The two talked back and forth for about forty minutes. When they came out, Elizabeth and the lady-in-waiting Dani looked at Los with a vigilant look, as if this guy was a serious criminal who had just escaped from prison.

Los looked at the two people's vigilant look and smiled and said: "Her Majesty wants to visit Arkham, don't you two go to prepare?"

After listening, the two turned to look at Su Yi.

Su Yi said: "I don't want to make a big fuss this time. Dani, you make arrangements and say that I am tired from the journey and I am resting. I don't see anyone."

Dani seemed to be accustomed to this situation and nodded and said: "Okay, Your Majesty."

"Elizabeth, my good sister, please accompany me."

Elizabeth was immediately as happy as a concubine who was picked by the emperor. She nodded and said: "It's my honor, Your Majesty!"

Dani was very capable. When Los came out of the mansion, there were only him, Lilith, Elizabeth, and a maid with a very ordinary face, who looked like a maid who was going out to purchase.

After leaving the villa, the two got into Los's car directly.

"Where are we going now?" Sitting in the back seat, Su Yi, who was dressed up, looked around curiously.

She was full of curiosity about this mysterious place.

Lilith beside her calmly replied: "Arkham Sanatorium, I believe that Your Majesty is not here to visit this time. Arkham needs urgent development, and you also need our technology, right?"

Su Yi turned her head to look at this perfect woman who has always been very quiet and dignified, and nodded slightly: "Very good, I like this kind of straightforward and efficient."

Then the group drove north along Peabody Avenue to Arkham Sanatorium in the suburbs.

Los drove slowly. Su Yi's eyes kept looking at the pedestrians on both sides through the window. When he saw the police, he suddenly asked: "Where did you find so many monsters? As a policeman?"

Su Yi, who has lived in the deep palace for a long time and studied his own things every day, did not understand the extraordinary system of this world.

"Monster?" Elizabeth was stunned when she heard this.

According to her memory, monster is not a good term.

"Secret." Los said casually.

Su Yi did not ask further questions, and continued to look at the situation on both sides.

It can be seen that in this ancient and mysterious town, people's lives are no different from those in the capital.

But it is obvious that there is a special atmosphere in the whole city, which has a special oppressive force on those outsiders.

Just as her eyes kept scanning, a sharp explosion suddenly sounded not far from here.

Elizabeth immediately protected Su Yi behind her with a serious face.

Su Yi felt indifferent and turned her head curiously.

It can be seen that in front of the tram company opposite the fire station not far to the left front, thick smoke was billowing at this time, and it seemed that something exploded.

And it seemed that many people were injured.

"Don't you stop the car to take a look?" Su Yi asked.

Los I said calmly at the steering wheel: "I don't need to do this."

As soon as the voice fell, five ragged policemen walked out of the billowing smoke.

They each held a citizen in their arms.

The remaining uniforms on the police were still burning, and the five citizens had fainted at this time, but fortunately they were only partially burned, at least they saved their lives.

Then a large amount of water fell from the sky and quickly extinguished the flames, and the fire brigade quickly dispatched to clean up the surrounding scene.

At this time, two ragged policemen walked out of the thick smoke again, each holding a bloody and charred body in their hands.

The horrible flames and strong explosions only destroyed their skin, but did not leave any damage in their skin.

The pedestrians and residents around seemed to have long been accustomed to it, and avoided the explosion in an orderly manner, waiting for the bus, and chatting.

"What's wrong with these guys? They are too calm, aren't they?" Su Yi looked at the passengers waiting for the bus near the tram company, with a surprised tone.

Elizabeth explained in a low voice: "Your Majesty, I have reported to you that Arkham is in chaos, and people have become accustomed to terrorist attacks and other incidents."

Su Yi said with sparkling eyes: "I heard it, but after seeing it for real, the impact must be greater than the letter."

As the distance slowly faded, Su Yi focused on the ghoul police.

Then she began to mutter in a low voice: "This group of monster police is not too powerful, but not weak... One person can at least destroy a regular army of 200 people. The physical strength is good, but the most difficult thing is their weird skin. There seems to be a special hardened thing under the skin..."

Lilith on the side was a little surprised to hear this. This queen obviously didn't know about ghouls, but she saw the hardened shell of the ghouls through long-distance observation.

Ross glanced at her, and Lilith immediately understood.

She still had a certain contempt for this queen in her heart when she first met, but now it seems that this queen is quite capable.

At this time, Su Yi's eyes were still looking at the Arkham police reluctantly: "Where on earth did you attract so many monsters! If you can give me five hundred? No! Three hundred! Yes, three hundred, let them equip my Tianlei armor, I can bloodbath the entire imperial capital and kill all those disgusting fat pigs!"

Loss didn't say anything and continued to drive quietly.

Five minutes later, the car stopped in front of the Arkham Sanatorium. Loss got out and said, "We're here, Your Majesty."

Then four people got out of the car. Su Yi looked at the somewhat gloomy mental hospital, and a sense of oppression of chaos and confusion came over her.

"This place is not ordinary!" Su Yi showed a little vigilance on her face.

Loss said, "I am conducting experiments here, and I plan to build my shelter under here."

As Loss said this, he stepped hard on the ground.

"Shelter... This name is too childish. If you don't know, you might think you are adopting street children." Su Yi commented.

Los chuckled: "The concept is different. To you, those are dangerous and terrifying monsters, but to me, they are just a group of lonely beings with nowhere to go. Their uniqueness makes this world unable to accommodate them. In this case, I will be responsible for accommodating them."

"They are not prisoners imprisoned here, but my partners. I provide them with a place to stay, and they need to contribute their uniqueness."

"How does this plan compare to your Locking Demon Tower that forces the other party to become an enemy?" Los asked with a smile.

Su Yi snorted coldly: "The premise is that the group of monsters are willing to cooperate with you."

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