Faced with the Queen's question, Los smiled and said, "I didn't kill that monster. I'm a little confused now. How did he die?"

Hearing this, Elizabeth immediately said, "Humph, you'd better not quibble. I saw the situation clearly at that time."

"What did you see clearly? At that time, the god who came down to earth was wearing armor and facing the city. Did you see his face through the god's head and think it was me?" Los asked with a smile.

Elizabeth's breath was choked when she heard this, and she didn't know how to answer.

Now that she thinks about it carefully, Los has never admitted that the existence that day was him. All this is the expectation of those citizens.

This is the lady-in-waiting Dani frowned and said, "Mayor Arkham, you'd better put down your luck and sharp words in front of Her Majesty the Queen. If this goes on..."

"What if this goes on? Imprison me instead?" Los asked directly.

After hearing this, the lady-in-waiting Dani immediately shouted in a low voice: "How dare you be so rude in front of the queen!"

Los did not continue to speak, but turned to look at the fairy in front of him who looked like an ink painting.

At this time, Suyi raised her hand slightly and made an ethereal and distant voice: "Dani, Elizabeth, you two should go out first. You can't bear the truth of some things yet."

Hearing the queen's words, the two people were somewhat reluctant, but they did not hesitate at all. They bowed and turned to leave.

It can be seen that their respect and trust in the queen can be compared with the feelings of Lilith, Xina and others for Los.

The two people left quickly, and only the lonely man and woman were left in the huge living room.

"Your Majesty, are you not afraid that I, the mayor of a remote village, will do something improper? To be honest, this is the first time I have seen an ink fairy like you who is comparable to the level of independence from the world." Los sighed.

At this time, Su Yi slowly took off her hat, and then her eyes, which seemed to be shining with countless stars, instantly released two sharp gazes like blades that pierced Los' face directly.

"Sure enough, you are not from this world." Su Yi said directly.

Hearing this, Los did not feel surprised, and looked at Su Yi and said: "Then in this case, you are not either."

Su Yi's eyes gradually widened, and the corners of her mouth gradually turned up, revealing a wanton smile that completely destroyed her temperament and said: "Maybe we are from the same world."

Los saw Su Yi's smile, and his heart jumped.

Through this smile, he could easily feel that under the skin of this fairy, a crazy soul was constantly stirring and struggling. (The smile refers to Yumeko Jabami in Kakegurui)

"Maybe it's just two similar worlds?" Los still showed his signature smile and asked.

"Make a bet?" Su Yi leaned forward slightly, with a special light flashing in her eyes.

This is the look of a crazy gambler.

Facing such a scene, Los felt for the first time that he was suppressed.

This suppression had nothing to do with the strength of the body, it was completely a suppression of the spirit and mind.

Los remained calm: "What are you betting on?"

"If I win, tell me everything you know, and open up all the resources and technologies of Arkham to me." Su Yi's tone was filled with a crazy low laugh, as if she was about to laugh out of excitement when she spoke.

Los sat up slightly, trying to lift his back off the backrest of the sofa.

But for some reason, facing Su Yi at this time, he had no such ability at all, as if this woman had already ridden on him and pressed him firmly to the ground.

"You are going to go all in." Los said with a smile.

"What if I win?"

Su Yi said more excitedly: "I will tell you everything I know. I don't have any real resources now, and I can't give you anything real."

"That's not..."

Without waiting for Los to speak, Su Yi interrupted him directly and said in a breathtaking tone: "So how about I use myself as a bet? If I lose, everything I have is yours, even this body you can play with as you please, and I can even give you many children!"

Hearing this, Los instantly felt that this woman's brain was not normal, and asked with a strange expression: "Do you know what you are talking about? You are the queen!"

Su Yi didn't seem to hear it, staring at Los and asked: "Do you want to bet!?"

"You seem very confident." Los didn't agree directly.

Su Yi didn't answer this sentence, still staring at Los with her obsidian eyes.

After feeling that he was completely suppressed by this woman, Los slowly raised his hand under her gaze.

Then, Los calmly took his head off his neck and put it on the coffee table.

This action stunned Su Yi immediately.

In the next second, she felt that Los's normal mind began to diverge wildly, just like a group of toxic substances coming out of the gas chamber and quickly spreading to pollute the surrounding air.

"Los... you are so great!" Seeing this scene, Su Yi was not surprised at all, but extremely excited, like an innocent child discovering a whole new world.

Los, whose mind was divergent, easily sat up from the backrest, then crossed his legs and "looked" at Su Yi and said: "I bet!"

"Hehe...Hahaha!" Hearing this, Su Yi laughed wildly from low to high, which could be called the female version of Iori Yagami.

Then she asked with ecstasy on her face: "Is it from Earth!!"

Los did not change his expression, and shook his expressionless head twice to show his agreement.

"Haha! I won again!" Su Yi said loudly.

At this time, Los said: "There may be two planets called Earth. Tell me about the background you live in and your identity."

Su Yi naturally would not get out of the whole thing, and then only said a paragraph: "We once defeated the invading alien civilization with nuclear-powered flying swords."

Hearing this, Los stretched out his fingers and pulled the corners of his mouth, revealing a look of his mouth corners rising.

"You lost."

Su Yi did not panic and asked directly: "Why do you think so?"

"On our Earth, there are only nuclear weapons, and there is no such thing as nuclear-powered flying swords." Los answered calmly.

Su Yi asked directly: "Tell me the characteristics of your Earth."

"Internet era, 5G transmission technology." Los said two most representative words of the times.

Su Yi's expression suddenly became very interesting after hearing this.

Los said with some pride: "I wonder how the Queen is at gambling?"

But Su Yi said slowly at this time: "You don't win either."


"Because according to our archaeological discoveries, the 5G era is 30,000 years earlier than our era."


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