After saying everything, Lewis looked at Ross cautiously, fearing that what he said would be of no use to the young mayor.

Barlow on the side said: "Master, at present, this matter does not have any substantial help to our current problem."

Ross nodded: "Indeed, these three banks all have very strong backgrounds, and it is not suitable to have a confrontation with them at this stage."

Hearing this, Lewis’s heart suddenly tightened, and his face became very nervous.

"My escape from three banks will definitely be taken very seriously. If the mayor hands me over as a gift in order to cooperate with the other party..."

Thinking of this, Lewis suddenly felt that his previous plan to escape to Arkham was so naive.

He knew very well that there was no good or evil in front of a person of this level, only very naked interests.

Just when Lewis was frightened, Sheena said: "Master, but if we have a conflict with them in the future, his presence will also be a trump card."

Barlow pondered for a moment and whispered: "Master, regarding the sanctions on our business, it would be impossible without the support of the Imperial Bank. After all, the Imperial Bank is the dismantling and intermediary of all commercial banks."

Ross knew what Barlow meant. Regarding the sanctions against Arkham, there must be a shadow of the Imperial Bank, so it is necessary to have Lewis in his hands now.

What's more, it is extremely easy to hide a fugitive in the huge Arkham.

At this time, Lewis, who had been reduced to a piece of meat on the chopping board, had sweat on his forehead and clenched his hands like a prisoner waiting for trial.

After about a minute, Ross said: "Lewis."

"Mr. Mayor!" Lewis said hurriedly.

Los said casually: "You are qualified to live in Arkham and can be protected by this town. Here, all your enemies will not harm you."

After hearing this, Lewis was like a lucky man who had caught the last gap in the door of heaven and entered heaven from hell. The big stone hanging high in his heart fell heavily to the ground, and he almost collapsed on the sofa.

Ross continued: "I heard from Barlow that you are good at finance and mathematics."

Lewis nodded quickly: "Yes, Mr. Mayor."

Ross nodded: "Now we in Arkham are indeed lacking relevant talents. Next, I will arrange a position that suits you. I hope you can realize your value."

"No problem! No problem!" Lewis agreed with great joy when he heard this.

If you just keep him and don't let him do anything, then at most you will be a commodity waiting to be traded.

But now the mayor actually gives him a chance to work and perform, which shows that he still has great development prospects in the future.

As long as you show yourself to be important enough, you don't have to worry about the fate of being abandoned at any time.

Los said: "I don't want to break up with the three major banks yet, and your position must be exposed every day. In order for you to hide better, you also need to undergo relevant plastic surgery."

"After plastic surgery, I will give you a new identity."

When Lewis heard this, he knelt down on the ground with excitement and said with tears of gratitude: "Thank you for your kindness and generosity, I will definitely give you everything I have."

"You will have no salary in the last six months, which will be used to repay the cost of plastic surgery and daily food and accommodation, but there will be a bonus."

"After half a year, you will be paid based on your performance."

"Thank you! Thank you!" Lewis' gratitude was beyond words at this time.

Los waved his hand and said to Sheena: "Take him to Dr. Sindvall."

Xina nodded: "Understood!"

After Lewis left, Los said: "You are going to have to work hard for a while."

Barlow bowed and said, "It's my pleasure."

"Solve this matter, and you can get a drop of the blood of the ancient gods." Lose said.

Barlow's eyes suddenly flashed with desire when he heard this: "I will definitely not let you down."


Following Sheena out of the city hall, the two of them headed north along Peabody Avenue, then westward through Cowan Street, and soon arrived at Sindvall's plastic surgery clinic.

Pushing the door open, I happened to see Helen sitting on a chair reading the latest edition of a fashion magazine.

"Hey! Ms. Xina!" Helen stood up and greeted with a smile.

She had a good relationship with Sindvall, and she lived with Sindvar directly after settling in Arkham.

Xina smiled: "The latest autumn leather jacket is very beautiful."

"Yes!" Helen agreed.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Helen looked at Lewis: "Does this gentleman need plastic surgery?"

Xina nodded: "This is a talent that the master values ​​​​more. He just escaped from prison and is wanted."

"That banker Lewis?" Hindvall's voice came from inside.

Lewis was stunned: "Do you know me?"

Sindvall took out the newspaper and said: "The arrest warrant has been sent with the morning newspaper."

Lewis's face changed: "So fast!?"

Helen said casually: "It seems that you have offended a big shot."

Lewis smiled bitterly when he heard this: "They are a group of big shots."

Sindvall turned to Sheena and asked: "What does the mayor plan to do with him?"

"After the plastic surgery, he will be in charge of our bank in Arkham and clean up the past problems." Sheena said.

Sindval turned around and looked at Lewis and said, "You are lucky. The mayor just needs talents like you."

"Helen, prepare plan 5."

"Okay!" Helen said and turned to go upstairs.

Xina asked curiously, "What is plan 5?"

Sindval said, "Of course it is the best plan. It is painless, has no sequelae, and can heal quickly. After the operation is completed today, he can start working tomorrow."

"That must be very expensive, right?" Xina asked.

Sindval smiled, "It's not too expensive, eight thousand Rosa coins."

"Eight thousand Rosa coins! This is my annual salary!" Xina's eyes widened.

All of Los's subordinates, including Lilith, have salaries. After all, everyone has to eat.

Xina's salary as a core figure is the same as Daryl's, which is relatively high in the entire level.

Of course, people like Barlow don't need money, but need other special rewards.

Lewis swallowed his saliva after hearing this. He is now penniless, and eight thousand Rosa coins is an astronomical figure.

"Well... I can suffer some pain... Can I use something cheaper?" Lewis asked tentatively.

Sindelwald smiled and shook his head: "That won't work. The cheaper ones will recover very slowly. Since the mayor needs to work as soon as possible, there can be no delay for a moment."

"Bankers make a lot of money. You can pay it back slowly in the future."

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