Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 214: Preparation for the Audience

This night in Arkham was quiet, even eerily quiet.

It seems that the hustle and bustle of the past few days has made this ancient city a little tired, and it has taken the initiative to fall into this quiet sleep, so as to obtain rare peace.

Those who were thoughtful seemed to vaguely understand this truth, so they all showed extra honesty tonight.

Because they all know that if this sleeping giant is awakened, it will be a very terrifying thing.

When Lewis came here, he felt a little uncomfortable looking at the quiet Arkham, because it was a little different from the town he imagined.

Although it felt unexpected, but for some reason, Lewis felt a special sense of security at this moment, as if... he had really escaped from that hell and came to a paradise that could accept him.

"You sleep here today." In deep thought, the car stopped and the young man who brought him over said.

Lewis turned around and saw a plaque that read Clover Transport Company.

It seemed that everyone here had already known about his arrival. There was a thin middle-aged man at the door looking at him with a smile.

I don’t know why, but the moment he saw this middle-aged man, Lewis suddenly felt his heart tightening, as if he was being stared at by a monster with hidden claws and fangs.

He didn't dare to hesitate. Although he was a little nervous, he got out of the car honestly.

Twenty minutes ago, he told the woman who led the team everything he knew, including the hidden secret.

This involves two major families and three banks. He believes that his information can give him a chance to survive in Arkham.

After getting off the car, the driver said to the middle-aged man: "Hey! Vic, this is the person Miss Xina asked to take care of. He has just come out of prison and is a little insecure."

After hearing this, Vic smiled and said, "Understood."

"It's a pity that I plan to compare my drinking capacity with you tonight." The young driver got into the car with a smile and drove away.

Although Vic was a little sorry to be absent from today's banquet, he was very clear about the meaning and responsibility of his existence.

The reason why they, this group of scum that should have been dead, are still standing here, and even gained a new form and strength, is all because of the gift of that great being.

Therefore, as long as it is beneficial to that existence, they will do their best without distraction.

"Let's go, Mr. Lewis." The middle-aged man who looked like a poisonous snake said with a smile on his face.

Lewis thanked him hurriedly, and then asked tentatively: "Is this... really Arkham?"

At this moment, he still felt a little unreal in his heart.

After hearing this, Vic laughed and said, "What? Doesn't it look like that?"

Lewis nodded slightly: "I heard that this place... is very chaotic, but it seems to be very quiet now."

Vic patted Lewis on the shoulder and said: "That was before. Now Arkham no longer needs that kind of chaos to prove its strength and presence."

Hearing this, Lewis faintly caught a trace of anomaly in it.

At this time, he faintly discovered that whether it was Miss Xina, the alluring woman who could release ice and fire, or those ferocious young men, there was always a strange hope and a sense of hope in their faces and eyes. A kind of piety like a Christian.

When speaking, it seemed that intentionally or unintentionally they could not avoid a very great-looking being. It seemed that the meaning of their existence was to carry out his orders.

And after listening to Vic's words at this time, he further confirmed that feeling. He was keenly sure that it was the appearance of that person that changed Arkham, and even completely surrendered this group of originally very dangerous guys, and gathered them together. together.

"You seem to be meeting the mayor tomorrow, right?" Vic asked suddenly.

Lewis nodded slightly: "Ms. Xina said so."

Hearing this, Vic's casual face gradually became solemn and said: "Listen, stranger, you'd better show your best side and all your values ​​tomorrow, and you can't show a trace of disrespect. ,do you know."

These words were full of oppression, and Lewis immediately felt his breath suffocate, and then he was instantly sure that the person who had been revered by everyone along the way was the current mayor of Arkham City.

The next second, his head nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Understood! Understood! I will show my highest respect to meet the great mayor."

Hearing this, Vic nodded and said with a change of expression: "The place to live has been prepared for you. You go take a shower first, and I will ask you to buy you a set of decent clothes. I will be there tomorrow morning at eight At one o'clock, go to Miss Jenny's and get your hair done."

"Okay! Okay!" Lewis kept clicking.

Afterwards, Lewis was led by Vic to Clover Company's guest room on the third floor.

The size of the guest room is no worse than that of a regular hotel. The room is clean and tidy, hot water has been put in the bathroom, and food has been prepared on the dining table next to the table.

Seeing this scene, Lewis suddenly felt like he was in heaven. In a trance, he seemed to have returned to the scene seven years ago when he was full of enthusiasm and dominated the financial industry.

After a brief absence, Lewis walked into the room, took a bath, ate, and took care of his personal hygiene.

After finishing the process together, it was already half past ten in the evening.

The waiter had already pushed the dining cart away, and Lewis, who was wearing pajamas, stood in front of the window and looked at this ancient town full of legends, and his heart couldn't help but start to surge.

Because this will be his new starting point. He will build his own power here, and then take his people back to fight back, take back everything he lost, and kill all the enemies.

In his contemplation, he even saw his posture when he succeeded.

At this time, through the window, he suddenly saw a sneaky figure appearing on the opposite street. This figure dressed in black trotted all the way and climbed up along the drainpipe on the side. It seemed to be a bandit.

"Sure enough, the silence is just the surface." Lewis was not surprised to see this scene.

Under Lewis's quiet gaze, the thief had come to the second floor, and then took out a sharp blade and carefully cut the window, as if he wanted to jump in from there.

Just when the thief was about to succeed, Lewis suddenly felt a black shadow flash by, and then he saw a young man in police uniform running quickly, and then jumped on the spot, and jumped three meters high and more than ten meters away.

The flying policeman grabbed the thief's neck and landed steadily with the big living person who weighed at least 150 kilograms.

It was as if he was holding a dead chicken in his hand and jumping casually.

"This... is the police from Arkham!?"

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