Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 241: Strange Scream in the Morning

Although the arrival of the Queen has caused undercurrents in Arkham, it has also brought temporary superficial peace to Arkham.

At night, Arkham ushered in the most peaceful night in the past month.

On this night, let alone gunfights and killings, there was not even a fight.

Everyone seemed to have reached a tacit understanding and was very restrained.

In the quiet night, Dr. Laban sat in his study and looked down at the book in his hand.

Although there were no eyeballs behind the dark sunglasses, he could clearly see the contents of the book in his hand.

Time passed gradually in the quiet night, but for some reason, Dr. Laban, who was reading very calmly, suddenly had a very painful expression on his face.

Then his brain seemed to be attacked by an unknown existence, and he held his head with both hands, and a strange "ho ho ho" sound came out of his mouth.

This state lasted for almost ten minutes, and finally his body twitched and he fainted completely.

And the books on his desk turned automatically as if they had life, and finally closed.

The complex and awkward content flowed through the pages like flowing water, and finally everything returned to calm. Only the cover of the book was written with a crooked and weird name "The Great Yellow King".


The next morning, Los and Lilith did not get the breakfast prepared by Carrington.

Because yesterday afternoon, Carrington had already set off for Dunwich with Charles.

The two still came to the Bee Restaurant and ordered a large breakfast full of sugar and calories.

While eating, Lilith briefly reported to Los about the ability of the wolf head mask.

"According to our evaluation, this wolf head mask is already our new containment. According to the data card written by Dr. Pochi, its number is 52001, and its name is called the Tainted Oath according to Charlemagne's suggestion."

Loss stuffed a large waffle into his mouth, then took a big bite of chocolate ice cream and asked: "Has Pochi completed the data system for the containment?"

Lilith nodded: "Yes, Dr. Pochi is very keen on doing such things. We have reorganized and formatted the data of the guilty people, and the first chapter of the comprehensive data card of our shelter has been completed."

"Well done!" Los was very happy after hearing this, and then said: "Let's continue with the Tainted Oath."

Lilith: "We are not destructive to the overall ability of the Tainted Oath, it itself has no There is some activity, but if it attaches to the human body and is carried by humans, it will cause great pollution to the host and will stuff a lot of crazy and indescribable things into its will. "

"But rather than being stuffed, it is more like establishing a link with some terrifying existence spirit."

After listening, Los groaned and said: "This is within my expectations. After all, the previous wolf blood oath is to link the entire abyss army together to fight against the corruption of King Wuyang."

Lilith explained: "In terms of ability, it can allow ordinary people to gain great power, and the overall power is equivalent to level 25, but the price is that it will be completely polluted and turned into a huge monster, just like the previous host."

"Did you investigate the previous person?" Los asked when mentioning the previous host.

Lilith: "He is a suburban farmer. There is nothing abnormal in his life and no special bloodline. It is not known why he got this mask. Although the whole head is severely damaged, it is more strange that he did not die. "

"Not dead?" Hearing this, Los was a little surprised.

The guy's head was cut in half vertically, and it was impossible for an ordinary person to survive.

Lilith nodded: "After taking off the mask for a night, he turned back into an ordinary person. Kulven found that he was still breathing, his heartbeat, his blood was flowing normally, and he even had some consciousness fluctuations."

"But the weird thing is that he seems to be trapped in a dream that he can't wake up from."

"Why do you think so?"

"Because his body has been reacting, as if struggling, and then suddenly stiffened, as if dead, motionless, and even his heart stopped beating."

"Then after an hour, he recovered all his vital signs, and then performed a special rhythm, and then after an irregular period of time, he struggled again, stiffened again and died."

"According to our analysis, he seems to be repeating a nightmare, in which he is constantly dying, and then resurrecting, over and over again."

Los ate all the ice cream in one bite and fell into deep thought.

After a moment, he looked up and said, "Anything else?"

"And now it seems that the mask is keeping this man alive. When we checked his body, we found a special pattern on his back."

"This pattern is composed of four lines, and you can vaguely see a wolf's head. Every time he roars in a nightmare, this pattern will emit a special light, and then after the light stops flashing, he will recover his life characteristics."

Los smiled and reached out to touch Lilith's soft angular face and said, "Well done, it's worthy of being my most perfect collection!"

Hearing this, Lilith's face suddenly blushed, and she showed a little shyness on her face, and whispered, "I am very happy to receive your praise."

Loss wiped his mouth and stood up: "In the next four days, I need to accompany the Queen to conduct a comprehensive investigation of Innsmouth. Arkham will be handed over to you."


Then, the two walked out of the restaurant side by side. Just as they walked out, they suddenly heard a roar with full confidence.

I love you!

I love you!

I love you!

I love you!


The ten roars in a row stunned the pedestrians on the street.

"Whose stupid son is this? Is he so unrestrained so early in the morning?" The pedestrians whispered to each other.

"It may also be a madman who ran away from Arkham Sanatorium."

"That's impossible. Since the great mayor took office, Arkham Sanatorium is almost the calmest place in the whole city."

"That's right... It may also be some hungry and thirsty little guy!"

Listening to the discussion of the crowd, Los couldn't help laughing out loud.

Lilith looked over curiously, but didn't ask any questions.

As a perfect collection, it's not good to ask questions casually.

Ross then told her about what happened yesterday.

Lilith blinked her deep and bright eyes and asked incredulously: "Did he really believe it?"

"The sense of shame of human beings is overestimated. When there is enough benefit, eating shit in front of others is easy. This is nothing."

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