Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 240 The first group of beneficiaries of blood therapy

East District, 656 Federal Street, First Divine Church.

This 200-year-old brick building is the only church in Arkham that has its own library and is also the largest church.

The former owner of this church was killed by the Dagon Cult and replaced by their people.

After the East District was cleansed, it became the government's public property.

The First Divine Church is not just a church, there is also a large courtyard behind the church.

The courtyard includes an ancient Gothic spire and an ancient three-story castle.

The former is a place for prayer and special worship, while the three-story castle is the library and the living room of the clergy.

And now, it has become the secret training base of Sina.

Five people live in the middle of the castle now, five poor people who were once abandoned by the whole world.

But now, under the grace of the great mayor, they have gained a new life and even a new form.

Under the bright light, Sion, 42 years old this year, took a syringe and just injected about 20 milliliters of gray-black strange liquid into his meridians.

As the liquid was injected, a large amount of gray-black could be seen gradually spreading along his blood vessels, and finally spreading to his whole body.

This state lasted for about ten minutes and then gradually dissipated.

After the tearing pain, Sean took a long breath and waved his fists twice. He clearly felt that he had become stronger.

The 42-year-old Sean was once a professional boxer. He was dismissed by the club for refusing to play a fake match in another competition.

However, he only knew how to box and had no other skills. In order to support his family, he started to fight in the dark field after being introduced by others.

Although his life was in danger, he also made a lot of money.

However, in another fight, in order to promote a new boxing champion, he became cannon fodder.

In order to highlight the strength and cruelty of the new boxing champion, he broke both hands and one foot, had a severe concussion, and one eye was blown out, completely blind.

And after paying so much, he only received less than 5,000 Rosa coins for injury medicine.

Unable to afford the consumption in the big city, the family returned to Arkham and relied on his wife to wash clothes for others to make ends meet.

Two years had passed since they had lived in such a muddle-headed way. When the family was almost in despair, a beautiful woman came to their door and gave them a brand new opportunity.

When he heard what he could get, Sean completely ignored the life-threatening danger and the horrible mutation.

Because he had nothing worth losing now.

Taking a deep breath, Sean took out a sharp dagger and cut his arm directly.

As the wound bloomed, a large amount of dark red blood flowed out.

However, this wound, which was enough to see the bone, healed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye in less than ten seconds, and finally recovered as before.

This was the ability Sean chose, super self-healing.

After experiencing countless pains, he had a paranoid fascination with super self-healing. When he saw this ability, he chose it without hesitation.

"This is amazing." Not only Sean was amazed, but also the other four companions around him.

Like Sean, these four people had just injected the corresponding blood.

According to the principle of blood therapy, each of them can only choose one special ability and one direction of special blood.

Now that they have undergone such transformation, their physical condition is not stable. In the next three days, they need to be injected with the corresponding blood three times a day to stabilize their body structure and further improve their abilities.

"Sean, does your family know about this?" The questioner is a woman with rare fiery red hair.

Her name is Larry, and she is the only woman among the five people this time.

Larry, 32 years old this year, is still single. She used to be a well-known veterinarian. Because of her very eye-catching red hair and good looks, she was followed by a group of hooligans when she went to the suburbs for diagnosis.

She once thought that she was the heroine in the story and could be rescued by passing heroes, but the reality is not a story.

She was insulted by six hooligans for four consecutive hours. In the end, they broke her limbs and threw her in the wilderness.

A kind farmer passing by saw her and sent her back to the city. However, because she missed the best treatment time, she can only be accompanied by a wheelchair for the rest of her life, and it is difficult for her to take care of herself, and she has lost her fertility.

She is luckier than Sean, because she only experienced such hell for half a year before she ushered in the dawn.

Unlike Sion, she seems to have a special talent that can accommodate the genes of several animals at the same time, so she has the ability to evolve related genes and can transform into three forms.

However, the price is that she needs to inject more blood and endure more tearing pain.

Sion shook his head: "I don't know yet. Ms. Sina said that we can meet our families only after we have mastered the power."

Larry said with a little envy: "It's great to have family members who care about me. I don't even have anyone to share this joy of rebirth with me."

"Then you are wrong, Larry." Another young man with golden hair and a thin face said.

Larry turned around and asked: "What's wrong? Jiying?"

The young man named Jiying said with a smile: "Your enemies can share the joy of this power with you! When we tear them apart and torture them to death, they will definitely feel our joy."

Hearing this, Larry's eyes suddenly burst into a look of extreme madness and resentment, and in an instant her palms turned directly into extremely sharp eagle claws: "You are right, Jiying, there are still enemies who can share this joy with me!"

While everyone was talking, they suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside the door.

Jiying closed his eyes and said: "It's Ms. Hina."

Hearing this, everyone hurriedly stood up with respectful faces.

If the source of giving them a new life and allowing them to reach heaven is the great mayor, then Ms. Hina is the guide who leads them to heaven.

The five of them also have indescribable gratitude and excitement for Hina.

After more than ten seconds, Hina walked in, looked at the status of the five people, and her pupils gradually became transparent, and then said: "Digestion is good, it seems that you can all reach the indicators specified by Morsi in three days."

The five people were very happy after hearing this, and their hearts were full of excitement.

Sheena continued, "Your opponents have been chosen. They are a group of outsiders with an average combat power of about level 25. They are looking for ways to destroy Arkham."

Hearing this, the five people immediately rubbed their hands and said, "Ms. Sheena, don't worry! We will never let the mayor and you down!"

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