Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 212: Failed to pretend to be dead

In prison, Lewis had heard that a large number of terrifying monsters had recently appeared in the province of Massa. These monsters looked like fish and often came out of the water to attack humans.

He did not believe this kind of talk. He believed more that a group of robbers disguised as monsters were disturbing the audience.

But now, when he first saw this group of hideous guys, he knew that this was not something that humans could disguise themselves as.

He was sure that these guys were definitely not human.

At this time, Lewis was in a dilemma. There were pursuers behind him and a dead end in front of him. He was caught in the middle and was forced to the edge of the cliff.

Just as Lewis hesitated, the black-clothed youths behind him took out the relevant weapons from the boxes in their hands.

The weapons of these youths had different shapes, including short swords, short knives, hooks and gears.

Although they looked different, it could be seen that these weapons were all made of something similar to muscle tissue.

Because these weapons not only had the cold and hard texture of metal, but also the elasticity and ductility unique to muscles.

The five young men were very fast. They rushed to Lewis' side in almost a blink of an eye. The leading young man threw a black shackle and locked Lewis' hands tightly.

"Damn the sinful knight!" Seeing this scene, Lewis couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

Lewis, who was locked in shackles, wanted to move further, so he could only crawl on the ground like a worm and keep wriggling.

At this time, the group of monsters that landed accompanied by scary roars had already plunged the entire dock into chaos.

"Fish monster! Fish monster!"

Sharp and panicked shouts came one after another, and the workers who were just responsible for carrying the goods just threw down the goods in their hands and turned around and ran.

The passengers on the ship also had a violent commotion at this time.

"Hurry up and start the boat! What are you thinking about! Hurry up and start the boat!"

"The monster is coming up! Close the hatch!"

"Pull back the drawbridge!"

"Where are the guards! Where are the guards!?"


The captain of the ship seemed to have experienced such a thing for the first time. After a brief panic in the face of such a situation, the first method he thought of was to leave here quickly.

So he quickly ordered to close the hatch of the cargo hold, retract the escalator, and then drive at full speed to quickly leave this damn port.

At this moment, no one cared whether the passenger ship left.

The small dock that was just in order had already run away, and only five black-winged youths were left holding the strange weapons and fighting with the dozen fish monsters.

Lewis, lying on the ground, watched the ship gradually leave, and the last hope in his heart had been completely shattered.

He struggled desperately to get rid of this damn bondage, but unfortunately, he didn't have such strength.


A hideous fish monster was smashed in the chest by an unknown force, flew more than ten meters away and hit Lewis's side.

Before Lewis could see the fish monster clearly, a pungent and disgusting fishy smell came to his face.

Lewis looked at the hideous teeth, the green blood splashing, the strange scales covering the whole body, and the sharp claws with hooks.

But all these inhuman things grew on a body with a human face, constantly impacting his poor and narrow worldview.

At this time, Lewis' eyes gradually widened, and his body trembled uncontrollably. It seemed that some force was tearing his spirit, gradually abandoning all the current depression, and embracing a brand new world, a free world where he didn't need to think about anything.

Just as he was about to embrace that world, he suddenly heard subtle footsteps in his ears.

With a firm will, he tried to restrain the crazy idea. He turned his head hard to look in the direction of the footsteps, but saw a group of five people wearing black robes who suddenly appeared near the dock.

These five people looked like two women and three men, led by two women.

The two women could not be seen, but even if one of them was wrapped in a robe, her plump and juicy body, combined with her natural charm, could still give people a very strong visual impact.

"You are..." Before Lewis finished speaking, the woman with a witch figure suddenly raised her hand.

In an instant, a terrifying cold wind that Lewis had never experienced swept through.

At this moment, Lewis even felt like he was going to be frozen to death.

The biting cold was like countless greedy insects, penetrating his skin, gradually devouring all the heat in his body, making him feel that he was gradually out of the sequence of living people and reaching an unknown realm.

I don't know how much time has passed. When Lewis came to his senses, he was surprised to find that he was not dead, but his body was frozen stiff and very inflexible.

In front of him, there was an ice path about two meters long, leading directly to the river.

Looking along this ice path, Lewis's eyes immediately shrank to the extreme.

At this moment, the five ferocious young men just now seemed to be frozen there in an instant by the terrifying cold.

Through the ice crystals, Lewis could even see their calm faces, the palms holding the weapons, and the wounds on their skin that were attacked by monsters.

They seemed to have no reaction at all and were frozen in an instant.

Frozen with them were the group of monsters that had been half killed.

"This...this..." Seeing this scene, Lewis felt like he was suffocating.

Because all of this is completely incomprehensible to him.

This is far beyond the limits of what the human concept can achieve.

Just as he was tremblingly alive, the voices of the group of people came to his ears.

"Ms. Xina, the surrounding area has been completely cleared, and there are no witnesses."

"Well, let's continue the expulsion and wait until we have completely withdrawn before closing the team."


Lewis turned his head to look with difficulty, just in time to see the two women standing in front of the ice sculpture.

At this time, the woman with a devilish figure asked: "Aren't you going to kill them all?"

"It's not good if we kill them. What we want is to make them confused about our true purpose."

"There seems to be a living person over there with shackles on his hands. It seems that he is not from the same group as them. I gave him a breath."

Hearing this, Lewis suddenly felt like he was a mouse being stared at by a cat. His frozen body suddenly shivered, and the chains vibrated, making a sound when they hit each other.

"It's over!" At this moment, Lewis was completely desperate.

He already knew the horror of this group of inhuman beings. He thought he could escape by pretending to be dead, but he didn't expect that everything was within the control of the other party.

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