At nine o'clock in the morning, the whole day of Arkham has begun to be busy. Under the leadership of Sheena, Lewis looked at the very impressive building in front of him with some anxiety. This is the Arkham City Hall.

At this time, Lewis's gray hair had been cut short and combed, he was wearing a decent black suit, and his shoes were polished. The down-and-out fugitive yesterday had transformed into a business elite.

Looking at the public officials coming and going in front of the door and the police constantly patrolling the streets, Lewis, as a fugitive, couldn't help but feel nervous.

From meeting this lady yesterday to now being able to stand openly in front of the Arkham City Hall, such a fantasy encounter has made Lewis a little unable to recover.

He experienced trepidation, despair and fear along the way, but a series of dramatic developments and reversals later made Lewis feel a little unreal.

Coming to Arkham not only doesn't require you to endure humiliation, but you can even directly cooperate with the city government?

At this time yesterday, he couldn't even think about it.

"Um...Ms. Xina, what kind of person is Mr. Mayor?" Liu asked nervously.

After hearing this question, Xina thought about it very seriously, and then replied: "The master is as warm as the sun, as deep as the starry sky, and a great man full of wisdom."

Upon hearing this introduction, Lewis suddenly became more nervous, his forehead and palms were covered with sweat, and his heart was beating uncontrollably.

Full of anxiety, Lewis followed Sheena into the hall. The first thing Lewis saw was a busy scene. There were about fifty staff members in the entire hall at this time. It could be seen that these public officials were very busy.

This scene is completely different from other places in the empire, because in other places, no matter when you go to government departments, they are always full of leisure and comfort.

The public officials were grinding coffee leisurely and chatting leisurely with each other, as if they were just sitting there chatting to get by.

"Is hall?"

Looking at the busy and noisy office scene, Lewis felt incredible.

Hina didn't say anything and took him directly to the elevator door and headed to the third floor.

The third floor was much quieter than the first floor. There were not many people in the horizontal corridor. The two people walked one behind the other. Apart from the sound of the soles of the shoes hitting the marble, the only sound left was Lewis's cramped breathing.

After getting out of the elevator and walking along the corridor to the fifth door, Xina stopped and knocked on the door respectfully.

"Come in."

A very clear voice reached Lewis’s ears.

This voice sounded very young. According to Lewis's inference, the owner of the voice could not be more than twenty-eight years old.

Although he is very young, there is a sense of sophistication and calmness in his voice, and at the same time, his tone also carries a sense of laziness and arrogance that is unique to those in power.

The door hinges, which were deeply oiled and smooth, did not make any harsh sounds. After opening silently, Lewis followed Hina in respectfully.

The office inside was larger than he expected. The lighting in the office was very good, and most of the entire wall facing the south side street was covered by windows.

Lewis didn't dare to look around, and after taking a glance, he set his eyes on the desk.

There was a very kind-faced young man sitting in front of the desk, as if he had seen him somewhere.

Behind the desk, a handsome young man leaned there casually.

The young man is born with a retro melancholic temperament, which gives people a very reserved and quiet feeling. He just looks like a noble man with a good upbringing and a penchant for retro decadent poetry.

"Master, Lewis has been brought here." Hina said respectfully.

Lewis hurriedly took a step forward, then lowered his body and said in a very respectful tone: "Hello, Mayor Arkham, thank you for your kindness and generosity in taking in an escaped prisoner like me."

Here, Ross briefly looked at Lewis, and after confirming through his breathing and heartbeat that he was indeed in an extremely nervous state, he said in a calm and clear tone: "According to Sheena's report, you want to seek help from me through your own secrets." shelter."

Lewis didn't dare to raise his head. When Los's voice fell completely and he stopped talking, he tried to answer in his clear voice: "Yes, Dear Mr. Mayor, I used to be a relatively successful banker, but... I was framed by others and imprisoned. For many years, I have been eager to clear my grievances and complete my revenge against those people.”

"Raise your head." Ross's voice came.

Lewis did not dare to disobey, and cautiously raised his head to look at Los, and found that the young man was looking at him with a calm and casual smile on his lips.

"Don't be nervous, sit down, I think you have a lot to say."

When Lewis heard this calm tone, he immediately felt that his nervous spirit was relaxed. He carefully sat on the corner of the sofa. He took a deep breath and said: "Seven years ago, I was the deputy director of the Imperial Bank of Marsa Branch. President, responsible for commercial loans and financing.”

"When I was cleaning up the accounts, I suddenly found that something was not right about the whereabouts of two loans. Out of responsibility, I investigated these two payments."

“As the investigation deepened, I found that these two funds did not go into the target company, but into a non-existent shell company, and this shell company really pointed to a company called 6533 Laboratory. organize."

"6533 Laboratory?" Hearing this name, Los and several others said that they had never heard of this organization.

Lewis continued: "Out of curiosity, I investigated this laboratory, and then I found that the presidents of the Imperial Bank of Massa Province, Chase Brothers Bank, and Darro Bank were all involved. They obtained a large amount of interest-free loans from the bank through the subsidy policy of the imperial finance to develop that organization."

"What does that organization do?" Xina asked.

Lewis said seriously: "They seem to want to revive something, but I don't know the details."

"At that time, I didn't expect the water here to be so deep. They were very cautious, and my investigation quickly attracted their attention."

"Then they planned the robbery of the Imperial Bank and framed all the crimes on me. Not only did they rob more than 30 million Rossa coins in cash, but they also obtained a large amount of insurance money through relevant policies."

Speaking of this, Lewis clenched his fists and said: "These damn guys, I will never let them go even if I die."

After hearing this, Los turned to look at Barlow.

Barro understood: "No wonder there were so many millionaires in Massa Province a few years later. It turned out that this was a tool they used to launder money!"

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