The strange screams in the early morning did not disrupt people's rhythm of life, and people still started a new day of work.

Although eight o'clock in the morning is relatively early for ordinary office workers, it is a blessing to be able to work at eight o'clock compared to the post office.

Recently, due to the arrival of the Queen, the flow of people in Arkham has greatly increased, and the post office business has increased by 160%.

Not only various packages, but also a large number of letters.

Reporting safety to family members, relevant replies recorded by reporters, and many special contacts, etc.

Recently, the Arkham Post Office has started working at five o'clock every morning, sorting, bagging, and then delivering before seven o'clock.

Because many people are likely to be away from home after seven o'clock.

In this era when telephones cannot cross cities, the importance of the post office is unquestionable.

Previously, the Arkham Post Office was considered a part of the Imperial Postal System. About ten years ago, it was separated from the private contract for some reasons and became the business of Rhodes Company.

Rhodes Company naturally attaches great importance to this very important business, so the investment in the post office is still good.

After Los recruited the post office, he put almost one-third of them in jail, and let an old postman, his father's good friend: Eli Whickett, serve as the new director.

This 48-year-old postman has served in Arkham's postal system for 28 years and is now the most experienced member of the entire postal system.

His hard work, dark skin and hearty smile have almost become a landscape in the morning of Arkham City.

For his appointment, the underground people naturally obeyed, but the middle-level staff and those close to the director were not happy.

For these problems, Los did not intervene too much, because he still had sufficient information about this person.

And the truth is that Eli Whickett did not live up to Los's promotion.

After taking office, it took only five days to reshape the entire post office system, and then it took half a month to carry out a major change, which increased the overall work efficiency of the post office by at least 40%.

There are now 120 staff members in the Arkham Post Office, 60 of whom are responsible for the relevant sorting and transportation logistics, and the other 60 are responsible for the distribution and collection of the entire urban area and related villages.

"Director, the staff is a bit out of order. Recently, the staff get up at 4:30 every morning and go home at 9 o'clock in the evening. Some of them can't stand it." Manager Josie, who is in charge of the delivery business, looked embarrassed.

Sitting behind the desk, Eli Whickett is a middle-aged man with a height of 1.8 meters and a lean body.

His skin is tanned by the sun and the rough skin and wrinkles on his face are full of traces of wind and rain. The palm of his big hand holding the pen is a layer of dry, hard and heavy calluses.

Hearing what Manager Josie said, Whicket said seriously: "Hold on for another four days. When the queen leaves, our pressure will be much less. In addition, everyone's commission will be increased by 15%."

Hearing this, Josie, who had just looked embarrassed, was immediately shocked: "This... our budget..."

Whitney showed his signature hearty smile and said: "Don't worry, go."

"Yes!" Josie, who had just come in with a droopy head, walked out excitedly.

With the director's approval, he can at least give an explanation to this group of ground staff.

As long as the money is in place, everything will be fine!

When he walked out, Josie could even imagine the staff's face-changing performance.

After sending Manager Josie away, Whicket exhaled, took out a very simple pocket watch and looked down.

The outside of this pocket watch is made of brass, with complex carvings on it, and it looks full of traces of time.

Opening the pocket watch casually, you can see a very special symbol on the inside of the cover.

The most important thing is that the hands of this pocket watch have stopped moving, and it seems that it has been broken for a long time.

But when Whicket looked down this time, he unexpectedly found that the hands that had not responded for seven years were moving slowly.

Then the hour hand, minute hand, and second hand finally gathered together and pointed to the northwest.

This looked more like a compass than a pocket watch.

Seeing this scene, Whicket's eyes flashed a dark gray light, and then he slowly stood up: "Who is blaspheming the great King in Yellow?"


"Are you sure?" In the South District of the Lowlands, which is now the church district, on a street bench, Barn was meeting with another artist with a ponytail and a big beard, who looked like an artist.

The two people were feeding the pigeons in the square with grains with their backs to each other.

Barn nodded and asked, "What's going on?"

The artist whispered, "According to the information I got, the Father God Redemption Society seems to have released a monster some time ago, which seems to have the ability to connect doors in different spaces."

"Father God Redemption Society? What are they doing here?" Hearing this, Barn's face darkened.

As the dark claw of the military, he is very familiar with the situation of the entire superhuman world.

The guys in the Father God Redemption Society are considered enemies of the military in terms of their position.

After all, both sides need the support of the upper nobles of the empire.

The artist said casually: "I don't know, but what is certain is that they killed a lot of police officers and angered Los Arkham."

"Then what?" Barn asked.

The artist tilted his head slightly and said with a half-smile, "No more."

"What does it mean to be unlucky..."

Before he could finish speaking, Barn suddenly thought of something and his face turned extremely ugly.

"How is this possible? How long has it been? How could this place be so out of control?"

The artist said calmly: "It is very likely that there is a god behind Los Arkham."

"God!?" When he heard this word, Baan almost lost his temper and stood up.

Although this is an era of technology, he knows very well after having been in this circle for many years that gods do exist in this world.

It's just that these gods are somewhat different from the omniscient and omnipotent gods in mythology.

Although different, compared to gods, humans are still insects that can be easily crushed.

"How is this possible? Doesn't it mean that...this world is no longer suitable for the activities of gods?" Barlow said in a low voice.

It seemed that he was afraid that the pigeons around him would hear the news.

The artist said: "It's really not suitable. The god just disappeared in a flash."

"Did you see it!?" Barn asked in a low voice.

The artist expressed his gratitude: "When I saw him... no, it should be Him. The moment I saw Him, I was thinking, if there really is a god in this world, it must be like this."

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