corresponding personality, his entire body will change.

In terms of the danger level, his level is more dangerous than the previous No. 04134, which is now the gatekeeper Hardy.

Hardy's nature is not bad, and he is absolutely loyal to Los.

No. 03122 is different. He is too changeable and scheming. Even Los can only see through one of his personalities on the surface, and he is completely unclear about other personalities.

"Why did they cancel it suddenly?"

The Charlemagne family is now hosted by David Charlemagne's former wife, Judy Roman. After all, his son is only three years old this year.

This is a famous family in the entire Massa Province, and they are very generous.

They usually pay hospital fees once every three months, which is 10,000 Ross coins each time, and there is only one goal, that is to guard No. 03122 and prevent him from escaping.

Kurven shook his head and said, "I don't know yet, but it is probably related to what happened a few days ago. It may also be that some people are preparing to attack us through the Charlemagne family."

Kurven, who is in the Arkham Sanatorium, has always been accustomed to looking at people with evil. All those who do not indicate their position are his subconscious enemies.

Loss was silent for a while and said, "At present, the transformation of No. 03122 is at a critical period. We can't return him, and in the future, he is very important to Arkham."

Kurven heard this and said with some embarrassment: "This is a bit difficult. We are just a hospital, not a prison, and if he disappears and escapes, we have to pay a hundred times the compensation."

Loss pondered for a while and said, "Wait, I'll go over there."

The importance of No. 03122, Ross is very clear. In the future, this guy will be a perfect spy and can play an important role in many aspects.

He even prepared a drop of ancient god blood, and after he completely transformed, he would upgrade him and improve his abilities.

Going out and driving directly to Arkham Sanatorium again, Los prepared to contact No. 03122 for the second time.

"Master, they just called again and said that their people will arrive in the evening and take No. 03122 away directly." Kurvin put down the phone and said with an ugly face.

Los narrowed his eyes slightly: "There are still some things, go find Dr. Pochi, let's go see No. 03122."

Five minutes later, Los opened the door and went in directly. This time he saw that No. 03122 was no longer a little girl, but had returned to his original appearance.

This is a handsome guy in the true sense. He is 1.9 meters tall and has golden hair like the sun. Even if he doesn't wash it for a few days, it is still so soft and shiny. There is no greasy feeling.

This man has a light stubble at this time, with deep and faint melancholy in his eyes, and his whole body is full of the decadence and mystery of the classical aristocracy.

The pair of blue eyes were like bright gems, shining with a special brilliance.

Los swore that this was the most handsome man he had ever seen in his life, so handsome that Los was a little moved.

However, although No. 03122 had a good temperament at this time, his body was very thin, probably due to malnutrition.

There were many wounds on his arms, and he should have a habit of self-harm.

After seeing Los come in, No. 03122 looked at Los with his beautiful eyes.

"You seem to have changed a little since the last time we met." No. 03122's voice was low, with a hoarse nasal sound, and the indifference was full of a special male magnetism.

Hearing this voice, Los immediately remembered a male voice actor he liked very much, Kenjiro Tsuda. (Voice actors of Kaiba Seto and Suho Takashi)

Loss looked at him and said, "You seem to have changed a bit too."

Mr. Pochi said, "Mayor, No. 03122, the mutation is accelerating recently. In the past, he would change into at least five forms every day, and the intervals between changes are getting shorter and shorter, and he looks more skilled."

"And unstable." Loss took over the conversation.

No. 03122 looked into Los's eyes and chuckled: "As expected of you, you can't hide anything."

While speaking, some scales gradually appeared on his palms, but dark hair appeared on his arms.

The left side of his chest kept bulging, as if a breast was about to grow, and the whole skeleton of the person was constantly changing, sometimes larger and sometimes smaller.

Los said calmly: "Although you have completed the transformation, in your current form, you are not able to distinguish these forms, which causes these forms to be mixed with each other. If you continue like this, when you lose control because of despair, you will become a ball of meat that can only breathe and swallow."

No. 03122 nodded slightly: "So I have been insisting and waiting for your arrival."

"Oh? It seems that Hardy told you something." Los's mouth curled up slightly.

No. 03122: "My relationship with No. 4... Hardy is pretty good. I rarely have the opportunity to go out, and he often comes to my room to tell me about the situation outside."

"There is such a thing!?" Hearing this, Kulven and Pochi were immediately very surprised. They had no idea about this matter.

Los took a chair and sat in front of him: "You should have felt something, right?"

No. 03122 said, "I am still being controlled by that woman, and I am thirsty for the blood of the ancient gods."

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