At seven o'clock the next morning, Los opened his eyes on time, raised his head slightly, looked at the bright sunshine outside through the gap in the curtains, and said with a smile: "Today is another sunny day."

Lilith, who was lying beside him, slowly opened her eyes: "Master, when are you going to let Minisha sleep with you?"

Loss sat up and coughed: "This is not urgent. I don't have so much time to focus on this now."

As he said, he reached out and touched Lilith's holy body twice and said: "Now I am very satisfied with you."

This made Lilith very happy. She turned around and let her dark and smooth hair slide down her smooth skin like water. She showed her most beautiful and attractive side to Los and said: "Thank you for your praise, my master."

Loss didn't waste too much time in bed. He turned around and stood up and said: "Xina did a good job yesterday. It seems that the limitations of staying in Arkham are too great. We must take the initiative to attack."

"It seems that Xena seems to have gained something else." Lilith stood up and put on her underwear and said.

Ross: "By the way, I saved a banker who was framed. He knows a lot of useful things for us."

Yesterday, Xina simply reported what Lewis knew, and the rest will be told by Lewis himself today.

At eight o'clock, after breakfast, Carrington said: "Master, there seems to be some problems in Dunwich recently."

"Dunwich?" Hearing this, Ross did not say anything. He was so busy recently that he almost forgot about that place.

"What happened?" Ross asked.

Carrington shook his head: "I can't say it either, it's just an instinctive feeling. Master, you should know that the master and I met that person there at the beginning. There seems to be some induction in the dark."

Loss pondered for a while and said: "Since it has appeared, we can't just sit back and watch. Uncle Carrington, you are responsible for this matter. I will let Charles go with you."

Carling nodded seriously: "Yes, Master."

At half past eight, Ross came to his office and started a busy day of work.

Just after sitting down, the door of the office rang.

"So soon? Come in!" Los thought it was Sina.

When the door was pushed open, it was Barro, the noble who surrendered from the Eye of Insight.

"Master." Barro walked in and saluted respectfully.

Los nodded: "What happened?"

Barro is very capable in all aspects. He has been doing things these days and can solve almost everything by himself. Los is very satisfied with this steady subordinate.

Barro came over and said seriously: "Master, I found that there are at least three forces in the capital market that are resisting us."

"Oh? Sit down and talk." Los became interested.

Barro sat down with his back straight and explained: "These days I have been using my resources to contact my friends and previous partners and investment institutions. At the beginning, the talks were very good, but as long as we talked about investing in Arkham, the other party would change the topic for various reasons."

"If I ask too much, they will end the call for other reasons."

"There is such a thing!?" Los frowned slightly when he heard this.

Barlow continued, "I felt something was wrong, so I conducted a related investigation through my family. I found that in the current financial market, at least five investment institutions rated our town as: not recommended for investment, and the reason was that you handled the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce before."

Los didn't understand finance, and asked, "That incident had such a big impact?"

Barlow replied, "This incident is not big or small. After all, your handling of that incident was reasonable and well-founded, all the evidence was sufficient, and it was authorized by Her Majesty the Queen. Logically speaking, this incident is more of a confidence-boosting thing for the market, rather than such a negative attitude."

Los squinted Eyes: "So are you sure someone is secretly operating this?"

Barlow nodded: "Yes, I analyzed the rating data of five investment institutions and found that the negative analysis came from three aspects."

"One is the relevant law firm. They said that your handling of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce violated the market free economy and believed that the legal system here is not conducive to the development of business."

"The second aspect is the accounting property statistics agency. They found that the government and banks of Arkham have a large number of bad debts, low credit ratings, and a serious tendency to breach contracts."

"They are not wrong about this. I am dealing with this matter now." Los said.

The bad debts and problems of Arkham's finances and banks have been rotten to the core. He has been trying to deal with these problems since he took over, but due to the lack of professional talents, the progress has not been obvious.

Barro: "The first two are not the core of the problem."

"And the third direction is the rating of the Chamber of Commerce. Regarding Arkham's investment attitude, the entire Chamber of Commerce has even adopted a level of sanctions, that is, all capital in the Chamber of Commerce is not allowed to invest in Arkham."

Hearing this, Los' eyes flashed with a cold light: "Is it the Imperial Business Association?"

Barro nodded: "Yes."

Los was silent for a few seconds and asked: "Is the pusher behind it confirmed?"

Barlow shook his head: "The other party is very covert. There are at least more than a hundred related companies and units involved here. The capital involved behind these companies is very complicated. It takes a lot of time to investigate."

Loss immediately said: "Investigate, thoroughly investigate, this matter is related to the development of the entire Arkham, and it must be investigated."

"What do you need, what kind of manpower do you need, just tell me."

Barlow said with some embarrassment: "What I need here are people who understand financial knowledge and have good combat capabilities, but..."

Loss understood after listening. There are many superhumans with strong combat capabilities in Arkham now, but it seems that no one knows financial knowledge except Barlow.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Loss said: "Well, Borg hasn't left yet, you can go to him for help with this matter. In addition, I have an appointment with someone here. He is a well-known banker before, and he should be able to help you."

"Banker? What's his name?" Barlow asked curiously.

Los said, "Bern Lewis."

When Barlow heard the name, he was stunned: "It's him? I remember that guy was in jail seven years ago because of the robbery of the Imperial Bank."

Loss was a little surprised: "He is so famous?"

Barlow nodded: "He was quite famous at that time. I was only 24 at that time. I listened to his lectures. He was a very capable and talented person."

Loss laughed when he heard this: "It seems that Hina really picked up a treasure this time."

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