The huge impact force pushed the five people completely in five different directions. At the moment of landing, they clearly felt the harsh friction sound of their broken bones being dislocated due to the impact.

Nado, the strongest of the five people, took out the signal gun and fired it into the sky with his right arm that could still be used.

"How are you guys?" Nado struggled to sit up and asked in a low roar.

"To say something heartbreaking, I don't feel very comfortable." A hoarse voice came. Nado looked in the direction of Lunjie and immediately found that Lunjie's arm pierced his chest at a weird angle.

"It's really a heartbreaking word." David struggled to stand up and complained.

They were not afraid of death after dying once, and with the special physique of the ghouls, they could still maintain an optimistic attitude even in the face of such pain and despair.

At this time, the five people struggled to get up and turned their heads to look in the moonlight. They could see that the monsters who had just experienced the blood explosion were also a little depressed.

The silver-gray wolf mask was covered in blood, and the limbs with broken tendons could no longer support its body to move, and its body was already shaky.

"Silly dog! Let's enjoy the moon together tonight!" Nado said in a rough voice, and then he let out a hoarse and unpleasant laugh.


The monster seemed to be unable to bear Nado's stimulation, and then he let out a high-pitched wolf howl.

"What is he calling?" Nado turned to ask David.

David touched the blood on his face and frowned and said, "Why does it sound like a distress signal?"

"This lone wolf, who is asking for help?"


At this time, Lunjie's struggling body fell to the ground weakly, and his arm bone pierced into his chest, which seemed to pierce his lungs and hurt his heart at the same time.

"Hey! Lunjie! Lunjie!" His companions shouted loudly.

Nado struggled to run over and said loudly: "Hey! Idiot, you can't die now!"

"I'm a little...sleepy." Lunjie said confusedly.

Nadeau immediately said, "Use the method the mayor gave us to stay sane!"

"What is 1000-7? Just keep subtracting."

"F*k! Nadeau! Lunjie only knows addition and subtraction within 20!" The companion who supported Lunjie cursed.

At this time, David's eyes kept scanning in the dark night, and soon he found that there seemed to be a figure walking in the woods not far away.

"Beware! There are others!" David shouted loudly with blood spitting out.

As soon as the voice fell, a tall and thin man walked out of the woods.

The man's appearance could not be seen clearly in the moonlight. He could only vaguely see that he was wearing a tattered linen shirt and carrying a torn sack behind him.

He was tall, with slender limbs, and looked a bit like Mr. Kos in the tattoo shop.

David and the others could not see the guy's appearance clearly, but could only vaguely see a stained iron helmet under the shabby hood.

"Who are you?" David held his breath and asked loudly.

They, the ghoul police, are not people who like to talk nonsense with each other. If they can take action, they usually rarely talk.

However, their current condition is really not good.

The man seemed to be silent, and went straight to the monster, looked down at the monster, and then a pair of cloudy and scarlet eyes under the hood locked on David.

David's heart tightened, and he endured the severe pain and tensed his whole body, ready to fight.

But at this moment, David felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then the monster had jumped in front of him.


The skinny palm was like an extremely sharp blade, piercing David's chest at a speed faster than lightning. He could even feel that the skinny palm was holding his heart.

David wanted to struggle, and the nerves in his brain began to give orders. At this time, only David's broken bones made a harsh friction sound, and the broken arm hit the head of the two-meter-tall monster with a whirring wind and splashing blood.

This tall and thin monster was very flexible. He easily avoided David's attack with a slight flash of his body, and was about to leave with David's heart in his hand.

At such a critical moment, accompanied by a piercing long whistle, a black shadow with a whistling sound rushed over like a sharp arrow and shot at the tall and thin weirdo.

The tall and thin weirdo immediately felt a threat, and then his palm loosened his heart, and his body flexibly flipped backwards to avoid the attack.

David breathed a sigh of relief after his heart was loosened, and looked up at the visitor, who was a tall and burly werewolf with thick hair all over his body.

This werewolf was different from other werewolves. He was more like a human in the form of a werewolf. His body was not hunched, and his back was straight.

And he was wearing a very decent white shirt and black vest.

The most bizarre thing was that he held a very simple broadsword in his hand.

The broadsword was as wide as the palm of an adult man, and was about 1.2 meters long. There were special words on it, and the material seemed to be a bronze sword of some age.

"Mr. Charlemagne." David breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this man, and then sat on the ground weakly.

The visitor was none other than the former patient of the mental hospital, No. 03122, the heir of this generation of the Charlemagne family, David Charlemagne.

Four days ago, he had already accepted the transformation of the blood of the ancient god Los, and his abilities and physical fitness had been greatly improved. He was officially discharged from the hospital and became a member of the Arkham defense system.

David and others had met this ancient nobleman with the same name as themselves several times, and they had also escorted the queen together, so they were quite familiar with each other.

Today, David Charlemagne has jumped to level 39, which is also one of the top combat forces in the entire Arkham.

At this time, Charlemagne showed his werewolf personality.

Although it was a werewolf personality, the noble posture and temperament in his bones remained unchanged, so it looked very strange.

Charlemagne, who had transformed into a werewolf personality, was already two meters and two meters tall. At this time, he stood in front of the five policemen like a small mountain, which made them feel very relieved.

Charlemagne protected several people behind him and said in a low and intellectual voice: "Well done, the mayor of Arkham has a group of good subordinates."

Hearing this, the five ghouls suddenly felt proud.

At this time, the tall and thin weirdo also felt the threat brought by Charlemagne, and stared at him with scarlet eyes.

Charlemagne raised the bronze broadsword in his hand and whispered: "Darkness, madness, filth, suffering, the light that has not left me after experiencing all this, the great spirit that protects the soul of the paladin... the moonlight that guides my people in countless despair and darkness!"

As he chanted in a low voice, countless silver-white lights condensed on the bronze sword.

Then, the bronze sword turned into a lightsaber that shone with moonlight.

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