The entire living room fell into silence.

Suyi had a strange expression and remained silent.

Lose pinched his eyebrows with the index finger and thumb of his left hand, indicating that he was frowning, and held his chin with the other hand, indicating that he was also deep in thought.

Both of them just thought that they were sure to win this bet, and they had figured out the details of the other party.

But when the truth was revealed, the two people found that the reality was very different from what they imagined.

"Well... let's call it a draw. Strictly speaking, neither of us won, but neither of us lost." Suyi had calmed down at this time and turned into the quiet ink fairy.

Ross put his head back on his neck and nodded in agreement.

Sure enough, reality is far more magical than their thoughts.

The age difference between the two people is now only four years, but on the other side of the earth, it has spanned 30,000 years.

Putting the bet aside for the time being, Los said: "After all, we can be considered fellow villagers."

Su Yi grunted, then raised her head and asked: "Although they are from the same origin, what is your current state?"

As she spoke, her eyes gradually sharpened: "When I first saw you, I almost took out a weapon and chopped you."


Suyi said: "I can tell at a glance that you are not human!"

Hearing this, Lose laughed: "It's a pity that you don't know how to fight against the mighty Tianlong."

"But I can fly like a dragon in the sky!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Suyi waved her sleeve suddenly, and a ray of light flashed past. Lose suddenly found that the two halves of the sword were floating above his head.

"Flying sword?" A gleam flashed in Los's eyes.

Suyi made a casual move, and the two flying swords returned to her sleeves: "That's it, but relevant modifications have been made."

After speaking, Suyi said directly: "Since we have talked a lot, let's talk about it. Now in this empire, even in this world, only you and I can help each other."

When Ross heard this, he nodded in agreement: "I am half a human now. For some reasons, I merged with other things and became the form I am now."

"So the god that day was really you." Suyi asked, staring at Los.

Ross smiled slightly: "It's me, it's not me. It's more like another special force that came to this world through my body. It has some ancient god-level abilities."

After listening to this, Suyi pondered: "I still don't understand, what is the form of the so-called ancient gods in this world?"

Los stood up and said: "It is a more perfect form, a special form that can bind itself to the rules of the world."

"The rules of the world...can you grasp the traces of rhythm? Then it is almost the same as Tianzun." Suyi whispered to compare.

Ross did not stop her. If she wanted to correct the queen's thinking from the world view of science fiction and immortality, just telling her story would not work.

"I heard that you have special materials that can make the Demon Locking Tower?" Los asked.

Su Yien sighed: "In our time, we used this material to build protective walls to block the penetration and attack of those weird monsters."

"After I came here, I conducted relevant experiments and found that Longyan Steel has absolute isolation against most extraordinary properties."

"Long Yangang... Well, the name is good." Loss affirmed.

Immediately, he asked: "How is the mass production of this kind of steel?"

Suyi said: "The materials needed for Longyan Steel were very few on the original earth, but they are very abundant in this world. As long as the variables are strictly controlled during the entire refining process, the output can be comparable to ordinary steel, but for steel plants there are Very demanding.”

Los asked: "Can you show me the drawings and formulas?"

"No." Suyi answered directly.

Although they say that fellows meet fellows, neither of them fully trusts each other. Naturally, such a key trump card cannot be used casually.

Ross smiled and nodded: "The vigilance is good, then I will give an explanation to Her Majesty the Queen."

Suyi: "Tell me about it."

"We have now mastered the power of blood through special methods, that is, giving people special powers through blood transfusions."

"Give me a blood transfusion? What kind of blood should I transfuse?"

"There are many kinds of eagle blood, werewolf blood, and bear blood." Lose said proudly.

After hearing this, Su Yi suddenly showed a disgusted expression: "Are you sure? This sounds very ignorant and ignorant."

"You are the ignorant person, Her Majesty the Queen!" Lose immediately retorted when his masterpiece was criticized in this way.

Not to be outdone, Suyi said: "Really, we can examine everything about the human body, including the flow of blood and even the subtle changes in the internal organs. You natives don't even know how to use ancient technology like X-rays, right?" You don't even know what's in your blood!

After hearing this, Ross became interested immediately and said tit for tat: "Your knowledge makes me sound so shallow and ridiculous. You don't know the greatness of blood at all. It is the carrier of countless energy and the source of all mutations. It can Tolerate everything, your basic sword training skills are of no use!"

"It's no use letting you know!" Suyi instantly pulled out her flying sword.

Los's hands directly turned into huge tentacles and said: "Come and see! If you have the ability to cut off mine with your flying sword..."

Before Loss could speak, two cold lights flashed, and Ross's two tentacles fell off his arms in an instant.

Su Yi snorted arrogantly: "Hmph, it's disgusting to look at. I thought you were good at it, but now you see..."


Before she finished speaking, she suddenly heard a sharp sound.

Looking down, she found that the ultimate means she had spent several years to build, the nuclear-powered flying sword, had actually begun to break.

For a moment, the two fell into silence.

Loss silently bent down and took back his two tentacles with great pain.

He underestimated Su Yi. He didn't expect that this woman could actually break through his proud defense.

Su Yi sat there, and she didn't know where to take out the tool kit and carefully repaired her flying sword.

For a moment, the atmosphere became very awkward.

"Why bother?" Los smiled bitterly.

It was just a conversation, and then they fought for no reason, and then they both suffered losses and didn't gain any advantage.

Su Yi coughed, put away her flying sword, and seemed to have lost her memory. She turned into a queen and said, "My dear Mayor Arkham, I am very satisfied with your performance during this period."

"Hey! I'm talking to you again, don't try to evade me!" Los corrected.

Su Yi put on a veil and said, "My kind and capable Mayor Arkham, I am very curious about Arkham, can you take me to visit it?"

Los touched his teeth and said, "Are all politicians so shameless?"

Su Yi remained unmoved: "Very good, I feel your loyalty, Mayor Arkham."

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