Lewis looked around cautiously, fearing that the damn police would find him and take him back to that damn place.

Lewis, 42 years old this year, has been in the Cage Blue Prison for seven years, during which he has suffered a lot of darkness and abuse.

Beating, overwork, sodomy, etc.

He felt that these seven years had made him suffer all the pain he should have suffered in his life.

He planned for seven years, and finally seized the opportunity at twelve o'clock this morning, and escaped along the secret passage he had dug for seven years, successfully escaping from that hell.

Wearing old workers' clothes, standing in the mountain stream, he looked up at the sun, and his wrinkled eyes were full of warmth and comfort.

This is the feeling of freedom.

"It should be four o'clock in the afternoon, and I should be in the mountainous area southeast of Heisen City now."

Lewis has a natural sensitivity and talent for time, numbers, and distance.

"I ran all the way here, got rid of the police dog's scent tracking through the river, and ran almost 80 kilometers in 14 hours."

"You can reach Arkham smoothly by following the Miskatonic River."

This time, the city shrouded in legends and mysteries is his goal.

He knew very well that the group of guys would never let him go easily. Now in the Rosas Empire, only the chaotic Arkham could have a place for him.

"I heard that something seems to have happened there recently, and it's a time of chaos."

Lewis thought in his heart, taking heavy steps and moving forward.

Seven years of high-intensity labor made the 42-year-old suffer from lumbar disc herniation and cervical spondylosis, but it gave him a pretty good physique.

But running 80 kilometers non-stop also made his body approach the limit.

"Haisen is a relatively important transportation hub. It is in the middle of the Bolton Mountains and has eight railways passing through it. It is also a transit station between Arkham and the provincial capital."

"There are three ways to get from Haisen to Arkham: land vehicles, ships along the Miskatonic River, and trains."

"If I continue to move forward along the river, it will easily attract their attention, but I should be about 120 kilometers away from Arkham now. With my current physique, it is not realistic to walk there."

He only ate some wild fruits on the way to escape, and now he urgently needs to replenish his energy.

"If you want to reach Arkham smoothly, you must think of other ways."

"I don't have much time. As an important prisoner, the prison and those people will respond quickly. Within 48 hours, my portrait will be quickly transmitted to the entire Massa Province."

"There are still 20 kilometers, and we must reach Howling Town before 6 pm."

Howling Town is located in a rare basin in the middle of the Bolton Mountains. Tea and wheat are produced in it. Due to its good quality and large scale, it is not only a trading point, but also a place for ships, trains, and cars to dock and unload goods.

Although Lewis was physically exhausted, his eyes were full of determination.

He wanted to escape, he wanted to gain freedom, then develop his own power, and finally complete revenge.

For his wife and the unborn child!

When he thought of the hatred in himself, Lewis was like a chicken blood, continuing to burst out the power in his body and moving forward rapidly.


At seven o'clock in the evening, at the port on the southern edge of Howling Town, a passenger ship stopped here for a while, and will continue to set off in half an hour and arrive at the end of this journey, Arkham.

There were not many people on the ship, but it was not good either, with a total of almost a hundred people.

The people here were mixed, there were upper-class people dressed proudly, there were cowboys wearing canvas clothes and holding cigars, and some ruthless people who didn't look like good people.

Among these people, a group of five strong young men wearing black suits and carrying boxes in their hands got off the ship.

Facing the five people, people on both sides made way, as if avoiding the plague god.

"Who is this? So cool?" A sturdy man with a knight's hat, a sturdy figure, thick body hair, and a cigar in his mouth asked.

The person next to him stared: "This is a member of the Charlemagne family, don't you know?"

The sturdy man took off the cigar, picked up the wine bottle with his other hand, and drank half a bottle in one gulp, and said casually: "I haven't heard of it, is it very famous?"

"This is, the largest family in the province of Massa!" The young man emphasized.

The sturdy man held the cigar again, exhaled a puff of smoke, and scratched his messy hair under the knight's hat: "Charlemagne... sounds familiar, I forgot."

Looking at this guy taking a cigar, a sip of liquor, and chewing betel nut in his mouth, the young man sighed: "I say, Alvin, are you really not afraid of death? If you go on like this, you will die of a terminal illness in less than three years."

"It doesn't matter, there's no point in living anyway." The sturdy man named Alvin said.

"So you go to Arkham to die during this time? I heard that Arkham is full of monsters!" The young man whispered mysteriously.

The sturdy man grinned: "That's perfect."


In the dark night, among the dense cargo boxes, Lewis was carefully hiding in the shadows. He now needed to sneak onto the ship and let the ship take him to Arkham. This was the only way.

"Almost there! Almost there!" Lewis carefully touched the sweat on his forehead and tried to find a box to hide in the shadows.

Soon, he found a box for transporting tobacco.

But he happened to see five young men in black suits carrying boxes passing by here.

After seeing the signs on these five people, Lewis's face suddenly turned pale.

"Impossible! How could the Charlemagne family be here!? Could it be... did they find me?" Lewis immediately felt that his heart was pinched.

Lewis, with a stiff body, immediately attracted the attention of these five people.

The leading young man turned his head slightly and looked, just in time to see Lewis's old face in the moonlight.

"Wait." The young man stopped directly.

"Found a wanted criminal, take him back." The young man said in a cold tone like a robot.

Hearing this, Lewis' hope of escaping was instantly hit the bottom.

But he did not intend to surrender, he had come to this step, and he must not give up like this!

When five people surrounded him, Lewis ran to the river with all his strength.

He would rather fight for that 1% hope than return to the prison of hell.

He was ready to jump into the Miskatonic River and drift along the river!

But just when he ran to the river, he was suddenly stunned.

Because... at this moment, a dozen hideous monsters suddenly appeared on the river.

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