Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 25 The Beginning of Blood Therapy

Hearing these mysterious words and theories that subverted common sense, Morsi was shocked and at the same time, he became even more convinced of Los.

Facts speak louder than words. Los has cured three incurable people, and these three people are now in front of him. The two are his best friends. Such results make him unable to have any doubts.

Ross looked at Morsi, his smile deepened, and he continued: "Morsi! I hope that my blood therapy can benefit my people, so I need your help."

"The cults in the eight districts are eyeing me. I don't have the relevant equipment or the manpower I can trust."

"But I believe in you, I believe in your pursuit of science, and I believe in your ethics as a doctor!"

"Doctor Morsi! Let me join hands to benefit all mankind and reshape the new order of Arkham!"

Los’s series of inflammatory and passionate words gave Dr. Morsi no room to think.

Coupled with the fact that the real example was right in front of him, these words made Morsi's heart surge even more, and the fire in his heart that had been quiet for many years burned brightly.

So he stood up without any hesitation, stretched out his hand and beat his chest and said, "The great Mayor of Los Arkham! For Arkham!"

"For Arkham!" Ross stood up and followed him in the same gesture.

After agreeing, Morsi hurriedly said, eager for the knowledge beyond mortals: "Mayor, what can I do for you?"

Ross had everything ready and handed over two chapters of paper filled with text: "Here are the experimental equipment and related materials I need. I'll give you the money and you can help me purchase them."

Morsi looked at the dazzling array of medical equipment, nutrient solutions and blood on the paper, nodded and said, "No problem, I can handle it within three days."

"Then go, get everything ready, it's time for you to witness the miracle!" Los said sternly.

After this was over, Morsi hurriedly explained in detail what Paul had entrusted to him.

Los was very happy and satisfied after hearing this: "Morsi, I really did not misjudge the person. Your loyalty is as trustworthy as your medical skills."

"Go back and tell them that Lilith is a female patient who has awakened special abilities, but you don't know the details. In addition, you said that I seem to have made some moves recently and plan to attack their human trafficking site."

Morsi was shocked after hearing this: "Sir, you..."

"Don't worry, just say it with peace of mind. Leave everything to me after that." Lose replied confidently.

As a result, Morsi left with excitement and excitement.

"Your words are no less inflammatory than mine, my dear master." Lilith said with a smile.

"But do you really believe that he won't betray you? I think at least I gave him some psychological hints."

Los watched Morsi leave through the window and said: "Treat different people in different ways."

"I am very clear about his thirst for knowledge. After I lead him to witness that great technology, his loyalty and admiration for me will not be lower than that of those fanatical believers."

After hearing this, Lilith smiled and asked: "My dear master, how should I be treated?"

Ross: "Just the most direct way."

"Why?" Lilith blinked.

"Because you are my most trustworthy person, my perfect collection, and there is no need for other hiding and deliberate guidance."

Lilith's face burst into laughter when she heard this: "Ah! My great master, I really love you to death."

Meanwhile, in the house next door to Los.

After listening to Morsi's words, Paul looked a little surprised: "Special abilities, did Kurtin say anything about special abilities?"

"No, but it seems that he was ordered to keep silent."

After hearing this, Paul thought to himself: "In other words, the confidence to say those words to me today comes from this woman? Or does it mean that there are other forces behind him?"

"Humph, you want to attack our place? You really don't know the heights of the world. It's time for you to know what the real terror is."

He has no doubts about Morsi. They boast that they have grasped Morsi's pain points and have complete control over him.

Morsi sneered in his heart: "Using such rubbish to control me? Isn't your mind filled with shit?"

When Paul was about to leave, Morsi asked: "I recently need to renovate a batch of medical equipment and purchase some related experimental materials. Is there any problem with your channels?"

"Of course, no problem. In view of your help to us this time, I can give you a 30% discount on this purchase." Paul said with a smile.

A smile appeared on Morsi's lips: "It's a pleasure to cooperate."


The next morning, Los came to the city hall to meet with Daryl.

"Master, I have started to implement the rights of the committee with the eight committee members, but I used the ancient system and did not directly remove you, but temporarily deprived you of your rights." Daryl Hui reported.

Loss expressed his gratitude: "Our Arkham family has a hereditary title that can only be appointed or dismissed by Her Majesty the Queen. What is the current attitude of the members of the committee?"

"The Rhodes Chamber of Commerce in the central district, the Danny Gang in the business district, the Clark family in the wealthy district, the witch group in the Frank Mountain area, and the pirates in the river district and the east district have all shown very strong hostility towards you."

"These five forces are strong enough. They are eager to drive you out of office and elect a mayor of their own."

Loss smiled: "Great idea, what about the other three?"

"The representative of the North District, Dr. Shrewsbury, belongs to the Redemption Society. They are not interested in Arkham's politics. They care more about something I don't know."

"Dr. Armitage, the representative of the College District, is a friend of your father. He has always maintained a neutral attitude on this matter."

"And Gaspard in the South District of the Lowlands is a group of mercenaries. No matter who is in power, it will not affect their wallets."

"In other words, these three families are fence-sitters without much hostility."

Darryl nodded: "You can understand it this way, but these three districts are also three weak districts."

Just as the two were talking, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Then the clerk Janet hurried in and said: "Mayor, it's not good. A large-scale march suddenly broke out in the central area, saying that the inactive mayor should be removed."

"Okay, Janet, go have a cup of tea and take a break." Los said with a smile.

Daryl: "The Rhodes Chamber of Commerce seems to be unable to bear it."

Loss stood up: "You go and appease the people first, I have someone else to see today."

"Okay." Daryl nodded first, then asked curiously: "Mayor, who are you going to see?"

Loss adjusted his collar: "Elizabeth Clark."

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