Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 223: All patients in Arkham are innocent and lovely

Four people walked into Arkham Sanatorium while talking.

As soon as she entered the gate, Elizabeth felt a gust of wind blowing by, and she suddenly looked wary.

Over the years she has been here, she can count on one hand the number of times she has come to Arkham Sanitarium. Every time she comes here, she feels very uncomfortable and feels a faint tremor.

It seems that this place does not belong to the realm of the human world.

Suyi also looked around cautiously. She believed that Los would not do anything detrimental to her, but this place still made her feel instinctively uncomfortable.

Walking directly into the hall along the road in the front yard, you can see that the gray-white walls are quite old. The medical staff in pale white coats don't say much to each other, and everyone walks by in a hurry.

In the huge mental hospital, you can only hear some harsh footsteps and sudden screams.

That miserable scream was terrifying to hear even during the day.

Suyi is not someone who has never seen the world, but the world she has seen is completely different from this place.

It was a majestic world, and all dangers were visible to the naked eye.

After time traveling, due to her identity and status, she has been trapped in the palace and knows very little about this world.

But now, after hearing those weird screams, she always felt that there was a danger that she couldn't see or touch surrounding her.

"What the hell is this place?" At this time, Suyi felt goosebumps all over her skin and her hairs were about to explode.

The same was true for Elizabeth on the side. Her face was a little pale, and her body instinctively looked at Suyi.

Although she seemed to be protecting Suyi, in fact she was more afraid and wanted to find someone she could rely on.

Lilith on the side laughed when she saw the two people looking like this, and then said in a mature and gentle tone: "Your Majesty, please don't be afraid, this is just a nursing home, there is no danger."


As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely loud crashing sound came from the ground.

The impact was so terrifying that it even made the entire building tremble.

It's hard to imagine what kind of terrifying existence could hit the ground and make the whole building tremble.

When the impact subsided, Suyi looked at Lilith with a strange look on her face.

Lilith still said with a smile on her face: "Your Majesty, please rest assured, it is safe here, it is really safe."

Elizabeth's face turned pale at this time, the attack just now really scared her.

"Your Majesty... If we can't do it, why don't we find another place?"

Suyi was still very courageous. She took a deep breath, looked at Ross and asked, "Mayor Arkham, don't you explain it to me?"

Ross coughed and said, "Your Majesty, please rest assured. Arkham Sanatorium just looks scary and is not that dangerous."

"And the patients here are very docile. Everyone is very talented, speaks nicely, and is very lovable."

"Really?" Suyi didn't frown slightly, but she didn't believe it.

Just then...


A heartbreaking scream suddenly came from the corridor on the left.

Elizabeth almost instantly took out her lady's pistol from nowhere, and looked over with an extremely solemn expression.

Luos suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He coughed and said, "There are some cute patients who like to play pranks. We'll find out if we go over and take a look."

Suyi nodded doubtfully and followed Los to the corridor.

As soon as they turned the corner, both Suyi and Elizabeth saw blood all over the ground.

Through the only remaining widened eye, Suyi and Elizabeth clearly saw the despair and fear the man experienced before his death.

Not far from the head, a strong man wearing patient clothes and covered with black scales sat there. In front of him was a body that had been disemboweled and dressed in doctor clothes.

Suyi and Elizabeth saw that the man's head looked like a lizard, but it was full of sharp teeth.


In the silence, Elizabeth couldn't bear it anymore and bent over and retched.

Suyi's face didn't look good either, and she turned to look at Los.

Ross coughed in embarrassment and glanced at Lilith.

Lilith smiled slightly and walked over, putting her hands behind her back, as if a concerned teacher bent over and asked: "No. 01364, what's going on?"

The lizard-like monster raised its head at this moment. After seeing Lilith, it immediately showed a very "bright" smile, stood up quickly and saluted and said: "Hello, Ms. Lilith! You are still as beautiful as ever."

Then, he carried the remains of the doctor and said: "I don't know where this guy is from. He sneaked into our archives. I happened to see him. He also attacked me, and then I killed him."

When Lilith heard this, she squinted her eyes and laughed. She reached out and touched the bare black scales on his head and said, "What a good boy!"

"Being praised by you is my greatest luck today." No. 01364 said happily.

"Then just keep going!"

After Lilith finished speaking, she turned around and walked over and said, "Master, he is not a doctor, he is a thief who steals files."

After hearing this, Ross turned around and said with a smile: "Look, Your Majesty, I just said that this place is very safe. Every one of my patients is innocent and lovely, and they will never attack the medical staff here."

After seeing Los here, he was very happy and ran over here with the corpse


At this time, Su Yi couldn't stand it anymore, her throat kept moving, and after enduring it again and again, she couldn't hold it back.

Soon, the relevant medical staff came over and started cleaning, and sent No. 01364 back to the ward.

Seeing No. 01364 follow the doctor back to the ward obediently, Su Yi and Elizabeth were full of surprise.

He could be sure that these medical staff were ordinary people, and that guy had at least level 20 power.

Not only did the medical staff not have any fear, but the monster actually had no intention of resisting. This was an unbelievable scene.

Los smiled and explained: "I said, the patients in our sanatorium are all innocent and cute, and each one is a talent."

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