Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 225 The earliest human gastroscopy

Los said calmly: "People call him Lao Han. He grew up in a slum. He never went to school and can only write his own name."

"Although he has no education, he is indeed an honest and hard-working man. He loves his wife. Although his wife is in poor health, he has never complained."

"He has three sensible children. Although the oldest is only six years old, he needs to support him."

"Arkham's salary is not high. He can only work in a cigarette factory in the provincial capital. He works fourteen hours a day without any protective measures. Because of the air quality problem, he got lung cancer, which spread throughout his body."

"The cigarette factory was run by a provincial councilor. After he couldn't work, he was only given a resettlement fee of 100 Rosa dollars and threw him back to Arkham. He didn't even have the energy to go to the provincial capital to sue. "

"All the doctors said he would not survive ten days. His desperate wife and three children came to me, begging me to save his beloved husband and the father of his children."

Ross looked at the deep wrinkles on the young man's face and said, "Your Majesty, did you know? Although his name is Lao Han, he is not old. He is only thirty-four years old this year."

Hearing this, Suyi's expression was uncertain, and she seemed to have suffered a huge shock.

Elizabeth on the side also looked incredulous.

Los continued: "He was unfortunate because he was born in a low-class family, but he never complained, but worked hard to live."

"However, hard work results in terminal illness and premature death."

Suyi clenched her fists and said, "I don't know anything about this."

Lose strolled to the bedside, looked down at Old Han and continued: "But he is also lucky because he met me."

Speaking of this, Los turned to look at Suyi, his eyes flashing like thunder in the sky, and said with indescribable arrogance and confidence in his tone: "Because, Arkham's medical technology is the world's best." one!"

Hearing this, Suyi and Elizabeth were immediately shocked. The spirits that had just been confused due to such a tragic incident suddenly gathered their energy as if they were awakened by thunder.

Suyi asked tentatively: "Just use this blood!?"

Los smiled and said: "It's not blood, it's blood therapy!"

In the future, he will definitely promote blood therapy, and this will definitely not be possible without the Queen as a reliable partner, so Loss plans to show off his cards directly now, and while showing his strength, he can obtain those in Suyi's hands. Special technology.

"Blood therapy...blood therapy..." The two people kept chanting this brand-new vocabulary.

At this moment, the middle-aged man on the operating table suddenly coughed violently.

The coughing immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Looking up, he could see a large amount of dark, sticky substance being spat out of his mouth.

The appearance of these things brought a burst of stench and the smell of tar.

Wayne on the side stretched out his hand to help Lao Han up, and said with joy on his face: "Success!"

Morsi also breathed a sigh of relief at this time. This was the first time they used angel blood to heal ordinary people. The proportion of blood was carefully adjusted before transfusion, for fear that the fragile body would not be able to withstand the impact of angel blood.

But now it seems the dose is just right.

Wayne was wiping the black tar on Lao Han, while Morsi took out a stethoscope and put it on his lungs and listened carefully.

"The effect is obvious. The breathing sound in the lungs is getting stronger and clearer."

"Great job!" Wayne praised loudly.

While the two were busy, Suyi and Elizabeth were completely stunned.

At this time, they clearly felt that the vitality of Lao Han, who had just been dying, was constantly growing!

This was not a flashback, the rich rhythm of life appeared in front of them like a growing flame.


The entire infusion lasted an hour.

During this hour, Morsi and Wien were standing around, monitoring everything.

Luo Suyi and others stood outside quietly watching Lao Han keep coughing.

And the coughing thing keeps getting lighter as time goes by.

Now, an hour later, what he spit out was normal saliva.

When the needle was pulled out, Old Han's weather-beaten face was filled with excitement and gratitude.

Tears kept falling from the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. After experiencing endless pain and despair, he was able to regain his life. At this time, his excitement could no longer be expressed in words.

"Take a deep breath and don't get excited. We also need to confirm whether the cancer cells in your stomach and intestines have been eradicated." Morsi said, taking out something from a fish tank-like container.

It can be seen that it looks like a very huge earthworm.

But the surface of the earthworm is covered with powerful muscles.

There are four eyes the size of soybeans at the end of the earthworm, which looks a little disgusting.

On the other end of this muscular earthworm is a helmet-like equipment.

At this time, Morsi put on his helmet, raised the squirming eyes and stuffed them into Han's nostrils.

It seemed that this was not the first time Lao Han had experienced this, and he was very calm and cooperative.

Then, under the gaze of Suyi and Elizabeth, the muscular earthworm kept squirming and went deeper along the nose. The three-meter-long body soon disappeared to nearly two meters.

"Oh my god!~"

Such a terrifying scene immediately made the two of them completely unable to bear it. At this time, both of them felt goosebumps all over their bodies, their hairs were standing on end and itching all over their bodies, their legs were trembling, and their whole spirits were greatly shocked.

"What the hell is this!?" Suyi asked Lose with a bad look on her face.

Ross smiled and said: "With gastroscopy tools, not everyone can see their entire body as well as you can."

"This thing is called an eye worm. It is an artificial creature created by me."

"Although it is a living thing, it has no consciousness. The helmet at the end can be connected to the eyes in front through the optic nerve in its body, so that the person wearing the helmet can see what the eyes see, and control the worm's muscle movements to enter Where he needs to be."

"How about it, I'm a genius, right!?" Los said with a smile.

This thing was cultivated by him with the help of Morsi in the past two days. When he first got this thing out, the sense of accomplishment was unprecedented.

This is the earliest gastroscopy in mankind.

"How disgusting!" Elizabeth commented.


Hearing this, Los Angeles suddenly felt a little hurt.

Although Suyi also felt very disgusted, she knew the value of this thing very well.

At this time, she looked at Los with a special light in her eyes and said, "I'm very curious about what is in your head."

Los smiled and replied: "Believe me, I have nothing on my mind."

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