"Your Majesty, the monster has been dealt with. We found this thing on the monster's body." Newt said, handing over a piece of light green clothing fragment.

This small piece of clothing seemed to be torn by something, and the trademark and number on it were already quite blurred.

Su Yi then called the relevant professionals over, and after a simple analysis and comparison, the criminal investigation officer said with certainty: "It can be confirmed that this is the clothes of the Second Corps. The number on it is specially supplied. General Pigu purchased it from Ryan Company."

Hearing this, everyone was suddenly shocked: "That is to say... some of the monsters that just attacked us were... soldiers of the Second Corps?"

Los said: "This is just an accidental situation. It is a bit too hasty to draw such a conclusion."

Everyone agreed with his pertinent statement and continued to investigate.

The subsequent investigation and sampling work throughout the afternoon was very smooth. Although there were several accidents in the middle, they were easily solved by the Arkham police and the Queen's guards.

At the same time, people found more soldiers' uniforms one after another. This time, no one did not believe that these monsters were soldiers.

As for these attacks, Los had already made preparations.

After all, except for the first grenade attack which was an accident, he arranged all the subsequent monster attacks, and he also handled the related clothes and subtle details.

At seven o'clock in the afternoon, it was almost dark in Innsmouth in late September.

The people who had gained a lot immediately took a car back to Arkham.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the Green Rose Bar in the commercial district.

Barn, dressed in casual clothes, sat casually in the corner drinking. At this time, he seemed to have drunk too much, his face was red, and his eyes were a little blurry.

At this time, a group of college students came in lively, which made the whole bar even more noisy.

This group of college students laughed and talked noisily, drinking, talking about the figures of school girls, and talking about who was more certain to chase, and they looked very ordinary.

After a while, one of the students said that he was drunk, and found a chair to sit down and lie down for a while, and happened to sit next to Barn.

This student was naturally Ford, who constantly provided intelligence to several forces.

Barn asked in detail about the various situations in Arkham and the strength of Los.

When he heard about Ford, he was shocked.

After the two talked for about ten minutes, Barn walked out of the bar in a daze.

But the moment he pushed open the door of the bar and stepped out, Barn suddenly found that he was not on the street outside the Green Rose Bar, but a dead and strange corridor.

This corridor is very long, at least 30 meters long. On the left side of the corridor is a pale white wall, which has experienced countless winds and rains. Barn can clearly see the blood that seems to have not been wiped off, the claw marks of human fingers, and various impact marks.

On the other side of the corridor are rows of dark red doors.

These doors have locks themselves, but they are still locked tightly with chains on the outside, as if there is a very terrifying existence hidden inside, and the owner here is afraid that they will run out.

"What is this place!?" Barn's eyes widened at this time, and his whole body was constantly tense.

This dead and strange place made him feel his hair stand on end, and he felt very uncomfortable, as if there was something hiding here that frightened him.

Woo woo woo...

At this moment, a low cry suddenly came from behind the door closest to him.

This sudden sound scared Barn so much that he almost punched it.

"Damn... Why did I suddenly come here?"

Thinking with great vigilance in his heart, he turned his head and saw that the door behind him was ajar at this time. He walked out of this door.

"Can't take risks, go back!" Barn didn't hesitate at this time, and rushed in at a speed comparable to that of a speeding car.

The next moment after passing through the door, Barn suddenly found himself standing outside the Green Rose Bar.

The noisy bar and the busy streets were completely opposite to the scene just now.

"What's going on?" Even the battle-hardened Barn was confused at this time.

"Hey! Get out of my way!" At this time, two drunks came out of the bar in a daze and pushed Barn who was standing at the door.

Barn turned his head and found that the door behind him was normal, and he didn't find any other problems.

"Just now... what happened? Was it my illusion? Or is this bar itself unusual?"

Barn was extremely alert at this time, and walked out of the bar along the street in deep thought.

Watching Barn leave, two well-dressed men and women were smoking.

One of them was naturally the doorman Hardy, and the other was naturally Sheena.

"Ms. Sheena, why did you let him go back just now? This might alert the enemy." Hardy asked puzzled.

Just now, he used his ability to send Barn to the fourth floor of Arkham Sanatorium, wanting him to feel despair and die there, but was stopped by Sheena.

Xina smiled at Barlow who had disappeared into the night and said, "It may be to alert the enemy, or more likely to lure the enemy out of its hole. After getting the relevant intelligence and this incident, he will definitely be more vigilant and may seek more help."

"Do you want to catch them all?" Hardy asked.

Xina pondered for a moment and said, "I am training a group of new people recently, a group of new people who specialize in handling these things in the dark night, and these people will need a whetstone."

"Got it!" Hardy understood.

With the emergence of various problems, Xina naturally understood the various problems that Arkham is facing now.

Although Arkham's cultural display department has not yet been officially established, Xina, who has been appointed, has begun to cultivate and train relevant personnel with Dr. Mursi, and has also begun to test the effects of this first batch of blood therapy.

Now there are only five people in the first batch. They were all ordinary office workers before, and they were disabled because of the chaos and accidents in Arkham.

Xina found them and gave them a new life and a new mission.

These people were considered middle-class with enough knowledge before, so it is very convenient for them to learn relevant administrative and cultural knowledge.

After all, Xina's part needs to be two-sided. Normal publicity and reception can be carried out during the day.

And at night, a more enthusiastic and distinctive "special" reception can be carried out.

And these insects this time are the first whetstone.

"Please keep an eye on them and raise them for a while. I need further training here."

"No problem."

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