Upon hearing Ross's plan, Dr. Poch was stunned for a moment, and then asked tentatively: "Mayor... I'm just an ordinary person. Am I really qualified for this job?"

Ross smiled and said: "Of course, you have such abilities and talents, so it doesn't matter whether you are an ordinary person or not."

When Dr. Boqi heard this, his heart suddenly surged. He had previously been willing to follow the arrangements of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce and come to Arkham Sanatorium to work as an undercover agent. On the one hand, he took a fancy to their generous rewards, and on the other hand, he was interested in those who transcended. There is a deep interest in the secret existence of reality.

He is a very typical realist who knows how to weigh the pros and cons. If there is danger, he will abandon some without hesitation, return home to stay with his wife and children, and become a social elite.

But with the development of these two months, he saw many things from here as a participant and witness. While knowing the mayor's great ability, he also found that he could satisfy his great curiosity. You can also get very sufficient security, which suddenly makes Pochi feel that a brand new door is opening towards him.

Dr. Boqi squeezed the thick notebook in his hand, looked serious, and said in a sonorous tone: "Mayor, I will never let you down."

Ross nodded with satisfaction: "Okay! Very energetic!"

"Later today, I will teach you some special knowledge. This knowledge can greatly broaden your knowledge horizons and allow you to have more advanced achievements and systems in this area. If you are willing, you can also accept some transformations. , master the extraordinary power, so that you can be more comfortable in your future work."

Dr. Boqi's heart suddenly surged when he heard this, and he said loudly with a red face: "Yes! Mayor"

Dr. Boqi, who had been newly appointed by Los, left with a glow on his face. He needed to find the previous information and compile the original templates and information in more detail.

Although he was responsible for the compilation and statistics of the previous guilty person's information template, he did not have such an ambitious plan. Although the basic information was relatively complete, it was still far behind for a mature holding institution.

This time I heard that the monster at that angle could easily bite off Father Hester's palm, and it also had extremely weird teleportation abilities.

The first thing Dr. Pochi thought of was to renumber these monsters and add more detailed information, such as the threat level of Arkham as a whole, the difficulty of supervision, etc...

Since the mayor is so optimistic about himself, he must not let the mayor down!

After negotiating with No. 03122, Ross's attention naturally turned to the group of patients' families who were rushing in.

"Mayor, we are not yet in a good position to have a head-on conflict with them." Kullwin reminded.

Lose said with a smile: "So I have no intention of conflict with them."

"You already have a plan?" Kurwin was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

Ross didn't say much: "I still leave all the work here to you."


Returning to the city hall office from Arkham Sanatorium, Ross called Sheena directly on the phone.

"Master." Xina walked in with a bad expression.

"What's wrong?" Los asked in a gentle tone.

As a successful leader, it is very necessary to care for your subordinates.

Moreover, these people are not as simple as his subordinates to him, but more like existences created by him, like his children.

Hina clenched her fists: "Master, I am really too weak!"

When speaking, Xina's face was full of helplessness and self-blame.

Although the matter between the Angular Hound and the Father God Redemption Society was successfully resolved today, she was a servant entrusted with important tasks by the mayor. She was obviously the one who took the lead in investigating this matter, but in the end she did not contribute a single bit of strength.

At that time on the top of the mountain, the words of Father Kurwin and Hester also made Sheena more aware of her own weakness.

In this world, weakness is the greatest original sin.

When Ross heard this, he said seriously: "Xina, we understand how you feel. That powerlessness and self-blame have been tormenting you."

As he spoke, Los stood up and came to Hina: "I'm glad that you can come here and talk to me about your pain."

After hearing this, Xina looked up at Los, her throat trembled twice, but she didn't know what to say.

"We are not a simple subordinate relationship. Lilith has my blood flowing in her body, and you are like a sister to Lilith, so I am to you, Kurvin, Murthy, Daryl, and Carrington. Waiting for everyone, there is a feeling of family.”

"I am the elder who leads this family, and you are the children. What I hope is not that you will only complete the task, or even give up your own life. What I hope more is that you will regard yourself more as the whole Aka As a member of the Mu family, learn to think and talk.”

Los's voice was very soft and as warm as sunshine and as loving as an elder.

When she finished saying this, two lines of tears were flowing down Xina's eyes.

What Los said completely cut into the pain points she had always felt, and aroused great resonance in her.

Yes... after so many years of struggle, so much hard work... she just wanted to find a home for herself that could warm her heart.

And now, she was quite sure that he had found it.

"Master..." Hina did not stop crying. At this time, she felt that this small boat that had been drifting for a long time had arrived at her own haven. She felt that she was surrounded by boundless happiness and warmth.

Wiping away her tears, Xina said seriously: "Master, please give the order."

Ross smiled and said: "If you feel that you are too weak, you can go to Arkham Sanatorium for further transformation."

Xina immediately shook her head and said, "No!"

"Master, I hope that what I get is obtained by my own efforts, rather than given because of your kindness. Your love and compassion allow me, a wild dog, to integrate into such a big family. Then I must show Only in this way can I be qualified to receive your gift."

Los looked at Xina, whose eyes were full of firm light, and nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that his close brother was doing a good job.

"Very well, I have something important to give you."

Los then told Sheena his plan: "To prevent accidents, I will ask Minisha to cooperate with you this time, and it will be under your control for the time being."

"At the same time, you also let Minisha get familiar with our action style, so that she can integrate into it as soon as possible."

Xina took the order seriously: "Yes!"

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