When Lewis was pretending to be dead, Sheena had already arrived in front of him, looked down at this trembling ordinary person and asked: "Why do they want to arrest you?"

Lewis raised his head slightly, just in time to see Hina’s handsome face under the hood.


After less than a second of hesitation, Lewis decided not to lie, but to tell all his truth.

"Judging from the situation just now, this group of people are not official people. They had a special purpose when they came here this time. From a standpoint, they have no need to arrest me."

"Besides, since I have become a witness, the only way to survive is to join them!"

"If you want to join, you must not lie!"

Then, Lewis said in a voice that was shivering from the cold: "My name is Boren Lewis, and I am a fugitive who has just escaped from prison."

"Beren Lewis?" Sheena frowned slightly when she heard the name, saying she had never heard of it.

Minisha on the side came over and said: "Since he is a criminal, just kill him."

After saying that, a blazing flame suddenly appeared on her hand.

When Lewis saw this scene, his body seemed to be stung by something, his heart kept beating faster, and blood quickly gathered to his brain, causing his brain to enter a state of accelerated operation.

"Wait! Don't kill me! I know an important secret! After you know this secret, you can get a lot of money!"

When Xina heard this, she immediately raised her hand to stop Minisha's attack: "Ms. Minisha, don't kill him yet."

When Minisha heard this, she put away her hand and asked, "What? He is just delaying time and seeking changes, which is not good for us."

Hina raised her hand, knocked Lewis out directly, and gave it to the ghoul on the side to carry him on his back.

Then, Sheena turned around and explained: "I saw hatred and anger in his eyes, which shows that he is a person with a lot of stories. Arkham needs stories like this now because we can mine them. Give us a lot of what we need.”

When Minisha heard this, she couldn't help but take a closer look at Xina: "I can't tell that you still have such insight."

Xina smiled: "Thank you for your approval, let's go! This mission is completed."

Minisha turned her head to look at the ice sculptures. At this time, the five young people who were frozen were not dead, but were in a state of frozen suspended animation.

After about three hours, the ice will gradually lift. At that time, they will only lose the ability to move for a short time, and their lives are not in danger.

The other monsters will have been directly frozen to death.

"The method taught by that guy is really useful." Minisha looked down at her palms and thought to herself.

In the afternoon, Lilith did teach some methods about controlling her abilities, and also taught her some special knowledge about how to regulate the body's muscle and nerve responses.

Through the combination of these knowledges, not to mention the power, the precision of controlling ice and fire at this time is at least 30% higher than before.

"Where did this woman know so much knowledge? Is she the mayor?" Minisha thought in her mind and followed Xina back to the woods on the north side of Wuthering Town.

With a piercing scream, the other seven ghouls quickly returned, and then the group took a car directly back to Arkham along the road.


Lewis didn't know how long he had been unconscious. When he woke up in a daze, the first thing he heard was the roar of a tiger in the wind.

Opening his eyes vaguely, he first realized that he was placed in the corner of the vehicle.

The moon in space has risen, it seems to be around eight o'clock in the evening.

There were nine young people sitting in the carriage at this time.

At this time, these nine young people were sitting there, talking and laughing with each other, as if they were a group of simple workers, thinking about a bright future.

"Why...am I here? I remember..."

The brain's thinking gradually recovered, and then after thinking of the flames and frost, Lewis suddenly straightened his body.

But the moment he made a strange movement, the car suddenly fell into silence.


Lewis’ whole body tensed up immediately and he swallowed hard.

At this time, in the dark carriage, nine pairs of scarlet eyes stared at him, full of coldness and violence.

The group of simple workers just now turned into terrifying monsters in human skin in an instant.

Lewis, who had risked everything, asked in a low voice with the awareness of death: "Where is this? Where are we going?"

At this time, the black-haired young man sitting next to him said calmly: "We will arrive at Arkham in fifteen minutes."

"Arkham!?" Upon hearing this, Lewis's eyes suddenly burst into light.

"We...we are going to Arkham!?" Lewis struggled to sit up and asked excitedly.

Another young man with a cigarette in his mouth said: "Boy, you are lucky. Ms. Xina took notice of you and did not kill you. Don't get excited now. We in Arkham never keep useless people. You'd better do it." Can show the value of his existence after fifteen minutes.”

Hearing this, Lewis said with excitement in his tone: "No problem! No problem! I know a lot of secrets! As long as you are willing to accept me, I am willing to contribute everything I have."

"By the way! I used to be a successful banker. If possible, I can provide you with financial and tax preparation services for free!"

"Banker?" Several people looked at each other and said they didn't know anything about this thing.

After making sure that he was temporarily safe, Lewis's mind gradually became active, and he asked tentatively: "Which organization do you belong to? I can think about what kind of help I can provide to your organization."

"Organization?" Everyone was stunned after hearing this, and then a strange smile appeared at the corner of their mouths.

Lewis continued: "You...should belong to the kind of organization that doesn't quite conform to the rules? According to my understanding, if your organization wants to operate smoothly, the first thing is to launder the illegal money, so that it can operate safely."

"I have a successful money laundering method and channel here, which can definitely help your organization!"

After hearing this, the carriage fell into a brief silence.

This silence immediately made Lewis feel unsure.

"I...did I say anything wrong?" Lewis asked tentatively.

A few seconds later, Lewis suddenly heard a burst of laughter.

"Hey! Brothers, did you hear that? Our "organization" actually needs to launder money!? Hahaha!"

"Haha! It's really interesting that our Arkham City Government actually needs to launder money!"


Amidst a burst of laughter, Lewis was stunned.

"Arkham... City Government!?"

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