After the postoperative examination, there is still a small amount of tumor in the intestine, but it is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With the continuous circulation of angel blood, all his diseased cells will be repaired from the fundamental gene.

Everything is over. Old Han cannot get out of bed for the time being, but his speech and expression have changed drastically from just now.

After seeing Los and others come in, Su Yi clearly saw the enthusiasm and gratitude bursting out of the eyes of this skinny ordinary person.

That is no longer just the look of looking at his savior.

That is... the look of a fanatical believer looking at the god who has descended to the earth!

"Great mayor, I don't know what words to use to express the generosity and mercy of the humble people to you."

"Great mayor! Please accept the gratitude and worship from the soul of the dull and ignorant people!"

"In the future, the rest of my life will belong to you."

Looking at that expression and listening to that tone, Su Yi was very calm.

She knew very well what kind of despair and pain this middle-aged man... no, it should be the young man who suffered.

It is normal to show any gratitude after such a desperate rebirth.

Los smiled softly: "Han Ke."

Hearing this, Old Han's body suddenly trembled.

I don't know since when, everyone around him called him Old Han, and this name seemed to have been with him for more than ten years.

He didn't expect that the great mayor still knew the name that he almost forgot.

"Mayor..." Old Han's lips kept moving and trembling, and he was so excited that he couldn't speak.

"Take good care of yourself. There will be many jobs in Arkham in the future. You can support your family without leaving your hometown."

"As for what you should have gotten before, I will ask you to help you get it back."

As he said, Los' eyes were filled with a terrifying light and he said seriously: "I want to let those evil capitalists know that our residents in Arkham are not so easy to bully."


After the voice fell, Old Han could no longer control his spirit and burst into tears.

At this moment, he cried like a child, a child who was looked down upon and bullied by outsiders, and returned home to receive comfort and care from his parents.

Su Yi, who was standing aside, clenched her fists. At this moment, she saw a special temperament in Los, a brilliance that was incompatible with this world.

Logically speaking, Los's camp should represent chaos and evil, and he was a demon mixed with those monsters.

But the humanity shown by such a demon was more touching and intimate than those imperial officials.

When Elizabeth heard Los's last words, she actually felt a sense of happiness and pride in her heart.

Because this is the mayor of Arkham, a tough existence who would stand up for an ordinary citizen and fight against the capitalists in the provincial capital.

Such a madman who is crazy and unreasonable in the eyes of outsiders is indeed the most reliable elder in the big family of Arkham!

Old Han, with tears streaming down his face, was carried away by two nurses in constant gratitude. The two nurses took a breath after finishing their work, and then saluted the queen respectfully.

After experiencing the resurrection operation just now, Su Yi had a new look at these two doctors.

"Don't be so reserved, I just came to see you." Su Yi said with a peaceful smile.

Murthy was calm, but Wayne was obviously a little reserved, after all, he was a wanted criminal of the empire.

And the mouse that was hiding in the dark corner more than ten days ago can now be received by the queen of the empire? This is simply a dream.

Loss said with a smile: "You two, introduce your achievements in blood therapy these days to the queen."

After a pause, Loss told bluntly: "Tell me everything you should say."

Hearing this, Morthy and Wayne's expressions froze.

In fact, there is no need to say this at all, Loss's eyes and the two people understood.

Su Yi looked at Loss with a smile: "Mayor Arkham is really straightforward."

Loss smiled and said: "Don't blame your Majesty, if the cooperation is pleasant, the subsequent technology can be brought out to cooperate with your majesty."

Hearing this, the two people instantly understood the position of the two people now.

This is not a relationship between superiors and subordinates, but an equal cooperation!

Thinking of this, the two looked at each other and saw the excitement and disbelief in each other's eyes.

Our Arkham Mayor can actually cooperate with Her Majesty the Queen on an equal footing! ?

Su Yi nodded slightly: "Very good, I like people as straightforward as you!"

Then, the introduction began.

Mursi took the lead and said: "We are studying the effects and compatibility of various biological blood on the human body."

"Your Majesty, you should know that in nature, human immunity is not very strong, and many diseases will not affect health at all when placed on animals."

"Bats with extremely strong immunity can be immune to many viruses that are deadly to humans, so we are testing through the blood therapy system to see if the powerful immune system in animals can be transferred to the human body through blood, so that the human body can be fundamentally evolved!"

"Recently, we have collected a large amount of biological blood, and are conducting in-depth analysis of the blood of these creatures, and making them react well with human blood."

"Now our research has made some breakthroughs. We can transfer some of the advantages of animals, such as stronger muscle density and stronger explosive power, to humans according to the characteristics of different animals, forming a new human with more complete genes and more advanced forms."

"In addition, we can extract different genes from different bloods. The structures of these genes are completely different, with their own advantages and disadvantages. We can disassemble and reorganize these genetic memories to supplement human deficiencies."


For the next two hours, the two doctors talked endlessly about the results they had conquered in the past few days.

However, they only talked about some seemingly powerful results, and almost nothing was actually useful.

Elizabeth was confused, while Su Yi was surprised.

After the operation just now, she believed that the two doctors were not bragging.

After confirming the authenticity of this, she turned her head to look at the dense blood in the room, and then felt how much help the blood therapy in Los's hands was for her.

As long as the two of them cooperated deeply, she could get some basic blood therapy treatment methods, which would be enough for her to regain control of the empire.

Isn't it because the military is able to control the empire now because they cooperate with aliens and master technology that is beyond their time?

"You have it, and I have it too, and twice as much! All I need now is time!"

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