Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 229: The tacit understanding of fellow villagers

The two people who reached the initial cooperation intention were very happy. Suyi readily took out her formula for Longyan Steel and the drawings of the related Demon Locking Tower.

After Ross took the information and looked at it carefully, he suddenly said with a look of amazement: "As expected of Her Majesty the Queen, these fantastic ideas are simply beyond the limits of human thinking."

Although the Longyan Steel in front of Los is called steel, there is not much iron element in it.

This Long Yan Steel is more like a brick than steel, because the main material of this thing is actually the red soil that is everywhere in the world.

It is made of Longyan steel and red clay as the core, with a small amount of materials such as mercury, tungsten, and titanium mixed in, and a thing called Hanshui grass as the solidified skeleton. It is made with a special structure.

It's more like the bricks people use to build their houses than steel.

"The person who invented this thing is definitely the genius of the entire human race!" Los said seriously.

He analyzed the structure of this element through the inhuman knowledge in his mind, and found that if it reaches a large scale, it can indeed form a very special gyration force field.

This kind of force field can actually isolate space unilaterally through the particle fluctuations in it.

For this powerful ability, Ross is now certain that a house built using this thing can easily keep the Angle Hound inside.

"This kind of material is really crucial." Lose's tone was full of approval.

Being praised so continuously by Los, Suyi was naturally very happy and said: "Actually, I have many other technologies at my disposal. This is just the foundation."

Ross laughed when he heard this: "It seems like there are still many areas where we can cooperate in the future!"

Later, Lose took a look at the structure of the Demon Locking Tower under Suyi's explanation.

Then Ross discovered that the Demon Locking Tower was used in conjunction with Dragon Flame Steel. The core structure of the Demon Locking Tower still formed a special space maze. If you look carefully, it even resembles a dungeon maze.

"The structure of this tower takes up too much space. Can it be made flatter? I plan to build this thing underground. If I build it according to the drawings, I need to dig at least 150 meters deep into the ground. "Loss was in a bit of trouble.

Suyi pointed to the structure of his outer circle and said: "Look here, the reason why this Demon Locking Tower can form a space maze is because of its special cone structure, which is an accumulation of space distortion. Only these Only twisted particles can form a strong enough space force."

Ross took a closer look and found that this was indeed the case. If the structure of the tower was modified, the overall structural effect would be completely invalid.

"If this is the case, then I can only build it backwards. The lower the container is, the more dangerous it is." Lose said.

Suyi nodded: "Yes, but you can make modifications here..."


Elizabeth on the side suddenly felt that she had become an outsider, because she found that she did not understand what His Majesty and Los said at all.

I also found that this guy seemed to have a very good conversation with Her Majesty the Queen. He could even understand Her Majesty's vocabulary and weird ideas instantly that others could not understand.

"What's going on..." Looking at the two people who were becoming more and more understanding, Elizabeth suddenly felt a huge sense of crisis.

She has always been His Majesty's true best friend, the person he trusts and loves the most.

But now... this damn Arkham has actually surpassed himself in this aspect! ?

Los and Suyi chatted for two hours. They belonged to two worlds, and the extraordinary thinking of the two civilizations collided with each other. It not only broadened their horizons, but also made up for their previous prejudices and narrow-mindedness. The two of them felt at the same time A lot has been gained.

Los sighed: "I met His Majesty today, and I really listened to your words..."

"It's better than ten years of studying." Suyi said happily.

Being able to see fellow villagers from the same civilization in this unfamiliar world, even though there was a gap of tens of thousands of years, both of them felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

"Yeah!" At this moment, Suyi noticed the dull-looking Elizabeth beside her.

He turned around and took her hand, saying with a smile on his face: "I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

Seeing the smile on Su Yi's face, Elizabeth, who was full of disappointment just now, suddenly felt as if a resentful woman in the palace had once again been favored by the emperor. She looked happy and excited and said hurriedly: "Don't say that, I can stand beside you." It’s been an honor for me.”

Lose looked at the two people and suddenly thought of a word in his mind: Big Orange is determined.

"These two guys are quite compatible." Lose smiled inwardly.

After the discussion, Ross also knew what he should prepare next.

After comforting Elizabeth, Suyi turned around and asked: "Have you dealt with the issue about Innsmouth?"

Ross nodded: "Don't worry, there are no flaws. Everything is the military's fault."

Su Yien groaned: "The military department followed three people this time, but it was just a cover-up. They will definitely send people here secretly. You have to be careful."

Ross chuckled and said: "Don't worry, if they come, there will be only surprises waiting for them."


Meanwhile, Arkham North, the Rotary Inn.

The three people were hiding in the room at this time, discussing this action.

These three people are all elites of the military. The leader is a bald man with a scar on his head named Barn. He is a 26th-level senior soldier and belongs to the Night Owl Squadron, one of the three covert forces of the military. .

Barn has undergone two reconstructive surgeries and now has the eyesight of an eagle. His powerful explosive power allows him to run faster than a car, and he can easily crush a shot put with his palms.

"It has been confirmed that the queen is not in the villa now. It seems that the queen was among the few people who left Los Arkham at that time." said the long-faced young man at the side.

Barn nodded slightly: "Since the Queen is here, it must be to join forces with Los Arkham. It is not surprising that she came out. What we need to determine now is what happened at that time. Zack, tell me about your side Condition."

At this time, a young man wearing a casual jacket and jazz hat, chewing betel nut, said: "Captain, I conducted a simple survey on the residents here and found that these people are very xenophobic. After seeing that I am an outsider, I couldn't say a word." If you don't tell me, when I want to ask a few more questions, the police on the side come over. "

Hearing this, Barn frowned: "Sure enough, today's Arkham is no longer the Arkham it used to be. An invisible force has reshaped this place."

"Is it Los Arkham?" Long Face asked tentatively.

Baan said in a deep voice: "If nothing else happens, it should be him. Get ready to meet with the spy tonight."

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