Hearing this, Ross clearly saw a flash of fear and caution in No. 03122's eyes.

"Judy Roman, judging from what you said, she is not a beautiful and talented rich woman as outsiders see her." Los said slowly.

Number 03122 raised his head and asked: "Have you heard of the witch?"

Ross coughed and said, "Although I have heard of it, for some reason, I can no longer face the word witch."

"Why?" No. 03122 didn't understand.

Los asked: "Did she... also transform from a man?"

Faced with this question, Dr. Kurwin and Dr. Poch were completely stunned. The mayor...does this look at women?

No. 03122 also lost consciousness for a moment and said: "Although I don't know why you said such things, what I can confirm is that Judy was born a female, and the two of us can be said to have grown up together."

Ross coughed: "Then let's talk about the witch."

Number 03122 then explained: "They have an organization whose members are all women. The people inside claim to be the descendants of the Mother of Darkness. They have also awakened some special powers through some unknown methods."

"What Judy awakens is control. She is called a control witch by their accomplices. This term suits her very well. She has shown a strong desire to control since she was a child."

Mentioning the childhood scene, No. 03122 showed a soft smile on his face. It seemed that he really liked his wife.

"She can give you some mental hints and control when you are not paying attention, thereby issuing the rules she has laid down and controlling everything within her rules. If you violate this rule, you will be punished extremely painfully. , but in the face of this punishment, I don’t know why, but I can’t resist.”

Loss showed some interest when he heard this. This ability is somewhat similar to Lilith's ability, but the direction of development is completely different.

"I don't know when she joined that organization, but after we got married, she gradually showed her true colors, and my schizophrenia also appeared from her constant punishment."

Speaking of this, No. 03122 clenched his fists and said: "Because normal humans cannot endure those painful punishments. I can only split other personalities to bear the pain on my behalf."

Ross frowned slightly and asked: "Your family is the descendant of the Paladin after all. There should be other extraordinary servants in the family, right? They haven't discovered these problems?"

Number 03122 shook his head: "They don't know when they have entered her rules and come under her control."

Los Angeles suddenly became interested: "This may be a brand new system. The systems I already know include alchemy, human body modification, alien technology, and direct giving of special rewards and gifts, as well as self-cultivation."

Number 03122 looked at Los and said: "I have said so much, I just hope you can protect me. I am not the opponent of that woman yet, and I am still within the rules. I hope to get your Ancient God's power." Blood allows me to undergo a transformation and break out of my previous shackles.”

Kurwin said on the side: "You should know that there is a price."

No. 03122 nodded: "Of course I know this. I know some of the mayor's plans, and I also feel the mayor's greatness that day. Now I still have a good sense of belonging to Arkham."

"If the mayor is willing to help me, after I complete my revenge, I will stay in Arkham forever, become a guard protecting Arkham, and be loyal to you forever."

Number 03122 spent the most important years in Arkham, and because of his special talent, he could know the situation outside even through walls.

Especially with the vigorous events in the past two months, he believed that compared to the developed provincial capital city and the huge mansion, he was more suitable here, a gathering place for the forgotten and the mad.

Los looked at the number 03122 and asked directly: "If I help you get back control of the family, you can still accept the connections and assets of the entire Charlemagne family, right?"

Hearing this, No. 03122 immediately understood what Los meant, nodded and said: "Without affecting the family's inheritance and reputation, you can allocate the assets and connections of the Charlemagne family at will."

Ross nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, I feel your sincerity."

With that said, Los stood up and said to Pochi: "Unlock his shackles."

"Understood." Pochi then took out the key.

But when he was about to open it, Pochi asked Ross cautiously: "Master, No. 03122 has a personality. Even if the current external personality agrees, he still has a lot of changeable internal personalities."

"Especially that little girl's personality, which is very dark and twisted inside, and has a super high IQ of 130. There are too many uncontrollable risks."

Ross nodded after hearing this: "Thank you for your advice, Dr. Poch. I am lucky to have a dedicated doctor like you in Arkham Sanatorium."

Hearing such praise, Poch was a little overwhelmed. This was not the first time that Los had praised him, but most of them were for medical staff as a whole.

But this time, such a separate praise and affirmation made Dr. Boqi extremely happy and excited, but also overwhelmed and flattered.

Kulvin on the side added: "Master, Dr. Bochi's rigor and concentration are top-notch in the sanatorium. Now all the patient records and the rating of the risk level of related patients, as well as the framework design, are led by Dr. Bochi."

This was the first time that Los heard about Dr. Bochi's work, and then he expressed more praise for Dr. Bochi and said: "Dr. Bochi, I'm sorry to discover your talent so late."

This immediately made Bochi a little panic, and he hurriedly said: "You are so polite. This is all my job, and Dr. Kuerwen also gave me enough compensation for the work I did. I am very grateful for this."

Los did not say more, and turned to No. 03122: "Today, I will keep your wife's people back, and give you the blood of the ancient god tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

No. 03122 said gratefully after hearing this: "Thank you for your trust and generosity."

Then Los turned around and left with his men.

Walking in the corridor, Los said to Dr. Bochi: "You should have known about the sinner and the angle hound, right?"

Dr. Bochi nodded.

"I want you to compile a data format for the objects in storage, and you will be responsible for testing and looking after these objects in the future."

Seasonal change, chronic pharyngitis relapses, I went to get an IV drip and nebulization today, I will continue to do it for the next four days, I will try to write three chapters if possible.

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