Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 233 The Holy Sword in the Blood

After hearing Charlemagne's words, Los began to recall Dr. Armitage's analysis of the guilty man. At that time, it could be preliminarily determined that the guilty man was most likely a guilty knight who had mutated for some reason.

At that time, Dr. Armitage also mentioned that many guilty knights were swallowed by sin because they carried too many sins and became believers of the abyss.

When it comes to the abyss, Los has to think of the ancient god who is now suppressed under Innsmouth, the snake surrounding the abyss.

"Is there any relationship between the two?" Los thought to himself.

After thinking for a while, Los asked: "You mean, the people who attacked David and his men last night are the guilty knights who have survived from the ancient extinction period?"

Charlemagne nodded solemnly: "Yes, life and death are not important to them now. They are in a special hazy state at this time. I don't understand why they can survive for at least five thousand years."

There is still little relevant evidence now. Los did not make too many speculations. Instead, he asked: "Speaking of which, I didn't expect that the legendary Paladin family would be related to the Sun Dynasty."

Charlemagne showed a trace of apology on his face when he heard it: "Mayor, I'm sorry, this is already the biggest secret of our family."

Los waved his hand: "Everyone has their own secrets. I don't care if my subordinates have these. What I need is your ability and loyalty, not your secrets."

"Thank you for your understanding." Now that Charlemagne has received the blood of the ancient gods, he is more aware of the power and terror of Los.

The blood of the ancient gods he received that day was not the diluted blood of the ancient gods obtained from Innsmouth, but Los's own.

For some core subordinates with great potential, Los must keep them firmly in his hands.

Because he got Los's blood and was transformed by Los himself, he now deeply understood the true side of the mayor in front of him.

Now that things have come to this, Charlemagne has no need to continue to hide it.

At this time, he raised his wrist, and under Los's gaze, a blue-gray long sword tattoo appeared on the inside of his arm.

Then, accompanied by the light, the ancient bronze sword from last night appeared in his hand.

Los saw this and his eyes flashed. When he transformed him, he vaguely felt that there was something special there, but he was not sure what it was.

Charlemagne held the sword and said with tenderness in his eyes: "This is the sword held by our Charlemagne family and ancestors. It witnessed the birth of the first human paladin and accompanied my ancestors through their glorious life."

"After the death of our ancestors, this sword named Yuehua has been passed down in our Charlemagne bloodline, protecting and guiding our souls, allowing us to have the same character as our ancestors."

"Even Judy doesn't know about this. His endless torture of me in those years was also because of the protection of this sword. In the end, I fell into a huge split, and it was this sword that always protected my main personality. Otherwise, I would have become a mentally confused lunatic."

Speaking of this, Charlemagne said with a special glow in his eyes: "This sword is a witness to the inheritance of our Charlemagne family for three thousand years, and it is also the biggest trump card and honor of our family."

Los looked at this special bronze sword, with a special glow in his eyes, and said with a smile: "It is a special legacy."

"Yes, it has been protecting the bloodline of our family." Charlemagne said this, full of pride in his heart.

Los looked at the sword deeply, then retracted his gaze to the monster with the mask and asked: "Do you know the origin of this monster?"

Charlemagne put away the sword, looked at the monster and said: "I just know that the mask on its face is a magic weapon from the Sun Dynasty, which seems to be related to some rituals, and this monster should be a human being, I don't know anything else."

"Then wait for the experts to come." Los was not in a hurry.

He now has a strong interest in the Sun God Cult and the Sun Dynasty. He vaguely feels that the Sun Dynasty has too many hidden secrets.

If those secrets are solved, many things he doesn't understand now will be solved.

Twenty minutes later, Dr. Armitage came here quickly with a suitcase of books under the leadership of Conte.

Dr. Armitage was also very excited to get the content related to the Sun Dynasty again.

"Mayor! Where is it?" Behind Dr. Armitage's thick glasses were a pair of enthusiastic eyes.

Loss measured the body and let Dr. Armitage see the huge monster.

Such a strange and terrifying monster did not make Dr. Armitage feel uncomfortable or shocked. His eyes were instantly locked on the huge wolf head mask on the monster's head.

"My... God! What did I see! What did I see!" Seeing this mask, Dr. Armitage held his head with both hands, his face full of excitement.

Neither Los nor Charlemagne on the side disturbed him, letting this fanatical doctor fall into his own rhythm.

After a moment of shock, Armitage skillfully took out gloves and a magnifying glass from his suitcase, and then took out two yellowed and somewhat tattered books and carefully compared them.

The monster felt Dr. Armitage approaching and struggled to attack.

But Lose glared at him, and then his body froze, not daring to move.

Armitage surrounded the monster's head, not caring about the smelly blood, and kept carefully wiping, observing, comparing, and recording.

Two hours gradually passed like this.

Finally, with Armitage wiping his hands and blowing on the wet ink on the notebook, the entire identification process came to an end.

"Doctor, how are you?" Los asked enthusiastically.

At this time, he could no longer suppress his curiosity.

At this time, Armitage still had a look of surprise on his face and said, "Mr. Mayor, you and the Sun God Cult are really destined to discover such precious things."

Armitage didn't sell it, and explained directly: "This mask is called the Oath of the Covenant."

"Oath of covenant?" Ross was stunned.

Charlemagne asked tentatively: "Doctor, this should be a magic weapon, right?"

Armitage nodded: "It is a magic weapon, but it is not a magic weapon used by the Sun God Cult, but a magic weapon from the more ancient Sun Dynasty period."

"According to the relevant content unearthed now, it is said that there were two suns in the legend of that era, one exuding infinite light and the other exuding infinite darkness."

"Then two great beings were born from the sun, the Sun King and the Wuyang King."

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