This was almost a no-loss deal, she just needed authorization.

You know, Suyi has always wanted to use the queen's privileges to obtain greater benefits.

However, her control over the empire is very limited. She is very afraid that the use of her privileges will not have any effect and will instead become the military's wedding dress.

But now, she still relatively trusts this traveler who comes from the same world as herself, and they have a common enemy.

If you use your privileges here, you can indeed bring good benefits to yourself.

After a moment of silence, Suyi said directly: "Thirty percent profit."

Ross smiled slightly: "Queen, don't worry, just listen to me."

Immediately after the price, Ross continued: "Arkham is the gateway to the country in the southeast. The forces here are complicated. I have a ghost agent of the August Empire under me. After the establishment of the free trade zone, infiltration from outside will be more serious, and I It has very powerful counter-infiltration capabilities and can give you all the other imperial intelligence it gets.”

"In addition, after the shipyard is established, you can still get 20% of the profit."

Suyi: "Continue."

Ross smiled and said: "From now on, Arkham will become your most solid ally, and it can even be said to be the kind of back-to-back strategic ally."

"I can open some resources to you, and even if you need it, I can send my people to the imperial capital to help you."

"I can also train extraordinary troops for you, even..."

At this point, Los paused and said, "Resurrection of some of your dead friends."

! ! ! !

Upon hearing this, Suyi and Elizabeth's eyes widened immediately, their faces filled with disbelief.

If the rebirth of severed limbs and the treatment of terminal illnesses are miracles, then the resurrection of the dead is a miracle!

Ross continued: "Also, I can give you more options."

"What choice?"

Ross narrowed his eyes and said, "Superhuman choice."

"I have many transformation methods, genetic modification, muscle strengthening, even if you need to turn your subordinates into werewolves or vampires, I can do it."

"Even if some disabled people want to gain extraordinary strength, I can even give them steel prosthetics that are powerful enough."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

Ross: "Come in!"

Following the sound, Conte walked in wearing a police uniform.

Ross smiled and said, "Let Her Majesty the Queen take a look at your body."

These words immediately attracted the attention of Suyi and Elizabeth, and then they turned to look at Kante.

Conte then took off his shirt, revealing the sophisticated and complex robotic arm.

"Oh my God! What is this!?" Elizabeth stood up in shock when she saw this.

Suyi's eyes suddenly flashed with light like lightning, and her expression suddenly became extremely excited.

She has special vision, unlike Elizabeth who can see ordinary things.

She could clearly see the steel muscles under Conte's skin, and even the steel armor covering his internal organs.

"Being able to combine organic matter and inorganic matter so on earth did you do it!?" Suyi was too shocked to add anything.

Ross smiled slightly: "These technologies are not open to the outside world casually, and even those people are not qualified to have so many choices."

"It is easy for others to find out the details of a single enhancement and transformation and find flaws, but what if there are many systems?"

"Muscle strengthening, bloodline plan, steel organ and limb modification, characteristic enhancement, etc..."

"With such a system, are you still worried that the other party will find a loophole!?"

Lose's voice was like a devil's whisper, drilling directly into the deepest part of Suyi's heart.

At this moment, she had already imagined the scene of these modified beings wearing the armor she designed for them.

thump! thump! thump!

At this moment, Suyi felt her heartbeat speeding up, and an indescribable excitement spread from the depths of her soul to her whole body.

Now she suddenly discovered that with Ross's help, even... things that she could not achieve in her previous life could be achieved here!

Immediately, many incredible and crazy thoughts that she had forgotten deep in her heart quickly appeared and occupied her brain.


Waves of deep laughter came from her mouth.

"Your Majesty!?" Elizabeth suddenly felt something was wrong.

Ross also turned his head and looked curiously.

The next second, Su Yi suddenly raised her head, and her face was already distorted.

Her eyes were widened, her mouth was grinning almost to her ears, and she was holding her face with both hands, looking like a madwoman.

This smile immediately frightened Elizabeth's mind to a blank.

Ha ha!


The low laughter turned into high-pitched laughter at this time!

Just by listening to such a weird sound, you can faintly hear the madness and twisted excitement in it.

Ross looked at this woman cautiously. From the first time they met, he could faintly sense the madness she had been hiding.

At this moment, the madness finally fully emerged.

"This he a little schizophrenic?"

Suyi at this time is completely different from the timid Suyi before.

Suyi laughed wildly and stared at Lose with wide eyes: "Loss! It's great to meet you! It's great!"

Then Su Yi laughed wildly for more than a minute before she gradually stopped laughing.

As the excitement and trembling faded away, Su Yi once again became the quiet and dignified queen.

Looking at the Queen who seemed to be a two-faced person, Los asked tentatively: "Are you... okay?"

Su Yi smiled: "It's okay, I just thought of some happy things and lost my composure."

Then, she looked at Los and said: "I agree to the deal just now."

"I will use my queen's privileges to agree to all your requests just now, and you must open all the transformation plans you just mentioned to my people."

"Don't worry, we will pay for all the materials for the transformation ourselves, and you only need to provide the technology."

Los smiled and said: "Your Majesty is really straightforward."

Su Yi continued: "We still need to discuss the detailed terms of cooperation, but besides this, I have something to confirm."

"Your Majesty, please speak."

Su Yi looked at Los: "You are taking the initiative now, what if you develop and become the host?"

When Los heard this, he looked at Su Yi seriously and said: "I have no interest in places other than Arkham, I just want to run my Arkham well."

"Human desires will continue to expand with their own strength."

Los replied calmly: "I am not a human."

This immediately made the whole office fall into a dead silence.

Although Elizabeth had expected this, she was still full of surprise when she heard Ross admit it himself.

Suyi laughed: "Very good! I found that I like you very much, Mayor Arkham!"

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