"For the sake of light and life, the great Sun King successfully shot down King Wuyang, causing him to fall from the sky to the ground."

Speaking of this, Armitage explained: "In that era, Wu represented black."

Loss commented: "It's a very old-fashioned story. It is estimated that King Wuyang started to make trouble on the ground after falling."

Armitage nodded: "You are right. The Sun King thought he could win forever, but he didn't expect that King Wuyang, who fell to the ground, would smash the earth. The terrifying power not only split the entire continent into four pieces, but also formed an extremely huge ditch."

"This ditch should be the abyss mentioned by the Sun God Cult later."

Charlemagne, who had a close relationship with the Sun God Cult, was very shocked because he didn't know these things!

And this person who had no blood inheritance knew so much!

"Where did you know these things?" He asked in disbelief.

Armitage: "Ancient books, as long as you know enough ancient languages, you can easily get a glimpse of the truth of ancient times."

"How many languages ​​do you know? Do you know the ancient Ux language?" Charlemagne suddenly asked in Ux.

Armitage then answered in Ux: "Ux? It's only two thousand years away from now, so I know. As for how many languages ​​I know... emmmm, about thirty or so."


Charlemagne is very familiar with those irrelevant ancient languages. Just the Ux language inherited by a family has made him hate it and even go crazy!

And the old man in front of him actually knows more than thirty languages! ?

More than thirty languages! Even knowing the current language is already very powerful, and he knows those ancient languages ​​that have disappeared for hundreds or thousands of years!

Charlemagne, shocked, wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Los and said: "Doctor, continue talking about masks."

Just now, the two people whispered a few words, and he didn't understand a word, which made Los very unhappy.

Armitage then said: "It is impossible to verify the situation at that time. Now we know from the records of the Sun God Cult that King Wuyang has been corroding the earth through the abyss, causing all things to wither."

"In order to maintain the light and temperature of this world, the Sun King cannot leave the center of the world, so he sent out his most powerful general, who was proud of himself. The purpose of sending him out was not to destroy King Wuyang, but to let him guard and prevent the abyss from expanding."

"That general was extremely brave and resolute, and extremely powerful. But the corrosion of the abyss is even more terrifying."

"Although the general perfectly completed his mission and sealed the abyss Locked to the edge of the world, but the long-term corrosion has brought the general and his army to the brink of collapse, and they are even about to become monsters like the guilty knight. "

"However, in such a desperate moment, the general and the soldiers still stick to their posts and use their reason to resist the invasion of the abyss. "

"While killing the monsters of the abyss, they resist the temptation of the abyss, and at the same time kill those comrades who have been completely corrupted. It seems that the gods have favored this group of resolute and respectable warriors, and the elves have appeared. "


Amitage's face was intoxicated and amazed, as if he had experienced such an era.

"It was a wolf with silver-gray hair. It seemed to not belong to this world. It could emit a soft light in absolute darkness. Its perfect hair would not be stained by any filth in this world."

"The spirit wolf favored the brave general and signed an unbreakable covenant with him. As long as the general and his soldiers remained in the abyss, the spirit wolf could guarantee that their hearts would not be polluted or harmed."

"Then, the general and the soldiers made a covenant with each other. They made masks representing the spirit wolf and took the wolf blood that did not belong to this world."

"The wolf blood connected this group of brave soldiers forever. Unity and protection, this rock-hard creed allowed them to stay in the abyss forever. Because of this wolf blood covenant, they were the only group of people who could enter and exit the abyss freely."

Charlemagne was overwhelmed when he heard this. Perseverance, protection, unity and persistence were also the principles of being a knight. At this moment, he already admired the general and the group of soldiers very much.

Los expressed his approval: "Good story, that is to say, this mask is one of the masks of the soldiers at that time?"

Armitage nodded: "Yes, but the weird thing is that this mask has been tainted."

"Tained!?" Charlemagne seemed to be stimulated, and his voice became a little high-pitched.

Armitage said: "This monster should have been a person, and he accidentally put on this mask and turned into this monster."

"Logically speaking, wearing a mask should be protected by wolf blood, but he turned into a monster, which means that this mask has been completely corroded by the abyss and completely tainted."

At this point, Armitage said solemnly: "In other words, the original wolf blood covenant has been destroyed."

"This is impossible! How can the will of the knight be so fragile!?" Charlemagne, who was just full of emotion, suffered a huge blow.

Armitage said without surprise: "I don't know the details. I pieced these together through the patterns on the mask, the Oracle of the Sun God Cult, the Stone Manuscript of the Ancient Royal Court, and the Fragments of the Abyss Legion. There should be other errors."

Charlemagne lowered his head and bit his lips. Under Armitage's gaze, he gradually turned into the very beautiful, but somewhat gloomy and vicious little girl.

"Ah!?" Armitage, who was calm in the face of monsters, was immediately frightened by Charlemagne's change.

How did the tall and peerless handsome man suddenly turn into an extremely beautiful little girl! ?

Los patted the old doctor on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Dr. Armitage."

Armitage came to his senses and shook his head quickly: "It's not hard work. You don't know that the question about the Abyss Legion has troubled me for a long time. I have always felt that there are commonalities in these three books, but I can't find any useful artifacts and records to prove it."

"And today! Through the inscriptions on the mask, I finally pieced together those fragmented pieces!"

At this point, Armitage was very excited and happy.

"Great beings like the Abyss Legion, their deeds should not be buried in history." Armitage was full of respect for the group of warriors guarding the abyss.

Los looked at the filthy mask, his eyes sparkling, and said nothing.

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