Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 230 The Monster with the Mask

At night, the night in Arkham is now very quiet, much quieter than before, because the gangs that used to operate at night have disappeared, and the sounds of gunfire and fighting have almost disappeared.

Ghoul policeman David and his four brothers formed a patrol team at this time and were patrolling the border between the East District and the north side of the Central District.

According to the fur traders who travel back and forth, there seems to be very ferocious beasts roaming around here.

There was even a fur trader who suddenly heard the roar of his horse when he stopped to urinate. When he came back, he found that the truck had overturned and one of the two horses pulling the truck was gone.

And he could vaguely see the other one being dragged into the woods by a huge figure, leaving only a messy truck and bloodstains on the ground.

After the news was reported, Director Harden naturally took it very seriously, because he was very aware of the dangers of this monster.

Five police officers were immediately dispatched to investigate.

Five people from David came over this morning and investigated the blood stains. Based on the footprints, which were twice the size of a normal human foot, it was determined that the target was a huge four-legged animal with a shoulder height of at least two meters.

Judging from the condition of the claws on the paw prints, it should be a canine, because cats will retract their claws into their flesh pads when leaving and will not leave marks on the ground.

Just thinking about a canine with a height of two meters at the shoulder is terrifying.

Five people then searched the huge suburb for a whole day, but could not find any traces. The horse that was dragged away did not even leave any bones except for some blood stains.

The smell of blood went all the way north for about five kilometers and completely disappeared after crossing the Bolton River.

The five people originally planned to conduct a search on that side, but they thought that the guy might go around and continue attacking people, so in the evening the five people came back and prepared to stay here all night to check the situation.

"Are you talking about a local monster, or a mutated monster?" Lungjie asked, holding a cigarette in his mouth and a stubble on his face.

David rolled his eyes at him: "What's the difference between your words?"

Lunjie was stunned. Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Nadeau, who was standing beside him and said: "As expected of a second-grade elementary school dropout. It's terrible to be uneducated."

"Bah! Nado, don't pretend to be like me. You were expelled just after you entered the first grade of junior high school." Lunjie looked dissatisfied.

Nado chuckled: "That's taller than you, x+6=9, what is x?"

Lunjie was stunned after hearing this, and he hesitated for a long time without explaining the reason.

Then he inhaled the cigarette until it burned his lips, spit it out and sighed: "Didn't I just join the gang because I am uneducated? My mother said that I was very smart since I was a child. If I can go to school well, I can at least become a doctor or lawyer. ”

Hearing this, the other four people did not jeer. The group of low-level gang disciples before them were all poor and low-educated people. Otherwise, who would want to be a gangster?

David said at this time: "So we have to be grateful to the great mayor, who not only gave us a new life, but also a new form and identity. Otherwise, how could we, a bunch of low-level trash, have achieved such success?" How can he become a policeman respected by everyone with his powerful strength?”

After hearing this, everyone nodded immediately and said in unison: "Long live the mayor!"


At this time, a low roar suddenly came from the woods on the northeast side.

For a moment, the five people shut up, then took out the pistols at their waists and turned to look.

In the silence, the five people in tacit understanding exchanged glances with each other, and then quickly rushed towards the woods.

"It smells of blood." The five of them were all ghouls, and they were extremely sensitive to the smell of blood.

"Two o'clock!"

"high speed!"

"Coming towards us!"



Under the moonlight, a black shadow rushed out from the woods toward the five Davids.

In an instant, the five people stopped their forward movements at the same time, and then separated instantly, dodging this fatal blow in a posture that could be called difficult gymnastics.

Bang bang bang!

Continuous gunshots rang out the next second.

The five people emptied a magazine directly, only to find that the bullets could not break through the monster's fur at all.

They clearly saw that the bullets fell weakly to the ground after concentrating on the monster.

"Fuck! I knew firearms were unreliable! Brothers, keep your teeth up!"

David threw the gun aside, revealing part of his ghoul posture.

For advanced ghouls who can transform into humans, the strongest part of their body is their ferocious and sharp teeth, followed by their skulls, and then their claws.

The teeth that can easily bite through steel are their greatest support.

Under the moonlight, the five policemen who had been normal just now turned into half humans and half monsters in an instant.

The night wind blew away the dark clouds, and more moonlight shone down.

At this time, the five people could see the monster clearly.

It was indeed a beast two meters tall at the shoulders.

It is covered in gray-black fur and has sharp claws.

At first glance it looks like a huge wolf.

Regardless of body, fur or claws, they are similar to those of wolves.

but! There is indeed a human-like head on its head, and that small head seems extremely incongruous with its huge body.

But that's not the weirdest thing.

The weirdest thing is that the human face has a silver-gray wolf head mask.

The wolf-head mask was so big that even the mouth could be opened.

Through the bloody and hideous teeth, David could vaguely see a bloody human face in the big mouth.

"This monster is really scary." Nado cursed loudly.

Lunjie on the side pouted and said, "Why don't you look in the mirror to see what you look like? You are much uglier than it."

While speaking, the mouth of the monster mask gradually opened, and then it let out a series of strange roars, and then rushed towards the five people at a very fast speed.

David roared, "Separate! Bite off his limbs first!"


Then the five high-level ghouls dispersed instantly, and then rushed to the monster from all directions.

David jumped suddenly, opened his hands and directly strangled the monster's head, so that his head would not move around.

Then Lunjie, Nado and others touched the monster's limbs directly, like a group of hyenas hunting a lion, and bit directly at the monster's tendons.

The sharp and ferocious fangs instantly tore the monster's flesh.


"Damn it! This guy's bones are so hard, it hurts my teeth!" Nado bit a few times and screamed with blood in his mouth.

At this moment, the monster felt pain, and the mask suddenly opened its mouth, and a large amount of blood suddenly burst out.


David yelled, but it was too late.

The horrible blood explosion was like a powerful bomb, which directly blew all five people away.

At this moment, several people clearly heard the sound of their bones breaking.

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