At six o'clock in the evening, Carrington, who had purchased two carts of food, returned home with Lilith, who was carrying a lot of bags.

The things Lilith bought were nothing more than bedding, daily necessities, and related clothes, skirts and hats.

Women love to dress up by nature, even perverts like her.

Especially now that she regards herself as the most perfect collection of Los, she pays more attention to her image.

The only pity for her is that she has not been able to show her true appearance so far.

The smooth body, smooth skin, and perfect body fascinated her.

While Los was reading, Lilith quietly came to his side: "My dear master, I went shopping everywhere when I was shopping, and ten years have not brought much change to Arkham."

Loss looked up and smiled: "Simple, conservative, and unchanging have always been the eternal theme of Arkham."

Lilith nodded in agreement: "Then I went to several places according to my memory and found that their locations had not changed at all from ten years ago."

Then Lilith showed a strange smile on her face: "It can be seen that they are very confident that I will die in the dungeon."

Los still has a lot of information to read, and Lilith stood quietly beside Los, glancing at the information in his hand and Los' face.

Perhaps it was Los who let her out from below, or because she gave her a new life, or his domineering possessiveness at the time, which made her feel comfortable and safe around Los.

"We can act tomorrow night and rescue some beautiful maids." Los said with a smile.

Nine o'clock in the evening.

After dinner, when Los and Lilith were discussing the plan to destroy the human trafficking den tomorrow, Carrington knocked on the door: "Master, Dr. Murthy is here and wants to visit you."

Loss laughed after hearing this: "Let him come directly to the study."

"Yes, Master."

"Do I need to avoid it? Dear Master." Lilith asked.

"No, he will be my loyal subordinate in the future."

Two minutes later, Dr. Murthy just opened the door and saw the elegant, mature and beautiful Lilith.

"This is a miracle of fantasy." Seeing Lilith's perfect long legs, Murthy exclaimed.

Even though he had known it in advance from Kurvin, he still couldn't suppress the shock in his heart.

Ten years ago, he just retired from the army and came here, so he participated in Lilith's transfer operation. He knew Lilith's feet very well.

It was just a pair of decorations that proved that this person once had legs, and it could even be said to be rotten meat hanging on the beautiful and demonic woman.

Unless God comes, there is no possibility of recovery for those legs.

"My dear neighbor, come in." Los said with a smile sitting behind the desk.

Taking a deep breath, Morsi gradually calmed down with a good psychological quality.

"Sorry, Master, I just lost my temper." Morsi said apologetically.

Los nodded: "Sit down, I've been waiting for you."

"Wait for me?" Morsi was stunned.

Los said: "For blood therapy, I need a professional helper, and I like you very much in this regard."

Morsi sat down, looked at Lilith who was smiling beside him, and moved the chair in the opposite direction of her with a vigilant look.

Then he organized his words and said seriously: "Master, I know a little about blood therapy. It is the primitive medicine of the last century, which is full of ignorance and stupidity. Blood therapy directly led to two plagues that swept across three continents. So far, it is still a taboo."

Loss: "With the current thinking and technology of human beings, it is indeed impossible to use blood therapy correctly."

"Strictly speaking, the blood therapy in my hands is far different from the blood therapy you know. The blood therapy you know is a random blood transfusion, which will naturally cause people to be infected with various animal diseases and cause large-scale plagues."

"You should also know that even human blood cannot be transfused casually, because only the same blood type can be transfused normally."

Dr. Mursi nodded Head: "Yes, blood is an important part of human beings."

Loss continued: "The method I use is not the original crude direct input. All blood must be specially processed to have sufficient specificity and fusion."

"The core principle of these blood entering people's bodies is not to remove viruses and pathogens in the traditional sense, but to improve our innate genetic defects and make us fundamentally perfect."

Hearing this, Murthy's eyes widened slightly: "Gene...innate defects?"

At this time, he thought of Tracy's radiant body and Kursi's extraordinary power. He felt a flash of a magnificent door in front of him, and behind the door was the new world he had always longed for.

"Does gene really contain strong growth potential?" Murthy murmured to himself.

In this era, the concept of gene has just been proposed for 20 years, and it has not been substantially popularized and applied.

Even among doctors, genes are the kind of mysterious and high-end things, and most doctors are ambiguous about this thing.

As for ordinary people, they are even more ignorant.

Murthy had done some simple research on this aspect. He recognized the existence of genes, but he didn't know how genes affected the human body.

Now, hearing Lose say those unfamiliar professional terms one after another, and even knowing so much about genes, he suddenly felt very incredible.

After all, Lose was only 24 years old, and he studied classical linguistics in college.

"Master, how do you know this knowledge?" Murthy couldn't figure it out, so he asked tentatively.

Lose smiled slightly and asked, "Murthy, do you believe that humans will awaken some special abilities?"

Murthy didn't believe it at first, but looked at Lilith beside him and nodded and said, "I believe it."

Loss explained truthfully, "That's much easier to explain. My brain mutated because of an accident. I opened up deep potential and liberated areas that ordinary people can't liberate."

What Lose said was not wrong. His brain did mutate and was cut off.

"Because of this reason, I have thinking ability and knowledge development ability far beyond that of normal people."

"Lilith's legs, her schizophrenia, Tracy's eyes, and Dr. Kurvin's hands, I cured them with this knowledge."

Hearing this, Murthy's eyes were gradually filled with shock: "God, it turns out that those conjectures and hypotheses are true."

In this era, the theory that only 10% of the brain is developed has been proposed for nearly 30 years. Although ordinary people don't know, these doctors have heard of it.

Some people believe it, while others sneer.

Lilith, who was standing aside, looked at Los who was talking eloquently, and thought to herself: "The master's ability to deceive people is not worse than mine. This Murthy has been completely trapped."

"As expected of my dear master, he is so excellent and outstanding in every aspect."

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