The lightsaber was so bright in the dark night, but there was no glare. The soft light was like countless fireflies gathered on it.

As he swung it, you could even see some light spots flying in the air, as if countless elves were attached to it.

At this time, the five seriously injured people saw this scene, and even felt that the pain on their bodies was soothed by this soft light.

At this time, the werewolf Charlemagne, holding the moonlight sword, took a step forward and looked at the tall and thin weirdo covered in filth: "Leave now, there is no prey for you here."

The tall and thin weirdo stared at Charlemagne, and then there was no response or sound, and even his jump and landing seemed to be weightless.

In the blink of an eye, the tall and thin monster had jumped in front of Charlemagne, and the slender arm silently pinched Charlemagne's neck.

Charlemagne's body suddenly retreated a step, accurately dodged the attack, and then the moonlight sword in his hand chopped at the tall and thin weirdo's body.


With a sharp sound, the blade of the Moonlight Great Sword was actually blocked by the arm of the tall and thin weirdo, and the collision of the two actually made a sound of metal collision.

"This guy, is his body made of iron?" David was shocked.

The slash of a level 39 strong man is not something that ordinary steel can block.

Charlemagne was not surprised that his attack was blocked, and he seemed to know this thing very well.

At the moment when the great sword and the arm collided, Charlemagne's body rushed forward directly, and his other hand clenched into a fist and punched the tall and thin weirdo's chest.

With a muffled bang, the monster giant who could easily block the attack of the Moonlight Great Sword was hit by this punch and took two steps back to stabilize his body.

At this time, Charlemagne seized the opportunity of this life gate, and the Moonlight Great Sword in his hand changed from slashing to stabbing.

With the splash of blood, this time the Moonlight Great Sword directly pierced his chest.

Being pierced by this giant sword, a large amount of blood spurted out, and the tall and thin weirdo seemed to have no vocal cords, and still did not make any sound.

At this time, the tall and thin weirdo directly grasped the blade with both hands, and his body suddenly retreated backwards, turning around and running away regardless of his injuries.

Charlemagne let him get away directly, and did not continue to attack.

When the tall and thin weirdo left, he passed by the monster and seemed to reach out to take the wolf head mask away.

"Mr. Charlemagne!" David reminded hurriedly.

Charlemagne stood in front of him with the moonlight sword in his hand, and then suddenly swung forward.

In an instant, a green sword light burst out instantly, directly hitting the tall and thin weirdo's body.

The tall and thin weirdo did not hesitate at this time, and then disappeared silently in the dark night, without a trace.

After the monster left, accompanied by the resonance of the engine, two cars drove over, and then Conte and others ran down and began to treat the injuries of the five people.

"How is Renjie?" David lying on the stretcher asked.

Zeke comforted him, "He is temporarily unconscious due to suffocation. Don't worry, he is not in danger of death."

The five injured were quickly sent away, and Conte, Zeke and others turned their attention to the monster that was still struggling.

"What happened to that guy just now? Do you seem to know him?" Conte asked Charlemagne.

Charlemagne gradually recovered his handsome appearance that made Los' heart beat, and said steadily: "Have you heard of the Sun God Cult?"

Zike thought for a while and said: "I seem to have heard of it there."

Conte reminded: "The guilty person seems to be related to the Sun God Cult."

Charlemagne was a little surprised: "The guilty person?"

He didn't know the existence of the guilty person.

Conte explained: "It's a monster that Tracy discovered before, and it is now locked up at the bottom of the sanatorium. What's wrong?"

Charlemagne was silent for a while and said: "I can't explain this to you clearly. I will talk to the mayor directly tomorrow."

The two had no interest in those difficult-to-understand histories, and then they set their eyes on the monster.

"How should this thing be dealt with?" Zeke walked over and poked the monster's bloody fur.

"Why are you wearing a mask?" Conte walked over and stretched out his hand to take off the mask.

But with his great strength, no matter how hard he tried, the mask didn't move at all.

"Strange, even if it grew on it, it shouldn't be so strong!" Conte was a little confused.

Charlemagne sat down and looked at it carefully for a moment, then saw the pattern on the edge of the mask, and then said: "This is a magic weapon from the late Sun Dynasty. It should have produced special power for some reason. We'd better not move it and wait for the mayor to make a decision tomorrow."

The two nodded cautiously and agreed.

The Sun Dynasty was the largest dynasty in ancient times and the oldest dynasty known in human history. There are still many legends and things about the Sun Dynasty that cannot be confirmed.

"Then send it back to Arkham Sanatorium first!" Conte said and started to work.


The next morning, Los got up and washed and had breakfast.

Before he went out, he heard Conte knocking on the door.

"What happened last night?" Los looked at the anxious Conte with some surprise.

Lilith smiled and said, "The investigation of that monster should be making some progress."

At this time, Conte walked in quickly and reported the situation last night in detail.

After hearing this, Ross showed a burst of curiosity on his face, and then said: "Conte, go! Take Dr. Armitage to Arkham Sanatorium now, and tell him that it is related to the Sun God Cult, and let him take the relevant books."

"Understood!" Conte left quickly.

Ross finished his meal quickly and said: "Let's go! Go to the sanatorium."

At 8:30 in the morning, the two came to the underground ward of Arkham Sanatorium.

In one of the larger wards, they saw the monster from last night, and Charlemagne who was guarding here.

"Mayor." Charlemagne saluted respectfully.

Ross nodded and said: "Conte said you have something to tell me."

Charlemagne said: "Yes, I know the tall and thin weirdo yesterday."

"Know? Your friend?" Ross was a little surprised.

Charlemagne shook his head: "That's not the case. I mean I know their origins. I asked Dr. Pochi for information about the guilty last night, so you should know the guilty knights during the Sun God Cult period, right?"

Los nodded.

Charlemagne continued, "The guy who appeared last night was the Guilty Knight."

"Guilty Knight?" Hearing this, Los became curious.

"Logically speaking, the Guilty Knights back then are all dead, right?"

Charlemagne shook his head, "Strictly speaking, all the Guilty Knights of the Sun God Cult back then are alive, because life and death have no meaning to them."

"They are knights who carry sins, but in the end they are backfired by countless sins and become the embodiment of sin."

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